"Done?" Ask Maggie confuse.

"Yes, i create a command on my phone to publish the video in case i was not home at the time. It seems i was right."

"Well, aren't you smart."

"You know, that would ring better if it was not said with a voice that sarcastic."

"And running the risk of turning you into an insufferable prick? Not on my watch." She said in a righteous tone.

"You just enjoy bullying me, admit it." He said in a wrong tone.

The only answer he got was a ominous chuckle before she hanged up. He looked at his phone for a few seconds before he got a laugh too. Maggie was a handful but he knew he was lucky to have her given her amazing credential. She was a little snarky but that was not something that bother him, especially when he knew that she appreciate him.

Putting the matter aside, he resume his run. He decide to not look at his youtube or twitter for the next few hours and focus on his physical exercise. If people were to see him exercise on the beach, they would feel tired just looking at him. Lately, he was focusing on agility type of exercise since he saw a documentary on Parkour and Freerunning. After watching a few video of people doing parkour, he got immediately hyped and start running around performing stunt and getting curse by passerby which made him laugh. Doing it he had a sense of liberty that was exhilarating.

Nathaniel did not tell anyone that he was starting parkour of course. He remember how hard he had to convince his mothers when they learned that he was learning self-defense. He had to promise them that he would not engage in the military or become a cop before they finally agreed. After they had almost lost him, all of them were extremely protective of him, even his grandfather was. The only difference was he was hiding it better.

Returning home, he hoped in the heated pool were he start swimming to relax his muscle. Parkour was extremely hard and he would need to reinforce his joint to perform as well as he wanted. An hour later, after a very warm shower he was finally dressed. Once leaving the pool, he was walking in the house with a simple short when he realise that his grandmother was having tea with a few friends over.

Nathaniel did not want to get caught up in a conversation as he had lot of things to do but he could not be impolite either. So he went to the living room, kissing his grandma cheek hello, he then perform a flourishing bow to the three other lady in the room which made them giggled. Exiting the room, he could hear the lady whispering among themselves, the thing that made him laugh was when he heard someone saying 'if only i was forty years younger'.

Turning on his laptop, he finally log on his twitter account and literally froze upon seeing the number of notification display on the screen. Thinking that it was a bug, he quickly actualise the page but nothing change. His number of notification on his account was blocked at "99+" on both his mentions and messages. That was not even that that surprised him the most but the number of follower that was display on the screen. 281 458 people had followed his twitter account in the last three hours and the number of people just keep increasing. Just with a quick update on the page and his number increased with four thousand more, that was incredible. He congratulated himself to have disable the notification or his phone would have crash under the flow of so many alert.

His first and only post says:

'Hello, i'm Nathaniel and i'm from NY. This is my first song that i made with a friend, i hope you will like it!' follow by the link Youtube. It was not a very well made message but it had currently six thousands comment on it! That was crazy! Curious to how the situation escalate that quickly, he start sorting through the comments and follow until he had a picture of what had happen. The Lyndon Label twitter account had RT him, follow closely by the label of Taylor and finally Taylor herself.

She had even comment on his first tweet where she was pouting that he did not follow her which made him laugh. Rectifying his mistakes, he hastened to follow her back as well as following his label account and hers too. Looking more attentively at the comment and mention he was constantly getting, the question that was coming back were how old he was, if he was single and the most "Are you Taylor boyfriend?' which made him smile bitterly. He understood the hype around a famous artist like Taylor but there was so many other topics much more important than that. Human nature could not resist to the concept of gossip it seems.

Looking on the side of the screen he could see the word "Nathaniel Lyndon" and "Will to Love" were trending on twitter with more than one hundred thousand mention each. He knew that his song was good but he did not expect that it was going to resonate with so many people across the country. He could read so many emotional message of people deeply touched by his song that his start tearing up. So many emotions were raging inside of him that he could not do anything except crying to ease them.

Calming himself and drying his tear, he open a new window to look at his Youtube account. His video was currently number 4 on the trending list with 3 millions vues, his account having eight hundred subscriber already! They were staggering numbers! Looking threw the description of his video, he remarked that something important was missing.

'Time to make my second tweet it seems.' He thought with humor.

'Hi guys! Thank you for your immense support, this is very motivating! Just wanted you to know that you can buy the song on Itunes or in store. All the money made from the sales will be donated to a foundation who help our retired veteran getting back to civilian life!' Nathaniel finally tweet adding the tag of the foundation and the link to buy the song.

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