Immaculate Spirit
Chapter 35
Jolting herself awake, she immediately take the phone on her desk. Pressing a button on the phone, the line got through instantly.
"Prosecutor Lyndon on the phone. I initiate a complete lockdown on the thirteenth floor.We have a possible leak, i want every elevator in the building shutdown and NYPD officer at every exit."
"Will do Prosecutor Lyndon. Lockdown initiated. Hang in there Prosecutor, Officer will be on your floor in five minutes." The man on the other side said before the line went dead.
"Phone, fax and internet is shutdown on the entire floor." Karine said before taking her personal phone from her purse and dialing someone.
"Mattews." Said a gruff voice on the other side.
"Robert, it's Prosecutor Lyndon on the line."
"Hi Karine, what's going on?"
"The banking record present in my office on the Droski case have been tampered with. It's safe to say that the other file must have been as well."
"Fuck! Any idea on who did it?" He said sounding angry.
"No, i initiate complete lockdown on the entire floor in the DA office. I want you to take out of duty every cop who had access to the Droski files and start interrogating them.
"I'm on it. I'm sending you agents on your office right away too. If he have someone on the inside, he could have many more. I will be more at ease with a couple of my agents guarding your six."
"Thanks Robert, i need to get going. Take care."
"You too Karine." He said before cutting off the communication.
"Who was that?" Ask Nathaniel curious.
"Robert Mattews, old friend of mine from my university days. He was a lawyer until he had a change of heart. He is now working in internal affair where he is a team leader. Trust me, he is like a dog with a bone and i just threw a huge bone in front of him. I'm starting to feel bad for all the cop who would be in his claws in fact." She said with a dark chuckle.
Nathaniel was going to ask something else when people start cursing outside of his mom office. Arching an eyebrow at his mom, she nodded and exit her office follow closely by him. Assistant and paralegal people were trying to found out why nothing work anymore while other prosecutor were cursing loudly at their people. Climbing on a chair near her door, his mom whistle loudly, gathering the attention of everyone present.
"I just initiate a complete lockdown for a possible leak in the department. I ask to everyone to save their work and turn their personal phone off. You know the drill people. NYPD officer and Internal affair agents are coming as we speak. Cooperate and everything will be fine, let's try to minimize every unpleasant thing that could come our way. I invited every prosecutor to a meeting in my office right now. Thanks guys."
Her speech finished and once making sure that her order was respected, she got back to her office follow closely by her son. Sitting behind her desk, Nathaniel move away his chair to rest beside hers. Looking at her, he could not help to smile proudly.
"I almost forgot how badass you are mom." He said, kissing her cheek.
"That's right, your mother is amazing sweetie. Never forget it." She said with a beautiful smile who disappear a few moments before several people start entering her office.
At the end 6 people enter her office, five men and one woman. Their age range was thirty to fifty-five years old. Everyone of them wore serious expression on their face as they knew the situation was dire. they were surprised to find a men near Karine and start looking critically at him. She was notoriously distant with the man who she was working with, even more with people outside of the service and yet here she was with a man that none of them have seen before.
"John, close the door please."
The man who was the closest to the door, hurriedly closed it. He was around forty years old with black hair and was 5"7 in height. He had an ordinary face and was a little overweight but seem to belong to the kind type.
"Who is that and why he is here, Lyndon?" Ask the older one with a harsh voice.
"That's my son Bill so mind your tone." She said in a chilling voice.
"My name is William so stop calling me Bill. He need to leave this room." He demand.
"Nope, i'm not going anywhere. Do you know it's impolite to talk about me like i'm not even here?" Nathaniel finally talk.
"I don't fucking care. You need to leave right now, you do not have the credentials to be here."
"Not going to happen, we have potentially someone in this service working with a russian mob lord. I'm staying with my mother until we leave the building." He said simply looking at the man eyes without flinching.
"What is he talking about?" Ask the female Prosecutor in the room, getting the conversation back on track.
"I found out that all the banking information on the Droski case was tempered with. My other evidence must have been too. Only someone from the service or from NYPD could have done it. This is serious guys. I would not have enact lockdown without a very good reason." Said Karine, glad that someone had his priority straight.
"Are you sure?" ask John with concern. Realising the problem, everyone of them turn grim even Bob drop the issue with Nathaniel. A problem like that could involve everyone of their case and cancel several of their trials.
"Yes, i have very concluent evidence. I summoned you to my office to warn you. You guys need to secure your files before IA come into the building. Moreover, you need to double check every evidence that you have once the lockdown is lift. I believe this was a one time thing but we need to make sure of it. I know that you have a lot of work to do, i do not hold you back much longer." Karine said, with a last nod to them.
One by one they start making their way back to their office and briefing their team. They had stop cursing and were back to working efficiently. At that moment, a man appear on the doorway. He was twenty five years old with green eyes and short brown hair. He was quite handsome too.
"Everything is good here?" He ask.
"Yes Ethan, keep working. We need everything ready to IA when they arrived in the next minutes."
"Got it boss." He answer with a smile before leaving.
Karine did not appear affected by that man and start securing the file in her computer. Nathaniel at contrary was. The man to anyone else look relaxed but to Nathaniel he was not. His eyes were agitated and troubled and his legs were trembling like he was under some huge tensions. There was also sweat that was glistening on his neck. That was sign he had succeeded to hide from everyone but Nathaniel saw through it immediately. There was other suspicious thing about him too.
"Who was that mom?"
"It's my assistant, Ethan." She answer absentmindedly while looking at her computer.
"Do you know how much he make a year?"
"Someone like Ethan? Taking into consideration that he graduated from a small community college and he don't have much experience, i would say 75 thousand dollar a year, 80 with overtime. Why?" Karine said with a raised eyebrow, forgetting the screen of her computer.
"He wear three thousand dollar shoes and a brand new two thousand dollar watch." Said Nathaniel. After going through countless of shop with his grandmother, he was pretty certain of the item that Ethan wore. He could even name the brand of every item of clothing on his person.
"Maybe he win some money recently?" She said, not wanting to think about her assistant for the last two years, betraying her.
"Mom, since when do you believe in coincidence?" He ask, patting her shoulder. He could easily guessed what she was thinking.
"Since never sweetie." She sighed, her shoulder slumping a little. Anybody never seen her so fragile that she was in that moment and they would likely never will. At that moment, someone knocked on her door.
Two middle aged men enter in her office. They were around 6" and built like people who live in the gym. They wore impassive expression and give off dangerous vibes. Looking at them, Nathaniel could not help but to nod his head. These guys were ex military, that much was obvious to him
"Prosecutor Lyndon, agent Homes and Bry. Internal affairs, Director Mattews send us." The older of the two said with a deadpan voice while both of them take out their badge.
"Badge on the desk gentleman" Said Karine with a wave of her hand. Almost like they expected it, both of them did so without saying anything. Looking with attention at both badges, she finally nod and give them back. With people getting by more and more often with fake badges, she was very adamant to check credentials of everyone she met, things that she passed to her wife and son.
"All exit are cover ma'am. We are going to start interrogating people, de you have someone of interest in mind?"
Looking at her son, she made her decision.
"Yes. My assistant Ethan lym. He seem to have made some money recently considering that he wore expensive shoes and watch; I would forward you his file." She sighed.
"Thanks ma'am, we are going to start grilling him right away." He said before getting his phone and looking to file on it. Finding the file of her assistant and his picture, both of them exit the office without another word.
Three hours later in an office above a russian restaurant, two people were meeting in the office. One of them was around 5"8 with brown hair and was thirty years old. The second who seem to be the boss was past fifty years old with grey hard and an impressive musculature. He had blue eyes with a mouth always twisted in disdain. There was a very malvoyant gleam in his eyes when he was talking which was scaring people off.
"That fucking bitch!" He yell, punching his desk who creaked on impact.
"Are you sure that she find our mole?"
"Yes my guys in NYPD confirmed it. Her assistant was arrested thirty minutes ago." The man named Igor respond.
He was the lieutenant of Piotr Droski for the last three years. after he had killed the previous lieutenant. Igor was a smart, devious and ruthless guy who stop at nothing to get what he wanted. He was also very well connected with people in every department of the city that he could bribe or threaten into compliance.
"She is a fucking pain in the ass! Do you have any idea how much money she is currently costing us?" He scream
Since the investigation had started, she was constantly putting pressure on them and thus they had to reduce their activity to a frightening degree.
"Yes i do sir, i have the number of the last week if you want." He say, taking a file from his bag and posing them on the desk.
"Do you have the information i requested?" Piotr glowered at him.
"Yes sir. Her parents have died ten years ago and the rest of her extended family live in France. She is married to Mary Lyndon, the daughter of the giant of the music Robert Lyndon. The two have a son who exited the hospital not too long ago after four years of coma. According to my investigation she's not closed to anyone in work. Her family mean anything to her." Igor say looking at his files.
"She have a son?" He said, suddenly more calm.
"Yes, named Nathaniel and sixteen years old. He still hasn't come back to school so i assume he's still in rehabilitation. You don't get out of long time coma without physical problem."
"Do you know where they live?" Piotr ask sitting back down, his finger drumming on the desk.
"Yes, my guys finally got it."
"Get a team together. We are going to take care of that problem once and for all." He said with a cruel smile.
"Sir, we talked about this. We can't kill her. If we do, we would not survive this." He said tentatively.
"I know that! This is not what i'm talking about. Her son is her weakness. Have our men hit their home tonight and get me that kid. Once we are going to cut a few fingers, she will be much more agreeable with us. Moreover, since they are from a rich background, we are going to get back the money that she made us lose." He said gloating.
"They would not hand the kid easily. What are our order for the two womens?"
"Assemble a team of 7 of our best man. If they resist, beat them up but nothing life threatening. I don't believe that a sick kid would be a problem." He finished.
Nodding his head, Igor start to leave, thinking that 7 men was way much more that what he needed to accomplished his mission.
If only they knew.
"Prosecutor Lyndon on the phone. I initiate a complete lockdown on the thirteenth floor.We have a possible leak, i want every elevator in the building shutdown and NYPD officer at every exit."
"Will do Prosecutor Lyndon. Lockdown initiated. Hang in there Prosecutor, Officer will be on your floor in five minutes." The man on the other side said before the line went dead.
"Phone, fax and internet is shutdown on the entire floor." Karine said before taking her personal phone from her purse and dialing someone.
"Mattews." Said a gruff voice on the other side.
"Robert, it's Prosecutor Lyndon on the line."
"Hi Karine, what's going on?"
"The banking record present in my office on the Droski case have been tampered with. It's safe to say that the other file must have been as well."
"Fuck! Any idea on who did it?" He said sounding angry.
"No, i initiate complete lockdown on the entire floor in the DA office. I want you to take out of duty every cop who had access to the Droski files and start interrogating them.
"I'm on it. I'm sending you agents on your office right away too. If he have someone on the inside, he could have many more. I will be more at ease with a couple of my agents guarding your six."
"Thanks Robert, i need to get going. Take care."
"You too Karine." He said before cutting off the communication.
"Who was that?" Ask Nathaniel curious.
"Robert Mattews, old friend of mine from my university days. He was a lawyer until he had a change of heart. He is now working in internal affair where he is a team leader. Trust me, he is like a dog with a bone and i just threw a huge bone in front of him. I'm starting to feel bad for all the cop who would be in his claws in fact." She said with a dark chuckle.
Nathaniel was going to ask something else when people start cursing outside of his mom office. Arching an eyebrow at his mom, she nodded and exit her office follow closely by him. Assistant and paralegal people were trying to found out why nothing work anymore while other prosecutor were cursing loudly at their people. Climbing on a chair near her door, his mom whistle loudly, gathering the attention of everyone present.
"I just initiate a complete lockdown for a possible leak in the department. I ask to everyone to save their work and turn their personal phone off. You know the drill people. NYPD officer and Internal affair agents are coming as we speak. Cooperate and everything will be fine, let's try to minimize every unpleasant thing that could come our way. I invited every prosecutor to a meeting in my office right now. Thanks guys."
Her speech finished and once making sure that her order was respected, she got back to her office follow closely by her son. Sitting behind her desk, Nathaniel move away his chair to rest beside hers. Looking at her, he could not help to smile proudly.
"I almost forgot how badass you are mom." He said, kissing her cheek.
"That's right, your mother is amazing sweetie. Never forget it." She said with a beautiful smile who disappear a few moments before several people start entering her office.
At the end 6 people enter her office, five men and one woman. Their age range was thirty to fifty-five years old. Everyone of them wore serious expression on their face as they knew the situation was dire. they were surprised to find a men near Karine and start looking critically at him. She was notoriously distant with the man who she was working with, even more with people outside of the service and yet here she was with a man that none of them have seen before.
"John, close the door please."
The man who was the closest to the door, hurriedly closed it. He was around forty years old with black hair and was 5"7 in height. He had an ordinary face and was a little overweight but seem to belong to the kind type.
"Who is that and why he is here, Lyndon?" Ask the older one with a harsh voice.
"That's my son Bill so mind your tone." She said in a chilling voice.
"My name is William so stop calling me Bill. He need to leave this room." He demand.
"Nope, i'm not going anywhere. Do you know it's impolite to talk about me like i'm not even here?" Nathaniel finally talk.
"I don't fucking care. You need to leave right now, you do not have the credentials to be here."
"Not going to happen, we have potentially someone in this service working with a russian mob lord. I'm staying with my mother until we leave the building." He said simply looking at the man eyes without flinching.
"What is he talking about?" Ask the female Prosecutor in the room, getting the conversation back on track.
"I found out that all the banking information on the Droski case was tempered with. My other evidence must have been too. Only someone from the service or from NYPD could have done it. This is serious guys. I would not have enact lockdown without a very good reason." Said Karine, glad that someone had his priority straight.
"Are you sure?" ask John with concern. Realising the problem, everyone of them turn grim even Bob drop the issue with Nathaniel. A problem like that could involve everyone of their case and cancel several of their trials.
"Yes, i have very concluent evidence. I summoned you to my office to warn you. You guys need to secure your files before IA come into the building. Moreover, you need to double check every evidence that you have once the lockdown is lift. I believe this was a one time thing but we need to make sure of it. I know that you have a lot of work to do, i do not hold you back much longer." Karine said, with a last nod to them.
One by one they start making their way back to their office and briefing their team. They had stop cursing and were back to working efficiently. At that moment, a man appear on the doorway. He was twenty five years old with green eyes and short brown hair. He was quite handsome too.
"Everything is good here?" He ask.
"Yes Ethan, keep working. We need everything ready to IA when they arrived in the next minutes."
"Got it boss." He answer with a smile before leaving.
Karine did not appear affected by that man and start securing the file in her computer. Nathaniel at contrary was. The man to anyone else look relaxed but to Nathaniel he was not. His eyes were agitated and troubled and his legs were trembling like he was under some huge tensions. There was also sweat that was glistening on his neck. That was sign he had succeeded to hide from everyone but Nathaniel saw through it immediately. There was other suspicious thing about him too.
"Who was that mom?"
"It's my assistant, Ethan." She answer absentmindedly while looking at her computer.
"Do you know how much he make a year?"
"Someone like Ethan? Taking into consideration that he graduated from a small community college and he don't have much experience, i would say 75 thousand dollar a year, 80 with overtime. Why?" Karine said with a raised eyebrow, forgetting the screen of her computer.
"He wear three thousand dollar shoes and a brand new two thousand dollar watch." Said Nathaniel. After going through countless of shop with his grandmother, he was pretty certain of the item that Ethan wore. He could even name the brand of every item of clothing on his person.
"Maybe he win some money recently?" She said, not wanting to think about her assistant for the last two years, betraying her.
"Mom, since when do you believe in coincidence?" He ask, patting her shoulder. He could easily guessed what she was thinking.
"Since never sweetie." She sighed, her shoulder slumping a little. Anybody never seen her so fragile that she was in that moment and they would likely never will. At that moment, someone knocked on her door.
Two middle aged men enter in her office. They were around 6" and built like people who live in the gym. They wore impassive expression and give off dangerous vibes. Looking at them, Nathaniel could not help but to nod his head. These guys were ex military, that much was obvious to him
"Prosecutor Lyndon, agent Homes and Bry. Internal affairs, Director Mattews send us." The older of the two said with a deadpan voice while both of them take out their badge.
"Badge on the desk gentleman" Said Karine with a wave of her hand. Almost like they expected it, both of them did so without saying anything. Looking with attention at both badges, she finally nod and give them back. With people getting by more and more often with fake badges, she was very adamant to check credentials of everyone she met, things that she passed to her wife and son.
"All exit are cover ma'am. We are going to start interrogating people, de you have someone of interest in mind?"
Looking at her son, she made her decision.
"Yes. My assistant Ethan lym. He seem to have made some money recently considering that he wore expensive shoes and watch; I would forward you his file." She sighed.
"Thanks ma'am, we are going to start grilling him right away." He said before getting his phone and looking to file on it. Finding the file of her assistant and his picture, both of them exit the office without another word.
Three hours later in an office above a russian restaurant, two people were meeting in the office. One of them was around 5"8 with brown hair and was thirty years old. The second who seem to be the boss was past fifty years old with grey hard and an impressive musculature. He had blue eyes with a mouth always twisted in disdain. There was a very malvoyant gleam in his eyes when he was talking which was scaring people off.
"That fucking bitch!" He yell, punching his desk who creaked on impact.
"Are you sure that she find our mole?"
"Yes my guys in NYPD confirmed it. Her assistant was arrested thirty minutes ago." The man named Igor respond.
He was the lieutenant of Piotr Droski for the last three years. after he had killed the previous lieutenant. Igor was a smart, devious and ruthless guy who stop at nothing to get what he wanted. He was also very well connected with people in every department of the city that he could bribe or threaten into compliance.
"She is a fucking pain in the ass! Do you have any idea how much money she is currently costing us?" He scream
Since the investigation had started, she was constantly putting pressure on them and thus they had to reduce their activity to a frightening degree.
"Yes i do sir, i have the number of the last week if you want." He say, taking a file from his bag and posing them on the desk.
"Do you have the information i requested?" Piotr glowered at him.
"Yes sir. Her parents have died ten years ago and the rest of her extended family live in France. She is married to Mary Lyndon, the daughter of the giant of the music Robert Lyndon. The two have a son who exited the hospital not too long ago after four years of coma. According to my investigation she's not closed to anyone in work. Her family mean anything to her." Igor say looking at his files.
"She have a son?" He said, suddenly more calm.
"Yes, named Nathaniel and sixteen years old. He still hasn't come back to school so i assume he's still in rehabilitation. You don't get out of long time coma without physical problem."
"Do you know where they live?" Piotr ask sitting back down, his finger drumming on the desk.
"Yes, my guys finally got it."
"Get a team together. We are going to take care of that problem once and for all." He said with a cruel smile.
"Sir, we talked about this. We can't kill her. If we do, we would not survive this." He said tentatively.
"I know that! This is not what i'm talking about. Her son is her weakness. Have our men hit their home tonight and get me that kid. Once we are going to cut a few fingers, she will be much more agreeable with us. Moreover, since they are from a rich background, we are going to get back the money that she made us lose." He said gloating.
"They would not hand the kid easily. What are our order for the two womens?"
"Assemble a team of 7 of our best man. If they resist, beat them up but nothing life threatening. I don't believe that a sick kid would be a problem." He finished.
Nodding his head, Igor start to leave, thinking that 7 men was way much more that what he needed to accomplished his mission.
If only they knew.
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