Manhattan, New York, 22:14.

After dinner, the mood was much more relaxed. Robert and Diane were busy talking to each other quietly while Nathaniel was being rebuked by his mother.

"That backflip was really necessary sweetie, i mean, really?" Karine said exasperated.

"Believe me mom, that was the safest and coolest way to approach them." Nathaniel said with a laugh.

"Do i want to know?" Ask Mary, her eyes furrowed.

"Believe me love, you don't" Answer karine, kissing her. "And for you young man, i don't want to see you around my office for the next six month! And no more email too. The information was really helpful but i don't want my son to become a vigilante." She said sternly.

"Mom, do you remember the story that you told me when i was ten?" He said with a bitter smile.

"What story?" She ask, her interest picked.

"'First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.'

You always told me that the only chance for evil to win is if the good people do nothing. I don't want to see evil winning."

"I hate it when you use my own word against me." She said bitter.

"I know that you are worried and want to make sure i am safe. I will not go solved every crime that happen in the city if that made you feel better, that's not my job. But if i'm seeing people who need help or if someone is in danger, i would act."

"That's why we loved you sweetie, you always had a pure heart" Say Mary hugging him, tears threatening to spill.

"And here i thought that you loved me because i am your son."He said cheekily.

"Shush you, be good." Mary said while making him a tap on the head.

Looking at the two hugging, Karine flash a loving smile. They have their up and down but she was glad that she had a loving family and especially a good son. People always says that teenager were a pain but that does not seem to be the same with her son even if he was difficult to manage in his own way. Other teenager were sniffing glue at his age, hers was fighting crime. She couldn't decide in that moment what was worse.

"We need to talk" Karine said seriously.

"What is it mom?" Nathaniel ask.

"What's going on love?" Mary ask, disentangling herself from her son.

"We need to find a new apartment. I was talking about it earlier with the commissioner and the maire. Now that it is leaked, there is no putting back the genie into the lampe." Her eyes dimmed a little bit when saying it.

"Oh" Mary said with sadness.

That was the appartement where they got married and as such hold special value to them. That was in that appartement that her son came back from the dead. They had lived there for the last three years and loved it. Both of them were really sad to give it up.

"I know love, i don't like it either. The maire and the commissioner both express their intentions to help us find something fast. We have a week to find our new home for security reason. Past that time, the information about our address could not be guaranteed."

"A week to find a new apartment in New York? That's crazy." Mary exclaim. The last time that they had to move, they needed two and a half month and it was with help.

"And what happen if another corrupt cop divulge our new address? We will have to find an another house?" Mary was incensed, she loved her current home and did not want to give it up.

"I was told by the NYPD and the Maire office that they will take step to make sure that this will not happen again."

"Yeah right. Like i would trust them." Mary said with a huff.

"Mary, i don't like it either but we have little choice in the matter. We can't continue living in a place that the russian mob know about." Said Karine feeling sorry.

During the entire exchange, Nathaniel keep quiet. For starter, he didn't have much emotional attachment to the apartment like they do. He wanted to say that he will make sure that their next address was safe but he was on thin ice as it is. That would not stopped him to take measure to protect his family, he would just have to do it quietly. He had already a few idea in mind that made him smile. He hurriedly kill that smile from his face when his two mothers look at him at the same time. He could not help to shudder. Mothers instinct is a scary thing.

"What are you thinking about Nathaniel?" Ask Karine suspiciously.

"I understand your emotional attachment but i do not have it personally. I just want you two to be safe and if moving is the answer to that, it is a no brainer. " He said simply, shrugging.

"We have the same perspective on this matter;" Say Robert, coming along with Diane. Their conversation seem to be over.

"We were talking about your problem and we make a decision. You see this penthouse is barely use anymore except when your grandfather and me need to sleep in the city. We would like to gift it to you."

"Absolutely not! This is out of the question!" Mary react instantly.

"Mary let me talk before straight out refusing us okay?" Diane plead.

Mary was going to object again when she was interrupted by Karine who put a hand on her shoulder to appease her. She then nodded to Diane in a sign to go on. Diane nodded in gratitude and was about to speak out before being forestall by her husband.

"We know that you two are fiercely independent and you don't need our help but we would like you to have it. The principal reason we want to give this penthouse to you is because of a few thing. First, this is the closest to Columbia that we have in the city and we know that Nathaniel will go there if he score good enough. Second, This entire building has the best security system in the world and security personnel in the lobby. What happen yesterday could not have happen here. I know the person who owned this building and this is someone trustworthy. Third and most important of all, we want you three to be safe and this is the most secure building in the city to achieve that. So before saying no think about it daughter, you are not the only one we want to be safe." Robert said matter of factly.

Hearing the last part, Mary seem to deflated and she shot a worrying look to her wife and children. What her father said was right, this was not only about her but about her family too. She was still scared about what happen last night and didn't want it to happen again.

"Regardless of your decision, we were going to sell it or rent it if you don't take it. We would start to move our stuff out tomorrow. This is not our only possession in the city so don't worry about us." He add in an afterthought.

Looking at each other, Karine and Mary seem to talk without saying anything like married couple used to do. Seemingly reaching a decision, they turned to Nathaniel.

"What do you think sweetie?" Ask Mary with a smile.

"It depends. Can i keep the piano?" He ask making everyone in the room laugh and releasing a much needed pression.

"Of course dear." Diane said fondly.

"Ok we will take it then." Mary said.

After that the women's gather between themselves and start talking about the logistics while Nathaniel was left with his grand father to their own device.Making sure that they could not hear them, Nathaniel approached his grandfather.

"You owned this entire building are you?" He ask with a smile. Robert fail to hide his surprise at his correct assumption.

"According to the lease i don't. Why you would say that?" He ask, getting back under control quickly.

"That was an easy one. You said you trust the owner of the building. You don't trust anyone beside yourself and grandma." Nathaniel shrug still smiling.

"Smart ass grandson." He grumbled. "You will not say anything to your mothers are you?"

"Of course not, everyone has a right to keep his secrets." Nathaniel said finally, making eye contact.

The remark that seem to echo their previous conversation did not go unnoticed by Robert. With a nod he admitted the point, not saying anything after that.

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