"So what did you think?" Nathaniel ask to Maggie, coming down from the stage and taking place beside her.

"Better than what i expected. How much you practiced the trick?" Ask Maggie.

"That particular trick only two/three hours but i discover that magic is fun so for the last two days i practiced a fair bit of everything."

"It shows. Alas…" She start saying when Nathaniel interrupt her.

"It would not be enough?" He finished for her.

"Yes, your acting skill are almost non existent. No surprised there as you never had even one acting class in your life but nonetheless you seem good at this. You show promised." She consoled.

"Don't worry Maggie, i know that this was a long shot and my chance to nailed the role was close to none. Still it was fun. What do we have for the rest of the day?" He asked not bother at all.

"If you want to pursue an acting career, i could recommend you a personal teacher. It will help you a long way. It will cost you but you can easily afford it. After that we can visit Hollywood, i can have a pass to visit virtually every movie being make here if that is an interest for you." Maggie suggest.

"For a movie career we will see, I like it but i don't know if i would have the time. Taking acting lesson is a sound advice however, i will look into it. For the rest, yes i would like that."

"Okay, let's go then. I want to take you to a restaurant after that. They make the best burger in the city, it is so good!." Said Maggie almost drooling, making Nathaniel laugh.

"Sound good, my treat."He said smiling.

They didn't have the chance to move before a group of five people appear in front of them. Nathaniel recognize easily who they were as they were known worldwide. Morgan Freeman, Woody Harrelson, Mark Ruffalo, Isla Fisher and Jesse Eisenberg. Maggie freeze for a second seeing them in front of her but her expression of surprise quickly vanished and she put a professional expression on her face.

"Well hi guys. Long time no see Morgan, Mark." She said, hugging them both quickly.

"This is a pleasant surprise Maggie, It's been what? Three, four years?" Morgan said.

"Sound about right." She answer, smiling.

"Still as beautiful as you were ten years ago." Mark add.

"Coming from you i will take it as a compliment" Maggie said still with her professional smile.

"Why are you here? I thought that you were tired of the film industry and you were working now with singer?." Ask Mark.

They knew very well each other as they worked quite often with the other over the years. Mark even try to poach Maggie a few years prior as she was one of the best agent on the country. Maggie refused but they keep a good relationship.

"I am. Guys i present you Nathaniel Lyndon, my client. Young singer but i think he have what it takes to become a super star."

"Hi." Nathaniel said with a smile.

"Wait, you are a singer?" Jesse butt in the conversation.

"Yes, i have my own Youtube channel to prove it if you want to check it out." Nathaniel said with humor. Jesse didn't seem to got it because he pull out his phone and fire up the youtube app on it.

"You are not a magician?" Ask Mark in disbelief.

"A magician? Of course not. Why? Are you messing with me guys?" Nathaniel ask with narrowed eyes, looking at Maggie.

"He checks out, he really is a singer." Jesse provide.

"Are you sure you are not a magician?" Woody insist.

"What the hell is going on here people?" Maggie intervene.

"Okay easy guys. we didn't want to make fun of you, i promise. We just saw what you did with the two spoon in your hand while talking with the director and we were curious." Morgan clarified.

"Oh that? It was nothing, i do it all the time since i start learning magic for the role three days ago." Nathaniel explain.

"Three days? Are you kidding me?" Jesse say with anger in his voice.

"Yeah, i'm fast learner and it was really not big of a deal, it's just about hand control and movement." Nathaniel explain in a calm voice. He did not appear bother to be yell at.

"Hand control?" Ask Isla for the first time, cutting Jesse off.

"Yeah, look. Can i borrow your pen Maggie plase?"

Maggie did not have a problem with that and happily give him that after finding it her purse. Nathaniel then start making the pen twirl between his finger, making it disappear at times like he did with the two spoon earlier. Looking at him, even Maggie could not help but to marvel at his dexterity and her eyes show sign of awe. The five actors around him were in a same state. Previously they were looking at him from afar so they did not see it with much clarity.But now they were seeing it much better and even if he was making twirl only one object this time they were even more surprised that the first time.

"How can you do that?" Marvel Isla.

"I play piano since i'm young so that help me a lot with this trick. I was making hand exercise when i was little to help me get better like this one." Nathaniel said.

Giving back the pen to Maggie, he open his hand and show them his palm with each finger open wide. Then he start making each finger turn in the exact opposite of the one beside it. Looking at the exercice, Jesse, Isla, Mark and Woody got curious and start doing the same but failing miserably. Maggie and Morgan did not even bother to try.

"Are you even human?" Woody exclaim as he didn't even manage to make three of his finger turn on the same direction.

"Don't beat yourself up, i do it since i'm three years old so it's understandable if you can't do it." Nathaniel comfort them kindly.

"Why a singer like you came at an audition like this?" Mark inquired, putting the conversation back into context.

"Jillian Brown convinced me to come, she thought that i have the charisma to pull it of based on what she saw on the video i turn for my single. I thought it will be fun so i accept. I knew with three day to memorize the script and zero class in acting whatsoever i would never got it but it would be a nice experience so i came. And here i am, talking with you five so i turn out to be right." He finished smiling brightly.

Hearing that, the five actors around him could not help but smile, even Jesse who did not have a very good impression of Nathaniel did so. They keep talking for ten minutes or so after that until Nathaniel remind himself that they had things to do.

"Okay guys, it was fun meeting you but we have plans so we need to get going. Best of luck for the movie. bye!" Nathaniel said. he exchange handshake with the mens and got surprisingly hug by Isla.

Leaving the studio with Maggie, he noticed that she was surprisingly quiet but was moving with much energy.

"Okay, what's going on Maggie?" He ask stopping her.

"You know, i insist that you go to that audition to give a good impression on yourself. I was hoping that you could gather the attention of one or two people. I wasn't expecting all five of them to show up. I saw you talk with the director too, this is very good." Maggie say happily

"It was not that hard, they were nice, i wasn't expecting them to be this nice to be honest when taking into account their fame. For the director, he is french and i'm fluent in french so it's about luck really." Nathaniel explain.

"What? Why did you never told me that you are fluent in french?" Maggie said feeling wrong.

"Like you are the one to talk, you never tell me anything about you so don't be surprised. Truthfully, it is not that important so i never thought to mention it." Nathaniel say to pacify her.

"Okay. for the question of being nice, trust me, they are not usually this friendly but you were so open and kind that none of them could find it in themselves to hate you. This is really good." Maggie say, stirring the conversation away from her. Thing that did not go unnoticed by Nathaniel.

"But not good enough to gave me the role, right?" He said with a bitter smile.

"Yeah, we always knew that this was extremely unlikely for you to get it so don't beat yourself up. Trust me, once you have acting class, we will come back here and take everything." Maggie said with conviction.

"Thanks for that Maggie. Let's have fun."He said, stirring her away.

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