Hollywood, 15/06/2012. 10:00.

Two weeks later, Nathaniel was starting to get use of the actor life. After the initial week of training with his co-stars, he learn a lot about acting. He realize it was all about body and face control. Not everyone had the requisite control to become a good actor but Nathaniel seems bless in that regard had his body control was through the roof. He knew why of course but fake surprised upon been told that by his teachers. If he would be honest, that would have create more question that he prefer not being asked.

Of course it was not all about body control, you need to have the proper mindset to incarnate a role and became your personnage. He had a little bit of problem with that for now but it was expected. Morgan told him that he was doing amazing and he just needed experience as of now to progress. Luckily, his character was not overly difficult to play.Being told he was doing all right by someone as experienced and picky that Morgan gave him a huge boost in confidence that help him in his new work.

On and on, he was starting to like his new job and he got along well with the other actors. Their was also a women french actor who played a huge role as well. She was not really known in america but was a huge movie star in France. She had around the same age has his mother and was really nice to talk with. He could even talk in french with her which he love, from the diverse language that he could talk, french was his favorite one. That tongue has a beauty and

sophistication that the other did not have.

They talked a lot about her country and he really wanted to go there and visit it. The movie had a few scene film there but they were already film so that was rather unlucky. Initially, his character was in there but they were turn by the old actor and were going to be cut in montage and the one who were not going to be cut would be turn here on green screen with him. That was a little sad but that would not stop him to go to the country in the future.

The life of an actor was not ease either. Sometimes, the needed to turn the same scene for two hours before the director was satisfied and it could be rather exhausting. At first, it was his fault that the director ask to redo a scene. The actors would have taking that against him but since his co-stars were his teacher, they got lenient with him and help instead of berating him.Under their tutelage, he approved by leap and bound over the days. At one point, he even stop being the only cause of a scene being delayed.

Maggie was quite happy lately since the meeting with the producer and his associate. She managed to raise the initial price they wanted by one hundred fifty thousand dollars, making him in total 550 000 Dollars for one month and a half of filming. If the movie was taking more time, they would have to pay fifty thousand more per week. It was basically unheard for a young actor on his first movie to be pay that much, that's why the studio ask for NDA in the contract so the other actors did not know about it. He knew that his co-stars were paid a lot lot more but it was expected has he did not have the same notoriety and experienced as them. On and on, Nathaniel was really happy that he got 495 thousand dollars for his first movie once subtract the cut of Maggie of ten percent.

There was also a lot of downtime in a life of an actor. Someday, they could wait between one and six hours the time that a scene got build to start filming. In that period of time, the actors were forbidden to leave the studio as they needed to be ready to start filming the moment the scene was ready. And then there was the time needed to wear the outfit and the worst of Nathaniel had to do, wearing makeup. Maggie was often there when he was being painted on and laughed to no end seeing his face.

As a young actor and the last cast, he did not have a trailer to his name to pass time like the other and truthfully he didn't want one. At the start, he had no choice to be in them as he was tutored when there was any downtime but lately he could have his own time in that period. Nathaniel was not someone who liked to be in closed space for two long as he was always full of energy so staying in a trailer to pass time was not really to his liking.

He even choose to stay in a rather expensive hotel in a nice neighbourhood to have his morning run. He have his routine to run for an hour each morning followed by parkour for an half hour and then push up for an another half hour. At that time, it was the hour to get back to the hotel for a much needed shower, follow by his favorite moment of the day, waking up Maggie with a very loud and cheerful voice.

Not to say that Nathaniel life was without issue. There was a significant number of assholes and dick working in Hollywood and he had to work with some of them. They were a few actors who did incarnate small role who were very arrogant and did not believe in respect with people they thought was inferior to them. Nathaniel with no experience whatsoever in movie was a ideal target for them as they did not understand why he got cast as a principal role and not them. Luckily, especially for them, they did not get physical with him and prefer talking shit about him which he ignore. In both of his lives, he never had patience with fool and tune them out quickly which seem to have made them madder. He was not that worried and if they continue he would deal with them accordingly. After all, you could not be friend with everybody.

The other issue that he have was not something he expected to happen. Since last week, a decent number of women's working on the set was starting to pay a lot of attention to him. Some of them were just nice and wanted an autograph and selfie, that was cute and harmless so he accept joyfully. He didn't think he deserve that but since they ask, he didn't saw a reason to refuse. The problem was the womens who wanted to have sex with him and they were very straightforward about it. The first time that happened, Nathaniel just politely declined as he was not into casual sex. Marc would not have hesitated even for a second as the girl was really pretty but Nathaniel did. He thought that would be the end of it but it keep happening at a point that Nathaniel had to ask Maggie and the director to get the word around that he was sixteen.

Luckily it work and the proposition stopped. Even if he had to admit, it was a huge ego boost to have gorgeous women making proposition like that, he was not ready to have them. He needed to deal first with the memories of Marc who even if he was not married and never had a stable relationship with someone he had a lot of physical relation. Try having the memories of thirty years of porno in your head and you would realize it's not ideal, especially when you have the hormones of a teenager.

Without interruption now, he could use he's alone time to work on his music. Thanks to Maggie influence and Louis help, he managed to get his hand on a good piano from the equipment division of Hollywood. He put in a room far enough from the set to not disturb the filming of his movie of the others. At first he was locking the door to not be a bother but a number of people ask to keep the door open as they were loving the sound of him playing.

He was working on his album and had already three song good enough to be on it, not counting his single with Taylor. He was currently working on a new song that was about the movie. As it was his first movie, he wanted to make a song to remember it. Since it was a movie about magic and mystery, he leaned to go into the Epic theme. He was almost done and just need to keep singing it to refine the lyric. Nathaniel then start playing on his piano, the melody calm, peaceful at the beginning but you could almost feel the under current of a tension underneath it. A tension that continue to build until he finally explode and the music came alive under the fingers of Nathaniel who seem to fly on the piano.

"Dream of doing…

Start it...

Boldness has genius, power and magic…

And magic ….."

The voice of Nathaniel take the lyrics an octave higher in the chorus, vibrant and powerful. In that moment, the people who were working outside start stopping what they were doing and come to the entrance of the room. They were curious to know what they were hearing as they did not know that song. Even if they didn't know it, they could discern it was a very good song. Some of them, even took their phone and start filming the young man completely focus on his instrument. Among the people here, there was some familiar faces. Louis Leterrier was here as well as Jesse, Isla and Michael Cain.

Michael Cain was a british actor and thus was not there when the audition took place so he heard about what happen later. The fact was that he was really not bother by it, the only thing that was important to him was that Nathaniel do not shutdown the movie and do not delay it. He never really talk to Nathaniel outside of the scene they had together but he seem like a nice enough kid with a decent talent in acting. Not the best he ever seen but correct nonetheless.

But looking at the kid now, in front of his instrument and completely immersed in his music, he could not help but to feel awed. He knew that this young man was a singer before being an actor by the chatter he heard from people working on the movie but he never had the curiosity to check his music. He barely listen to music as it is as he prefer reading but hearing his voice now, Michael was subjugated. He had an amazing voice and the more time passed, the more it became powerful at a degree he didn't hear since the eighty's. The song was coming to an end and the tone got even higher at a point he got goosebump and looking around him, he was not the only one until the voice suddenly died down, the last note sounding in the room, the song finished but the people who heard still in his melody.

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