Presbyterian Hospital. 08/02/2012. 07:55.

When Nathaniel finally come to, he was feeling slightly better. Not opening is eyes, he decided to check is body thoroughly. His muscles were incomparably stiff and painful. The good news was that everything else was okay, he seems to not have any long lasting effect of the accident. Well, beside 4 years of coma and atrophied muscles, he bitterly thought.

Keeping his eyes closed, he start to focus on what was happening around him. He could hear someone on the room closed to him and two people talking just outside of his room. A man and a woman it seems even if he could not hear what exactly they were talking about.

Finally opening his eyes, he realise that his eyelids were not as heavy and painful that they were before. He start opening and closing them to his ease the pain a little, noticing that he was seeing clearer each times.

"Nathaniel?" Said the women beside his bed.

Looking at her, she seems to be around 40 years old, short brown hair and she had a caring halo around her whitch was making easy to trust her. Seeing that he was looking at her, she approached the bed and take place on the seats near him.

"How are you?"

"Iiii… hurt… everywhere…" He said in a rough voice but louder than it was before.

"I know, your muscle are in an advanced state of atrophy, i'm sorry but we can't give you pain medication, that could do more harm than good." She answer in a soft and compassionate voice.

Taking a clipboard on the nightstand and turning her head on the direction of the door, she nodded once at someone outside. The door of his room closing, she turned back to him.

"I'm sorry but i need to ask you some question. I know you are hurting and you are tired so we will do that. For yes close your eyelids once, and no closed them twitch. Can you do that?"

Nathaniel closed his eyelids once.


Arriving out of breath in front of their son room, they were stopped from entering by a young intern.

"I'm sorry madams but i can't let you enter, Nathaniel just woke up again and we need to ask him some questions. This is for his own good" Said the intern in a pleading voice, her arms raised.

Seeing that Karine was going to say something harsh, Mary gripped her arm gently and spoke.

"When are we going to be able to see him?"

"I honestly don't know. That depend on his evaluation and the doctor verdict on it. That could take hours or day."

"That's unacceptable!" Cried Karine.

"Has our son really woke up?" Ask Marry, she could not absorb the fact that he has really come back.

"Yes, i was there. He talked too." She said, a tinge of red appearing on her cheek, which did not go unnoticed by the two woman who exchanged a look.

"What did he said?" Ask Marry, her curiosity picked.

"Euh… Well, he said i… i was pretty." Said the blushing intern.

Mary looked stupefied at the red face intern then at her wife who was shocked, her mouth wide open in an silent "o". Locking eyes with each other, they suddenly burst out laughing. They laugh so hard that they doubled up with laughter offering a much needed release of stress.

At that moment a nurse exited the room of their son which calm them instantly. Surprised by the laughter of the women upon arriving on the hallway, she turned to the intern for information but the girl keep blushing, refusing to meet anyone in the eyes.

"You are the parents of Nathaniel?"

"Yes!" Answer instantly Karine.

"Good, he is okay but sadly i can't allowed you to come inside, is doctor leave firm instruction."

Seeing that the two womens in front of her wanting to argue, she immediately raised her hand, stopping them.

"But, Nathaniel want to see you and i believe that is time for both of us to take a coffee break. If we are not here, nobody can stop you from entering. Do we understand each others?" said Nancy with a crafty smile.

Seeing the parents of Nathaniel nodding, she put a hand on the shoulder of the intern beside her and add.

"Please, keep in mind. He just woke up and he's very tired. Don't ask him to talk or move. His memories seems good but if you notice something that he doesn't remember please warn us immediately." She finally said before leaving.

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