"Nathaniel!" Na-Yung called, wanting to go back to the living room to find him when she was abruptly stopped by the head of security.

"Leave him here, we don't have time, we need to leave now madam!"

"No, they are going to kill him!" She answered in korean, trashing in the powerful arms of the bodyguard.

"He is a stranger, he does not matter! Now stop what you are doing and come with us, we need to go!" Her mother cut her off abruptly.

"Their target is us not him, he will be safer away from you daughter." In-Su added in a calm, placating tone.

Stopping her trashing, she realized that her father was right. The assassins were here to kill them and as much as she hated leaving her friend to his own device, it was better that way. Maybe by separating, he would survive. Looking a last time into the dark living room, she could only hope that he would be alright and that he would be able to forgive her.

"Okay, let's go then." She said in a cold voice, not resisting anymore.

They left the suite not long after that. Little did they know that Nathaniel was not present anymore as they believed him to be.


Nathaniel had chosen to not stay with Na-Yung and her family, slinking out using the obscurity and the fact that they were not paying attention to him. He needed to be free in his movements and he had more room when alone. It was paramount that no one would figured out the extent of his skill otherwise questions would arise. Questions he did not want to answer at this time. He was not doing this for him but for his entire family. They had already suffered enough, he could not cause them more problems.

Taking off his white sweater, as luck would have he was wearing a black shirt underneath it. It would become useful for what he was planning to do. He was also wearing black trousers and black city shoes, it was not the most ideal attire to fight in but he would manage. It could be worse after all. He did not have any weapons whatsoever in the moment and taking something out of the kitchen was not practical. He could not leave any evidence that could link him to what he was going to do. Quickly going to Na-Yungs room he took out a pair of gloves and a black cap from his backpack. It would be useful for his plan.

One of the reasons that he needed to leave the group was because he had heard the sound of people descending from the rooftop with ropes. Closing his eyes and focusing on his hearing, he determined that they were six people and based on their speed. They were skilled in descending.

He left the hotel room of the Kim family and quickly hissed himself onto the balcony of the suite a floor above him. He was suddenly glad that he choose to practice in parkour because he could not have made that jump otherwise. Once on the balcony, he observed for a second the suite in question and was happy to see that it was empty.

In fact, with his heightened senses, he could hear that a huge number of people had left their room and were busy leaving the hotel. With the fact that there was no power and cell reception, it was understandable that people were panicking and trying to find out what was going on.

Hiding in the corner of the balcony, he could now see the six people in question descending quickly. They were all wearing tactical black clothes which were hiding them perfectly with the night sky. Unluckily for them they were in a city that never slept, with lights everywhere that illuminated their descending figures.

He could see that they had a gun and a knife in their belt even if he could not make out the exact type. What surprised him was the hilt of a sword poking out of their shoulder blades. Even if they had a redoubtable appearance, Nathaniel could not help but sneer in his mind.

'Are they for real with that sword? They need to stop reading ninja stories for f**ks sake.'

Looking at them passing by his floor without spotting him Nathaniel realized that they were separating. They split intotwo teams of three people. The first team stopped at the balcony of the suite of Na-Yungs parents and entered the hotel room with guns at the ready while the second team stopped three floors below and did the same thing.

Nathaniel understood right away what was going on. They wanted to use a pincer move and corner them in a crossfire. It was ruthless but smart, these guys were evidently experienced.

It was at that moment that he could hear gunshots coming from the lobby of the hotel. The sound was muffled but clearly recognizable. He could even hear a shotgun starting to fire based on the sound. Proof that the six guys here were not the only intruders in the building tonight. He did not expect that many people and he hoped Jean and Amal would be alright. He had given them strict instructions and in addition to their experience and skill, he hoped it would be enough to protect them.

That's when he heard the first siren blaring in the background which made him smile. These guys had obviously come prepared tonight, bringing a device which was jamming frequencies to prevent people calling for help, but they did not take into account Jean and Amal who were outside of the building and thus where not in the effect radius of that machine.

Looking at the last three guys disappearing on the balcony below, Nathaniel began smiling ruefully. These guys were pretty good at hiding in the shadows but it was time for someone else to enter the fray.

It was time for them to meet the Ghost.

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