Surprised by the sudden outburst, Madison and Nathaniel turned around to find out what was going on. Nathaniel had already felt four people watching him from behind and had heard them coming over, which was why he was not overly surprised to see the four guys standing there. The one who had spoken was a good looking twenty year old brown haired man. He was quite muscular and was around 6". He was flanked by what seemed to be two linebackers who were really imposing with their impressive musculature and height of around 6"2".

The fourth man present was surprisingly Ethan and he was looking like he wanted to be anywhere but here. He had a twisted grimace on his face as he knew that he was fuck** either way. If he left his quarterback he knew his future in the team would be jeopardized and if he stayed there, he knew he would have to go against Nathaniel again which he was not looking forward to. The memories of their last meeting was still fresh in his mind.

"Are you kidding Carl? Are you following me now?" Madison shouted.

"Shut up! So that's why you denied me time and time again? It was for him?" He said, pointing at Nathaniel angrily. His ego could not admit that the one he chased had chosen someone other than himself.

"No, I denied you because you are a manipulative jackass! Nathaniel had nothing to do with that." Madison answered, clearly mad.

Carl was going to answer when Nathaniel suddenly choose to speak.

"Hi Ethan, fancy meeting you here." Nathaniel smiled, completely ignoring Carl and the two linebackers.

Looking at his smile, Ethans thought that his smile was definitely ominous and his eyes were steel cold.

"Hello Nathaniel." He said with a grimace. In his mind, the same phrase was coming over and over again. 'I'm fuc***. I'm fuc***. I'm fuc***.'

The interruption surprised everyone here, Emma the most.

"Wait, you know each other?" She asked.

"Yes, we played Basketball together once, it was quite fun. We should do it again soon." Nathaniel answered, not leaving Ethan out of his sight. Hearing that Ethans face turned pale.

"So that's why you tried to stop me from coming here?" Carl shouted, getting angrier by the second.

At that point, Ethan was in a tricky situation. Confronted by Nathaniel's cold eyes, the disapproving stare of his girlfriend and the angry expression of his quarterback, he knew his future was going to be dire. He made a decision in that moment to take a side that he hoped would be the good one.

"Yes, you are being a dick Carl, just stop it. There are a lot of hot girls here so stop fixing on the only one who rejected you, let it go." Ethan exclaimed.

In ordinary times he would have listened to his teammate but in this moment he was so blinded by anger that he could not. He was so mad in fact that for a second he wanted to punch him. Ultimately, he decide against it and choose to turn his ire to Nathaniel.

"I will warn you just once. Leave her now and I will let you off, but if you decide to be stubborn I will make your life a living hell." He said in a seething tone.

"So let me sum things up." Nathaniel said, looking at Carl for the first time. "So first, you are stalking Madison and her friends, after that you try to bully me and as a last resort you are threatening me? Are you trying to get expelled that much?" Nathaniel said like he was talking to a particularly dumb person.

"And who will believe you? I'm a very respected starting quarterback who is the only one who can bring a trophee back to the college while you are a nobody first year who is just seeking attention. I think I will take my chances."

"Carl just stop it, Nathaniel has nothing to do with it!" Madison jumped to his defense, linking hands with him.

Seeing the two liking hands, the anger that he had in him finally exploded and he jumped at Nathaniel. The only thing at that point that could calm himself was to beat that blondie to death. The reality turned out to be vastly different from what he had in mind. In his mind he was already seeing the punch connect with Nathaniels jaw and breaking it. After that he would kick him until he decided it was enough.

It was only when the punch was going to hit his face that Nathaniel decided to finally move. He used his left leg to kick the leg that was supporting the punch making him lose his balance, following that he chose to use the left hand that was in his pocket the whole time to give two quick punches to the quarterback, one to the stomach and one to the side of his head. When Carl finally realized that Nathaniel had moved he was already falling to the floor and blacked out soon after that.

Seeing the quarterback knocked out on the floor, the surprise was evident on the faces of everyone present. Other than the people involved, there were also many onlookers who had smelled drama and were looking on the side to see it unfold. There were after all many students in the building and in the hallway. They all expected Nathaniel to be the one on the floor but seeing the opposite happen made them all surprised beyond belief. After all, even if Nathaniel was a little taller Carl was more buff and older. In their mind it was supposed to be an easy match. It turned out to be exactly the case but in the opposite direction.

The reaction of Madison and her sorority sisters was the same. They had seen Carl getting tackled on the field by linebackers and getting back up so they were more than surprised to see him knocked out like that. Moreover, as Madison was on the right of Nathaniel and her two friends were on her right also they had not seen him move clearly. The only thing that Madison was sure of at the moment was that Nathaniel did not let go of her hand when the fight occurred causing her to be awed.

The two linebackers were rooted on the spot and could not move even if they wanted to. It's not the fact that he managed to put their friend down so fast that made them unable to take a step but the stare that Nathaniel was giving them at the moment. He was fixing them with so much coldness that they could feel a shiver run down their spines.

"Ethan, take your two friends and bring your quarterback to the infirmary, he should be alright. I trust you gentlemen to say that he was the one who jumped at me and I had to defend myself. I will be very disappointed if you were to be lying about what happened here, especially with so many witnesses."

"Of course Nathaniel, let's go guys, let's bring Carl to the infirmary." Ethan said, pushing the two linebackers to carry the knocked out quarterback. The only thing that he wanted right now was too leave, Nathaniel was freaking him out real bad. After they left the three sorority girls were looking at him with awed expression on their faces, which made him quite self conscious.

"How?" Madison finally asked.

"I was always bullied when I was younger so I asked my grandfathers bodyguard to teach me self defense." Even if what he said was true, it was misleading in its very nature and he was feeling bad doing it.

"Oh that makes sense now. You never told me you knew self defense." She said with an adorable expression on her face.

"I will make it up with to you, do not worry about that. So, who wants to go eat some ice cream? I'm buying." He said joyfully.

A chorus of 'Me' quickly echoed and Nathaniel got dragged by the girls. Even if the afternoon had not started very well with that fight, Nathaniel passed a good day with the three girls. They were fun to be around and even if they were a little wild there was never a dull moment. Without even noticing two hours had passed since he had left his last class and he needed to go back home. His first promotion show was going to start and it was the night of the unveiling of the trailer and his song. He was quite excited to see how the public was going to receive those.

He was going to leave when Madison took him to the side to kiss him deeply.

"You were really going to go home without even calling me?" She asked in the end, curious. It was something that did not resemble Nathaniel.

"The truth?"

"Of course."

"No, I was going to get pancakes and call you to come over. Make you believe I made them and after that take advantage of the fact that my mothers were out working to kiss the hell out of you."Nathaniel said smiling.

"I hate my life." Madison finally said with a sad expression on her beautiful face.

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