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Chapter 1001 powerhouse without explanation

It’s so peaceful here.

When this piece of peace was stained with blood.

It is extremely frightening.

Qin Yu will kill one by one and one by one.

But these people are still true servants. The more people who die, the stronger they are.

Those who arrived here in less than 2 days are already a person Immortal Venerable Realm.

And he is also the supreme first-class venerable.

In other words, in the entire divine wood teaching, his status is very high.

Even with the exception of Sect Lord and Lord Long, his right to speak is one of the very best.

There are few first-class venerable people in the entire Divine Dragon teaching.

Counting, but only 9 digits.

Of course, the strength of Sect Lord is often like that of His Holiness, but Sect Lord is particularly special.

It also takes 2 days to come to this wood world.

Although most of them are spent in the killing, it is enough for Qin Yu to understand some of the situation here.

Engine wood Divine Dragon founded divine wood education.

Each generation of Sect Lord is very special and will sign a contract with him.

Every generation is like this.

But the contract signed is not like the contract signed between Kanshui Divine Dragon and Cangtu Divine Dragon and Qin Yu.

That is the deed of master and servant.

Divine Dragon is the main, Sect Lord is the servant.

In other words, although the Divine Dragon seems to be nothing on the surface.

But because of this approach, the entire church was forced to be under the supervision of Divine Dragon.

But no matter what he ordered, no one could resist.

No one has the ability to resist him.

Most people do live peacefully, and on the surface, they do not see any struggle.

Everyone’s mind is very uniform.

It looks very calm.

But in fact, it is not very good.

“Are you the last one, right?”

Qin Yu’s opening.

The dying man at his hand was the first-class venerable person who was finally sent out.

Even the first-class Venerable folds in his hand, it should be said that divine wood teaching will not give up.

But he had such a feeling.

The other party will not continue to persevere, this time is the last time to send someone to come.

Of course, this does not mean an end, but a beginning.

What is above the first-class venerable, nothing more than the extremely powerful Sect Lord or Divine Dragon deity.

But whether he is worth the direct shot of a generation of Divine Dragon so to have no shame is open to question.

But in any case, the hunt for this time is over.

The first-class Venerable has already broken up internal organs.

So he didn’t have time to make any answer at all, and Qin Yu already knew.

Ruthless gave him a happy final blow.

Xue Lan stood in the distance, spotless, and looked at the distance with emptiness, making sure no one came.

Still scared …

Also, no matter how powerful and unified.

Even if the whole god within the realm, all the powerhouses are taught in that divine wood.

But suddenly the 10000 expert died, and I would definitely feel breathless.

A few thousand and 1000 large forces swept through before, and they did not cause any damage to them.

At this time, it is estimated that there is no better way to come, and I can only come to an end temporarily.

No longer let people chase them.

But is this the end?

Stopping over there does not mean that Qin Yu can really swallow this breath.

When unfathomable mystery arrived, he was chased and killed, and became the enemy of the entire world.

This matter, he has to go to Divine Dragon to discuss it.

divine wood teach? He will visit him in person.

It’s not enough to change things, and it’s enough to wear a half-mask to make people unrecognizable.

Now Qin Yu’s face is known to everyone.

I do not know what method was used, even all the people in the entire world recognized his face.

And remember to score well.

“If you want to use such a method, it should cost a lot.”

“If Divine Dragon didn’t pay the price, it was these church members and ordinary people who paid the price.”

Cang Tuan Divine Dragon hesitated and made some guesses.

He knew there was a way to make people remember so clearly, and all people were the same.

But as Qin Yu said, this comes at a price.

And it is not just a general price, it is to reduce lifespan.

You will unconsciously take away some of the most important things from you.

It ’s okay if those people know at first, but it ’s such a large area.

It seemed that they didn’t know it, which made him feel a little surprised.

Qin Yu was not surprised by then.

After all, for the powerhouse, the weak can easily be wiped out like ants.

What if they were asked to pay a price.

Perhaps Enginewood Divine Dragon is such an idea.

With half of the mask on, I stopped a lot along the way.

Their strength is extremely strong, and everyone is called a respecter everywhere they go.

In addition to divine wood teaching, there are some scattered Loose Practitioner, but this world is more divine wood teaching people.

Loose Practitioner is really rare, almost to very few.

Therefore, anyone who has strength is powerful.

Everyone will assume that it is taught by divine wood.

It’s a pity that this time it’s really not.

The divine wood teaching branch that has always been people coming, people going has an extra powerful couple.

The couple took the initiative to come to the door and said they would join.

And it seems to bring enough sincerity.

Their strength is extremely strong.

The little boy who stood at the forefront did not dare to delay, and immediately prepared them with complete procedures.

They were given full tokens again.

Just to record everything about them, including their true appearance.

Qin Yu slowly put his hand on the half mask on his face.

Suddenly smiled.

When his laughter stopped, everything around him had turned into countless powders, floating slowly around him.

“What qualification do you have to see my true face.”

“Let you do it, you do it. If you don’t, I can change someone else.”

Xue Lan’s mouth slightly raised.

Stepped forward, the voice was slightly softer by 2 points.

It’s just that after all she was cold-hearted and cold-hearted, but she was soft for 2 points, and it was extremely cold in the ears of others.

As if there is no emotion.

Only the person facing the side can reveal some humane gentleness.

Can’t help but make people more certain that these 2 people should be a couple.

Under the deterrence of strong power, in the end, someone obediently arranged everything for them.

Unclear face is not a big problem.

Just record the iconic mask directly.

Qin Yu looked at the new token that had just arrived.

Looked carefully.

All the information burned on it was checked by him, and he also made it on his own initiative.

Absolutely no one knows that he is a wanted person of the wanted list Ranked 1st.

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