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Chapter 1009: Doppelganger

Nine Headed Snake’s formidable power is powerful.

And the powerful toxins that come with formidable power are amazing.

Even the most powerful people have to avoid their edge.

But now the anti-wood Sect Lord has to take the initiative to stand up to meet the difficulties.

Otherwise, the losses he will suffer will definitely be unaffordable.

His strength is at most evenly matched with this animal.

If you want to cut off the opponent in one fell swoop.

It’s basically an impossible thing.

But now there is no choice.

Only on brace oneself.

As for whether it can be beheaded, it is destiny.

Even he himself knew the matter was hanging.

As soon as he shot, he was forced to take out his own killing move.

But in the end it was just a draw.

Although Nine Headed Snake suffered some injuries, but compared with his efforts.

It can only be said to be similar.

Just before being attacked by toxins.

Sect Lord closed his eyes almost desperately.

But Qin Yu suddenly appeared to block all this.

“Not enough strength, let’s stand behind.”

“If every generation of Sect Lord only has the strength like you, it makes me feel a little disappointed.”

Sect Lord is quite unwilling.

His strength is already very good.

What’s more, he came to think of himself as a well-know figure, and innate talent is extremely outstanding.

But watching Qin Yu’s ability to fight against Nine Headed Snake is unable to bear, a bit dumb.

If compared with Qin Yu, it seems that he is really disappointing.

But Qin Yu with such a strong strength, is it really necessary to cooperate with him?

Instead of begging Qin Yu to help him?

Nine Headed Snake showed a dignified human touch.

Only then did he know how much power he had put in.

But the human who appeared suddenly was blocked with no difficulty.

And I don’t see any reluctance.

That’s its toxin, as long as it is contaminated, it will instantly die.

When he died, he suffered from Myriad Arrows Piercing Heart.

But Qin Yu dealt with it so easily.

So that he had some doubts.

Is its venom really so useless?

It was so easy for people to destroy his attack.

Nine Headed Snake is eager to have a battle to prove his strength with blood.

So he didn’t show mercy.

And he also felt it on Qin Yu, making him mad.

Every pair of eyes turned red and red.

It looks extremely scary and scary.

But Qin Yu knew that the scent played a role.

But even if it’s crazy, what if it is going to die sooner or later.

It does not seem to matter why you died.

It is not very easy to deal with this little snake.

This is the case if it really needs to be dealt with.

Just when he was ready to shoot, all these snake heads and everyone were cut off.

Suddenly, there has never been a avatar of any movement, and some movement has occurred.

There seemed to be a wave of emotions, wanting to devour this Nine Headed Snake.

As if which part of the other party caught the attention of the doppelganger.

As for this idea.

Qin Yu did not hesitate much, although the avatars are too expensive for him now.

Every time I take it out, it’s not proportional to what I pay.

But at least it’s normal to use it.

As far as this Nine Headed Snake is going to die sooner or later, it is not bad to play some value at the last minute.

Just with no difficulty, the fate of Nine Headed Snake has been determined.

As soon as the avatar appeared, Sect Lord unable to bear slowly backed away.

There were some doubts in his eyes.

With such strength, he dare to be sure of himself.

And it’s still a train.

Being a train means that it has many advantages over them.

Dragon Race has always been God’s darling, except for the heir’s difficulty.

There are almost no shortcomings.

Every one is extraordinary natural talent.

And this suddenly appeared dragon obviously possesses extremely high strength.

It made him all dreaded, but it is conceivable that at least it was also the late cultivation base of Xianzun.

But he vaguely felt that this dragon’s strength was a little higher than he thought.

But the strength of Xianzun in the later period, what is the realm, what cultivation base?

That is already True God.

Almost there is a shoulder with Divine Dragon.

Divine Dragon does not have many advantages over True God.

Some time ago, suddenly the news of someone’s breakthrough True God was already in full swing.

Many people are envious, naturally including him who has been through the Middle-Stage without any breakthrough.

But for more powerhouses, this is proof that they can break through True God.

One can imagine how powerful the True God Realm world really is.

Let all the powerhouses dare not do it, and some even dare to break through at the later stage.

And there are many Old Monsters like this, and in the end, life essence can’t survive.

In comparison, the anti-wood Sect Lord is not so eye-catching.

He is just one of countless powerhouses.

Nine Headed Snake has little ability to resist.

Its most powerful method is its own strangling ability, as well as its own venom and 9 head characteristics.

The former is a means of attack, and only the latter is the basis for its survival and survival until today.

The latter can keep it from dying after being injured.

Even if someone’s head is cut off, a new head will naturally grow over time.

With such abilities, it rarely worry about whether it will die on a certain day.

But now it seems less confident, under the formidable power of such a powerhouse.

It can’t even rise up to resist.

All that can be done is to groan threateningly continuously.

Want to slowly back away and smoke back to his own station.

Even if you want to give up this land to go to more dangerous places.

It is always better than staying here to die.

Now that it has been targeted, how could Qin Yu let it go with no difficulty.

Naturally, without the slightest hesitation, it was directly detained and strangled on the spot.

Nine Headed Snake didn’t even have a chance to react.

So with no difficulty, Qin Yu’s avatar swallowed into his stomach bit by bit.

Then the avatar was out of control for a moment.

Qin Yu felt it slightly in his heart.

It seems that there was a certain will to take control of that body with him.

If there is one day, he will surely get rid of this danger.

However, it was only a moment, and then he felt that the strength of the avatar seemed to be more powerful.

It also requires less energy. It seems that Nine Headed Snake itself is an extremely powerful energy source.

But he will never forget the scene where Fang was only separated from his control for a moment.

That represents something that has exceeded his plan.

But things haven’t completely gone beyond his control.

Still within the controllable range, it will not be too much for the time being.

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