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Chapter 1000 Zero 20 4 powerhouse is respected

When the time comes, no one hangs them up and no one gives sobering pills.

But I have to sleep half awake, wandering on the street.

After a few days, you can wake up from the state of muddleheaded.

Their foothold is not concealed.

After a day and night of fermentation, the situation has expanded again.

After all, many people died, not only the death of Tianyuan Beast, but also caused great losses to some people.

Qinghai’s injury has not yet taken his place.

But the Guo family has already come to the door.

Acting normally in the Guo family can be regarded as extremely domineering.

And even Jin Yao will not be okay to provoke these local tyrants.

Even the Jinyao family is quite powerful.

In places that are out of reach, there are always things that they cannot do.

For example, to provoke the local tyrant is a matter of harm for them.

Although the Guo family has little ability in other places.

But in the world around Earth is also a little capable.

It also has a face of 2 points.

Enough to make the big guy look at them differently.

With such a capability.

If Qin Yu is directly against them, in the eyes of others, there is a slight loss of 2 points.

After all, I also drank together, and I drank so much, some friendship.

Even for this newly-made friend, Jin Yao will not let them go directly to the door.

Prepare yourself to go out and deal with it.

“Since this is my own business, I should handle it myself.”

Qin Yu stopped Jin Yao who wanted to go out for him.

He walked out the door with a smile.

Jin Yao originally wanted to solve it by himself.

Suddenly I thought about it, Qin Yu’s strength is much higher than him.

Who can get the benefits in this matter is not necessarily so.

Although those of the Guo family still have 2 points.

But supremacy of strength, if you have enough strength, no one needs to be afraid.

How did he forget this matter?

It’s just that Qin Yu made him worry about somewhat.

This worry is not directed at Qin Yu, but at the Guo family who came to the door.

Can they live alive and go out unharmed.

It’s an extremely mysterious and abstruse thing.

The Great Grandpa of the Guo family now has a face of 2 points in front of some Qianyuan Jiaochang powerhouse.

Guo old man still has several points of face.

But after all, he is a little older, and he already intends to give this connection and help to his little son.

But the youngest son died suddenly, at the most critical time for him to cultivate.

It was so unknown that he died in the hands of an unknown person.

Even if Qin Yu’s strength is extremely high, he must also come over to get a fair one.

He knew in his own heart that the youngest son was not a talent.

simply is a mess that can’t hold the wall!

But after all, he is his own son, and he still focuses on cultivating his favorite son.

No one can allow others to intervene.

The anger in my heart is naturally imaginable.

The rest of the family didn’t agree with what he did.

I think this matter needs careful consideration.

But for his little son Guo Liang to consolidate his body, he hurried over.

by the strength of oneself suppresses all criticism.

Finding Qin Yu after trying hard.

Although there were other people beside him, he didn’t care anymore.

It was the death of his youngest son that seemed more important in his mind.

Everything else is not important!

“I want you to pay for my son’s life! My poor dear!”

Perhaps he was particularly confused when he was old, which would definitely not be the case when he was young.

But now his strength is obviously no way to be further improved.

Lifespan is getting shorter and shorter, and the love for this old son has exceeded everything.

As for what kind of consequences this will bring to himself, he has no regard for others.

Qin Yu seems to him to be a person who does not know from which god within the realm.

Just grasp this firmly.

He is not afraid that he will be planted in the hands of a stranger.

Jin Yao frowned at this scene.

But because of his understanding of Qin Yu’s strength, he said nothing.

Although the old man of the Guo family now has good strength, he also has some prestige.

But that’s all it is, even the realm of Immortal Venerable Realm is facing some difficult existence.

For Qin Yu, isn’t it a character who can be beaten at will?

Erosion does not know this.

To see this guy open his mouth is to pay for his life, and also recognize his origin.

But he didn’t hold any favors in his heart.

Thinking of what Qin Yu seems not at all.

She has never heard of the existence of Qin Yu Xue Lan.

I walked out and blocked all my eyes first.

The old man of the Guo family looked at the familiar person in front of him, frowned with some headaches.

How many people do not want to offend this girl.

After all, offending this girl will not only cause you a lot of trouble.

At the same time, it is equivalent to offending the narrow-minded guy in Qinghai.

This is something that is not worth the loss.

But after all, his favorite little son is dead now.

Thinking of the look of Guo Liang’s body.

There is also news from myself.

Guo old man was unable to bear his own anger.

Waving directly, a group of guards pulled the matte aside.

This is his business. At this time, he was determined, and must figure out what came out.

No one will be allowed to disrupt his plan.

Killing people to pay for their lives seems to him to be as it should be by rights.

But he never thought about the time when he had murdered.

Did n’t think of killing people to pay for their lives.

But this world has always been a person of great strength, and only then has enough say.

For Guo old man, there is nothing wrong with his thinking.

“What’s wrong with this world? In this way, people come directly to catch people without any reason, and Zhangkou said they killed and killed.”

“The gladiator didn’t even say a word.”

The order of Kim within the realm also has certain rules.

Not all seemingly disorderly on the surface.

If their own private disputes are naturally no one to manage.

As for whether there will be a few more bodies of unfathomable mystery, no one will even care.

But things are big enough now.

It also involves some people with strong background, which will attract attention.

It stands to reason that someone should come forward to take care of this matter now.

But erosion did not see anyone coming to control, and he was caught aside.

No matter how annoyed it is, it is a hassle to face so many people alone.

“According to your rules, this world seems to be powerhouse is respected.”

“Since it is powerhouse is respected, this matter has become simple.”

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