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Chapter 1000 Zero 67 strength of Asura

After Jiang Wenchang went back, the more he thought, the more uncomfortable he felt.

After all, in his eyes, Qin Yu is just himself alone.

“You talk about why you ran directly with me.”

“Obviously it’s the same realm, you are so embarrassing to me!”

Jiang Wenchang certainly wouldn’t think of how embarrassed he was just now.

Instead, he blamed it on Elder who went out with him.

In his opinion, Elder could be a little tougher, and of course he would not run away.

Elder said, a young Young Master who didn’t bother to understand anything.

Can such a thing be done so easily.

Not to mention how much the Situ Family still has, they all don’t know.

Suddenly there was such a powerful powerhouse.

Who can guarantee that Situ Hua has no more cards in hand.

“If you are not reconciled, you can start preparing immediately.”

speaking of which he couldn’t swallow it at all.

After all, since he got such a strong strength.

Then no one put his face on him.

Even if some strength is stronger than him, he must be given 30% face.

Because who does n’t know that his battle strength is strong, there is even the possibility of skipping grades to challenge.

The Jiang family also invited him over at such a great price because he knew the prestige he passed out.

Qin Yu knew it without having to calculate the celestial machine, and the Jiang family would definitely start with him.

Just before leaving.

Jiang Wenchang’s eyes were extremely bad, and obviously he was not good.

Even if he can bring more powerhouse, he can practice it.

But if the strength of the people around Jiang Wenchang is too bad.

Of course, there is one more thing he has to do before solving this small family.

Go to the place of calamity.

It’s not bustling there.

But because of the extremely special nature nowadays, many people are staring at that place.

The original remote place also changed because of this.

It became a place full of human voices.

Situ Hua had something to say.

But when it came to his mouth, he couldn’t say a word.

Faced with this greatly increased Qin Yu.

He simply couldn’t lift his head and could only be as respectful as possible.

Even if I can say 2 sentences, every move is restricted by the rules.

I have been worried about whether I did not do well enough.

Or where is it easy to be picked and wrong.

Many people were stationed around the place where the calamity occurred.

But all thoughts.

Those who want to get a piece of it, all sent elite disciple from the family to guard here.

Everyone minds their own business, but they are alert to each other.

The land that has been greatly changed, now is a little milk-white.

It looks extremely pure.

Can set foot on this land for a moment.

Qin Yu suddenly blessed his soul.

A strong strength of Thunder comes out of him.

The breath of destruction radiated away to all directions.

The strong strength of Thunder densely packed all around.

Under the earth, there seemed to be something resonating with the radiant divine Thunder.

The countless mutated land is shaking continually.

A majestic force rose through the ground.

At the same time the soil nourished by divine force began to fade gradually.

Restored to the normal state with the fastest speed.

Originally it was destroyed here.

If there is no trace of divine force remaining, it should be a scorched earth.

Now this is also the way to return.

Affected by the shock, some of the simple settlements built collapsed.

No matter which side the manpower sent, see this sudden change.

All quickly passed the news back to the family.

Some people are slightly more courageous and want to get closer.

But at the moment of touching Divine Thunder, he was split into a piece of human coke.

Such a miserable situation makes many people dare not approach.

After everyone has retreated.

Qin Yu, who is still standing in the same place, is still the source of Divine Thunder.

It has become the target of no surprise.

“Xianzun? Or is there another breakthrough True God powerhouse!”

“There haven’t been any problems for such a long time, how did he do it!”

“If such a huge power can divide me, I can also be the top powerhouse in the world.”

Everyone’s minds are different.

The voice of argument never ceased.

But if some people pay attention, they will find out.

None of these talkers came from Situ Family.

These people remember what status Qin Yu has.

Besides, is such a powerhouse really free to discuss?

Just being afraid to move your fingers can kill all of them.

Even if it is not hands-on.

It’s enough to order them to die without a burial site.

These comments cannot affect Qin Yu.

The power of Transcending Tribulation, which faintly resonated with the path of silence he had always wanted.

The remaining power is also huge.

But this part of the force should have been dissipated in between Heaven and Earth within half a year.

Even if Xuan Heavenly Divine Venerable is present.

It is also impossible to touch these incomparably impure and impure powers.

Even though these forces are indeed huge.

There are no constraints, and uncontrolled forces are too dangerous.

The more powerful this force is, the higher the uncontrollability, and the less easily it can be touched.

Qin Yu’s eyes suddenly turned into scarlet.

With ordinary people’s physique, they can’t bear such a powerful force.

But he had captured an inheritance of Asura before.

And the huge power that Asura has accumulated over countless generations.

The average person of course impossible to receive and use this power for oneself.

But the strength of Asura forced assimilation.

This is also not sure what the final result will be.

The energy enough to destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth was once completely extracted, extremely violent.

If it weren’t for Qin Yu fighting here, and a very dangerous feeling came.

This huge energy will never stay here obediently and honestly.

It is a force.

Being able to grow to such a point also has simple judgment.

The looming Blood Fiendish Qi and chaotic and noisy energy clusters gathered together.

2 You give me back, I give you back almost neither giving way to the other.

But anyone can see the blood energy spread more rapidly and majestic energy.

No matter how inflated.

No matter how dangerous.

After a period of time, it is gone. At first, it ignored the powerful power of Heaven and Earth Rule.

Now after some weakening.

Plus Qin Yu uses the strange existence of Heaven and Earth, blood strength of Asura.

Blood strength of Asura is also not bound by Heaven and Earth Rule.

It’s really comparable to the 2 massive energies.

But after all, the confusing energy cluster is just a dead mass.

In the face of competition, they slowly defeated.

The rays of light are dim to almost like fireflies.

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