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Chapter 1087 Who’s Coming!

Lord Lei Xiao once had a famous stunt called the blue sea turned into mulberry fields.

in a flash changes endlessly, countless people become terror-stricken at the news.

And few people know that his hand is very harsh.

He also felt occasionally after breaking through to True God, and laid some foundation in an instant.

Later, he continued to search for things and gradually perfected it, which caused his fame.

It is also the largest Martial Skill with formidable power.

No one can control it!

As the so-called world change, the blue sea turned into mulberry fields.

Nothing can be immortal under the decay of time.

Including this entire world will slowly change in the long years.

The mountains and rivers in the World.

And countless lives.

Will also experience changes in this countless and long time.

Lei Xiaoshen created the original intention of this special skill.

It is to integrate the characteristics of the blue sea turned into mulberry fields.

Let all those who need to be limited by time.

He had to be restricted by his blue sea turned into mulberry fields.

It’s a pity that I didn’t practice Great Accomplishment after all.

For the weak, it does have the power of the blue sea turned into mulberry fields.

But the effect will be much worse for his strength is almost the same.

But dealing with ordinary ordinary people is enough.

The things in Divine Pagoda are often created by him with this stunt.

There is a slight difference from real life.

However, it is enough to use it normally.

Lord Lei Xiao does not appear for a long time.

I have long forgotten what the people outside look like.

So after the countless attacks, he was most shocked.

Simply Qin Yu has been standing on the spot but intact.

But he knew that this was never a long-term solution.

I am preparing to start to change the environment in this Secret Realm.

Let countless beasts created by him to resist the unscrupulous behavior of these people.

But as soon as he started, he was surprised.

Even a nihility body, a few drops of cold sweat came from his head.

He actually lost strength control to the Secret Realm he created by himself.

Although his control of this place has not completely disappeared.

But it is indeed losing a lot.

So that now he can only helplessly stand on the spot.

Even if you want to adjust the amount of power you can mobilize, there is only a small part.

At this rate of loss, the power he mobilized has not yet reached.

I am afraid that those forces will lose his control.

That is to say, he can only watch all this now.

But now there is no more worry.

It is a complicated emotion.

“Didn’t expect, didn’t expect.”

“In today’s declining era, there is such a shocking and stunning generation, more than everyone!”

God Lei Xiao of course knows that the most powerful outside world is Xian Zun.

His news was blocked.

Naturally, I do n’t know. Someone has broken the example of the True God that has not been broken since 10000 years ago.

But one thing has not changed so far.

That is the decline in his eyes.

Before that million years, True God flourished.

Each side god within the realm is a True God of a person genuine.

And this is still under the condition of excluding Divine Dragon.

In some prosperous Holy Land, there are even 2 True Gods sitting in town.

How prosperous and glorious at that time.

But now it is such a situation.

All this naturally fell in his eyes.

But this is the place, such a declining era.

But one appeared even in the most prosperous era.

Peerless genius that no one has ever seen!

Qin Yu is still standing without any movement.

But all the forces from the siege of all directions failed to cause him any harm.

All the power that fell on him dissipated.

At this moment, there was a slight tremor throughout the Secret Realm.

Only a few talents can feel this slight tremor.

But because the attention has fallen on Qin Yu early.

Naturally, they did not notice this slight change.

It is because he did not notice this slight change.

The result is that the distance between the two sides is further and further away.

Tall trees grow to the sky in an instant.

Numerous lakes spread to the ankles.

Creatures in the swamp opened their eyes one after another and came out.

The densely packed poisons in the desert all moved towards one direction.

Thunderclouds appeared in the empty sky.

I don’t know when it will start, the wind is getting stronger.

The wind and sand caused the face to hurt.

Only a few people can feel the rain coming.

The rest of the younger generation juniors are even ignorant of all this.

Until the crisis hit his head.

All those who dared to provoke, turned into dust.

Foot on a giant crocodile ******** countless lightning.

The 10000 things at hand are all his strength.

just ask.

“Who else!”

No one dared to continue at this juncture.

The big guard even gave up those outstanding children directly.

Of course, no one can let them rescue.

Damn weak damnable.

Basically nothing is left.

There are only three guards left for all those who shoot him.

But the only one left after being spared.

It was Loose Practitioner who threw an olive branch at him.

It was only because Loose Practitioner was rejected that he didn’t make a shot. At this time, he was just lucky to survive.

Avoided this life and death robbery.

But the 3 guards seem to be lucky to be able to avoid it.

In fact, there are countless pains waiting for them.


“He has the power of the entire Secret Realm.”


At this moment.

Everyone should avoid their edge and converge their movements.

Just the prey that has been targeted, can it be run away with no difficulty.

Obviously impossible.

A branch that suddenly flew from somewhere.

Floating clouds drifting from a distance.

A piece of dirt underneath became the most deadly stumbling block.

This is the power of creation.

It is also intoxicating to everyone and capable of controlling everything.

Qin Yu’s eyes flashed dark, killing intent boiling in his heart.

In the end, it was 1000 miles apart.

Several people exploded in an instant, as if being squeezed.

Such a powerful force, such a terrifying power.

No one can resist!

However, everyone is almost dead.

Can accept such a huge power and the accumulation of an Old Monster for countless years.

This is still just the beginning.

If you can no longer vent, find a balance of power.

He will be lost in this huge power.

At this moment, the rays of light flashed by.

The 7 Divine Dragon constantly devours the extra free power.

The Dragon Soul around Qin Yu has greatly improved his strength.

It is only one step away from reaching True God.

Lei Xiaoshen was almost not started to fall the chin beside him.

Watching Qin Yu forcibly suppress the breakthrough opportunity.

He can guarantee that although he has lived for 100,000 years.

But I have never seen such a special situation!

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