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Chapter 1000 Zero 94 sacrificial offering summon

It was natural that the dark light Divine Dragon was clear so much before that.

There was a lot of noise outside, and he was always hiding in the dark, watching quietly.

But not long ago that monstrous natural phenomenon disappeared without a trace.

And there is one more True God powerhouse in this world.

Except for True God powerhouse, the dark light Divine Dragon could not imagine.

Who on earth can have such a great sense of threat to himself.

After Qin Yu this land did not all meet any acquaintances.

On the contrary, there was strangeness everywhere.

Compared with the previous days, the sky is bright. Although there is still no light, it is very bright.

“This is what happened.”

Obviously within this period of time, something that he didn’t know must have happened in the dark realm.

And this matter is related to the reason why the entire God World has changed.

At this time, the breath of Light God dragon that had been integrated into the body of him was beginning, and the restless restlessness began.

moved towards a constant agitation in one direction.

Finally, after trying Qin Yu easily found.

The breath left by this light god dragon attached great importance to that direction.

There seems to be something the same over there.

There is a high probability that Divine Dragon can be alert, and it is also Divine Dragon.

Seeing that the distance should not be considered very far, Qin Yu passed directly.

After arriving, I saw a huge altar.

There are many people tied to the altar. This is someone who wants to summon the Divine Dragon to borrow the power of Divine Dragon.

After someone broke the True God Realm world, more and more people wanted the sword moves with side stroke.

The dark world is not a peaceful world.

It is also sparse and common for someone to grab a lot of people to use as a limit to achieve their own goals.

But this time the handwriting is a bit big, almost all the immortal venomous masters have been poisoned.

“Let us go, you are bringing about one’s own destruction!”

“The legendary dark light Divine Dragon is very fond of blood, and will also break the head of the priest!”

“Let go now, we will never trouble you, this is your last chance!”

The people who were tied to the pillars were not in a panic.

Just struggling, while trying to persuade the person behind the scene to stop.

As for absolutely no trouble, and those warnings.

The people behind the scene are completely disdainful.

Originally, he was not a sacrificial person, and his head would not be in any danger after the sacrifice began.

As for it, he will never find troublesome promises, he simply won’t believe it!

Where is it? Here is the dark world!

Everyone’s words are untrustworthy.

The so-called not to find trouble is tantamount to having trouble with him after saying.

Many of these people have Great Influence.

If he let all the people go, what he was waiting for was boundless chasing.

One of the people trapped at this time saw a silhouette standing in the distance.

As soon as his eyes lit up, he shouted directly.

“Come on to save people, this lunatic wants to summon the Divine Dragon!”

Everyone knows the existence of Divine Dragon, but very few people can see it.

Even if the strength stands at the top, it is rare to find Divine Dragon.

Just like Qin Yu, it is easy to find 9 Divine Dragons, which is almost fundamental.

Because each Divine Dragon has its own hiding place, and also has its own different characteristics.

“Why should I save you?”

“It’s just a coincidence, I also came to the Divine Dragon.”

“Now that I can sit back and enjoy it, why should I intervene.”

The faces of the trapped people were even more ugly, and they were very pleasantly surprised to see someone coming over.

But Qin Yu, who was watching, obviously didn’t mean to help them.

The mood is very bad.

Especially the manipulator behind the scene, also enveloped himself in a big cloak, his voice hoarse.

But the laughter made all trapped people complexion ashen.

Now they are getting more and more incapable.

Obviously they are all people who have reached the top, but they can’t do anything at this moment.

Qin Yu stood directly next to him and watched the drama as he said.

Who is innocent?

He came this time to find the Divine Dragon.

What the man wants to do has nothing to do with him.

It would be better to be able to find the trail of the Divine Dragon in the dark.

The dark light Divine Dragon soon felt that someone was summoning himself.

Immediately found this matter interesting.

Without summon, he cannot easily leave this space.

It’s just that when you fall asleep, someone will give you a pillow.

Just after a gap was opened, the dark light Divine Dragon was preparing to slowly lean out.

Suddenly felt the dangerous breath that made him extremely afraid.

Directly retracted again.

It took a lot of effort to seize so many powerhouses, and enough secret mastermind of sacrifices was collected.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that the dark light Divine Dragon wanted to come out.

But I don’t know why, it was just a crack.

He didn’t even see the trace of Divine Dragon, only one eye.

The gap closed in front of him!

Nothing has changed around.

If not, he did see a gap just now.

I thought I was dazzled.

“How could it be? How possible!”

“My plan is 10000 without fail, all the sacrifices are here, only a lot.”

“It stands to reason that this situation will never occur.”

“What happened to the accident …”

Secret mastermind suddenly set his sights on Qin Yu.

The cloak he wore was huge, and the hood was very wide.

Enveloping his entire face, nothing was revealed.

But it is a feeling that the person under the cloak is staring at Qin Yu with extremely vicious eyes.

“It’s only you who’s changed.”

“No matter whether it has anything to do with you, you will bear my anger!”

Qin Yu originally wanted to wait here, the dark light Divine Dragon came out by himself.

But who knows that the dark light Divine Dragon ran away and retracted himself again.

The mood was not so good, there was a person boast shamelessly in front of him.

Take the knife directly.

If it is not True God, there is no ability to confront him.

“Ba heavenly blade!”

Die immediately.

When the cloak worn by a person dies, there is naturally no hiding effect.

A pretty face was revealed.

The other half is terrible.

The blood vessels on top of them seemed to be alive, hopping.

However, all this has changed since then, and the corpses have dried up and aged as if accelerated by time.

In the end it slowly turned into dust.

The trapped people were very pleasantly surprised and thought they could be released this time.

But it didn’t take long for Qin Yu to quickly find a thin booklet behind the scenes.

The sacrificial offering was reopened, and the dark light Divine Dragon felt a familiar breath again.

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