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“That Formation, which has sealed the entire space of Luo ghost town, must not be underestimated.

“I think of a way to stop the 10000 ghost hall and the others, are you sure to break the Formation?”

Li Zhen looked towards Luo Guicheng, the seal formation covering the whole city, his face dignified.

If this seal Formation can’t be broken, then even if they escaped the death slave, it is also a dead end.

“Relax, Trifling Holy Order Forbidden Formation, can’t trap me.”

A smile appeared on Qin Yu’s face, and a crystal clear and near-transparent spirit mark bead appeared in his hand.

I have been trapped by the Forbidden Air Formation in Narcissus Holy Land.

Before Qin Yu came to Luoxiao City, he was naturally prepared for this to happen.


But suddenly, one silhouette, appear out of thin air in front of them.

Between Heaven and Earth, a force of destruction came with it.

“This is … Heaven and Earth Law?”

Qin Yu’s face changed abruptly, immediately blocking the skeleton Ghost King in front of him.

9 You Purgatory is displayed in an instant, covering 2 people, Li Zhen and Blood Sword.

Ka-cha 嚓!

In the next moment, the Ghost King seemed to be hit hard by the thunderbolt. The ghost pattern skeleton broke numerous times, and fiercely hit Qin Yu.

Qin Yu’s body shook, the lacquered Black Dragon flickered, and within the body Flame Dragon Mark glowed.

But even so, there was a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth.

“Martial Ancestor!”

Qin Yu slowly looked up, looking towards the silhouette that came out of the sky.

The skinny old man, though it seemed, was unremarkable.

But he is definitely the Martial Ancestor realm!

“Wu … Zu ?!”

9 You purgatory was disintegrated, and Li Zhen showed up, suddenly looked up, his face changed wildly.

Martial Ancestor! ?

In Luoxiao City, there is Martial Ancestor’s super powerhouse! ?

Wushen Realm is the backbone in the 100 Wushen Realm.

Martial Ancestor is definitely standing in Peak powerhouse.

Any Martial Ancestor realm, in the 100 martial world, is a superpowerhouse that suppresses one side.

In Li Zhen’s eyes, there was a look of despair.

Even if he was trapped in a desperate situation surrounded by 10000 ghost halls and martial arts realms, he had a heart of war.

However, in the face of a real Martial Ancestor, he could not afford any fighting intent in his heart.

Martial Ancestor and Martial God are two completely different levels.

So far, among the 100 martial arts worlds, there has never been a precedent that the Martial God Realm defeated the Martial Ancestor Realm.

“Fortunately, I have prepared a backhand.”

In Ancient Divine Dragon Seal, Dragon Soul’s eyes are also dignified.

Even if he condenses the dragon body, in front of the Martial Ancestor, the trifling dragon body is of little use.

Such gaps, even Qin Yu with the secret skill of immemorial war dragon, are difficult to fight.

“Martial Ancestor Level 2!”

Qin Yu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Although before the action, he left behind.

However, in the face of a real Martial Ancestor environment, even if it is only the existence of the Martial Ancestor environment.

In Qin Yu’s mind, still somewhat unsure.

The only good news is that before coming to Luo Ghost Town, Qin Yu fully improved his own strength.

Otherwise, the blow from Heaven and Earth Law just now can kill him directly.

“Elder Mo!”

The 10000 ghost halls and other marvelous realms that came after him, seeing the thin man who appeared, stopped in the void.

Their originally urgent expression completely dissipated at this moment.

Now that Elder Mo in Martial Ancestor is out, Qin Yu and the others can’t escape anymore.

“Strange, that skeleton Ghost Soldier …”

On the sky dome, the appearance of Mo Lihuang saw the skeleton Ghost King in front of Qin Yu. His skinny face revealed a surprise.

The ghostly coercion exuded by the skeleton Ghost King actually made him … have a sense of familiarity?

“Trifling Ghost Soldier of Wushen Realm, I should have never seen it before.”

Mo Lihuang frowned slightly, his eyes flashing constantly.

Although he only has Martial Ancestor 2 heavy cultivation base, but he is the core character of the town Heavenly Ghost Emperor lineage.

Otherwise, it will not be stationed in 100 Wujie, sitting in Luo ghost town.

For the town Heavenly Ghost Emperor lineage, there is no contract Ghost Soldier.

Although he has not obtained the Ghost Soldier recognizing Master so far, he is no stranger.

It’s just that with his cultivation base, the Ghost Soldier, the contract of Wushen Realm, he is totally disregarded.

Qin Yu’s Ghost Soldier, how to make him feel familiar?


The way was blocked, Qin Yu didn’t sit still, caught Li Zhen and rushed to Luo Ghost Town.

“Leave it!”

Mo Lihuang saw this and simply stretched it out.

The entire void of Luo Ghost Town was boiling and trembling at this moment, and the terrifying Heaven and Earth Law Power gathered towards Qin Yu.

“9 You purgatory!”

“Azure Dragon Battle!”

“Swallow the Dragon Seal!”

“Time and Space Killing Array!”

Feeling that the Deep and unmeasurable Law Power hit, Qin Yu loudly shouted, means out.

Shocked Heavenly Dragon groaned, Qin Yu’s body was painted with Black Dragon scales, all bursting at this moment, and the flame thunderbolt Dragon Mark was also burning.


A spear pierced, and a clear echo appeared in the sky, as if the ancient war drum had been struck.

Countless martial artists tremble at this moment, blood qi recoils.

Hong long!

Qin Yu speared with all his strength and bombarded the Heaven and Earth Law.

The sky dome was violently shaken, like a violent shock wave like a tornado, swept away in all directions.

In an instant, Luo Guicheng was hit hard, and countless palace halls collapsed into a mess.


Qin Yu suffered huge damage and slammed into the city, showing a huge deep hole.

Dao Dao’s huge cracks, centered on Qin Yu, diffused toward all directions like a cobweb.

“cough cough !”

The dragon scales burst, look pale, and Qin Yu vomiting blood, surrounded by dragon spirit, immediately rushed out of the pit.

“hmph ,overestimate one’s capabilities !”

The majestic men and other martial arts realms of the Death Slaughter Field saw Qin Yu’s miserable faces, all with grinning faces.

In the face of Martial Ancestor powerhouse, it is too long to dare to confront head-on.

“Beast scale? Monster Race? No, even the Monster Race body is impossible to withstand.”

Mo Lihuang raised an eyebrow: “It seems that he has a lot of secrets!”

Although the shot he just made was not spare no effort, he did not show any mercy.

Qin Yu was just hit hard, not dead, which surprised Mo Lihuang.

The previous attack, Qin Yu can also be said to have resisted his attack with the skeleton Ghost King.

But just now, Qin Yu really used his own power to forcibly block his Law Power.

You know, with the formidable power he just made.

Not to mention a Martial God Realm, it is a group of Peak Martial God Realm, which can be easily killed.

With the secret technique, Qin Yu, who achieved the cultivation base of Wushen Realm 4 times, did it.

How could this not surprise Mo Lihuang.


When surprised, Mo Lihuang shot again, pointing at Qin Yu with one finger.

Hu Hu hurricane started.

Heaven and Earth Law Power is so strong that it can be seen with naked eye, and it is enough to destroying myriad things, and kills Qin Yu town.

“9 Palace Battle Dragon Array!”

Qin Yu didn’t dodge, and his hands quickly changed to seal.

Now the entire void of Luo Ghost Town is under the control of Mo Lihuang’s Heaven and Earth Law.

No matter how Qin Yu avoids, there is no escape.

boom ~ boom ~ ……

With the seal of Qin Yu, 9 huge bombardments were heard from the ground of Luo Ghost Town.

Next moment, around the Slave Field, 9 directions.

The ghost qi giant dragon, which is huge zhang, rises into the sky and condenses into a mysterious 9 palace Killing Array.

The 9 ghost qi giant dragons, with vast coercion, rushed towards the most central Mo Lihuang.

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