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Mo Lihuang thought for a moment, got up and left the palace, came to a ghost qi ancient building.

In that ancient building, there is a black big tripod.

Dingzhong ghost qi was tumbling, and a roar of ghosts appeared.

In the surging ghost qi, there is one silhouette sitting cross-legged.

It was a skinny man who looked like a skeleton.

But the breath of the skeleton man was extremely amazing, and it reached the 7th level of Martial Ancestor.

Placed in the 100 Martial Realm, Martial Ancestor’s 7-weight figure is definitely a rare Peak powerhouse.

“9 Senior Brother!”

Mo Lihuang came to the ancient building, and the expression looked at the skeleton man with dread.

In the 10000 ghost hall, he was born in the town of Heavenly Ghost Emperor Lineage, not only him, but 3 people.

However, of the 3 people, his cultivation base is the weakest, and only Martial Ancestor has 2 weights.

Therefore, the errands such as going to the Luo ghost town would fall on him.

This skeleton man is the Senior Brother, the old Sky Wolf who made the same sect with Mo Lihuang.

“Ten 7 Junior Brother, you are not cultivating in Luo ghost town, what are you doing running back?”

Ancient Sky Wolf’s eyes did not open, his lips moved slightly, but a hoarse voice came out, which was extremely harsh.

“I found out the whereabouts of the Great Saint and 7 Holy Son.”

Mo Lihuang said.


Mo Lihuang’s tone barely fell, a terrifying ghost road Heaven and Earth Law, exploded like a huge wave.

Ancient Sky Wolf’s eyes suddenly opened, and his pupils were a terrifying bloodthirsty color, as if the blood was condensed.

“Is this really true?”

Ancient Sky Wolf stared straight at Mo Lihuang.

He has always been hard at work and never listens to things outside the window.

Therefore, he has never been aware of Mo Lihuang’s actions over the past few months.

If I knew this, I would have been unable to sit still.

Xiu xiu!

Mo Lihuang’s right hand moved a few bones and landed in front of the ancient Sky Wolf.

“Surely it is the natal ghost of Great Saint and 7 Holy Son !?”

Just looking at it, the ancient Sky Wolf stood up excitedly, and the blood glow in the pupil flashed continuously.

“The natal ghost pattern of the Great Saint Son and 7 Holy Son was incorporated into his Ghost Soldier puppet by this person.”

In Mo Lihuang’s hands, a blue spar appeared.

The scene that appeared in the eyes of the blue pupil before, now appears in this spar again.

“Huh? This is … Great Saint Zina 9 Nine Purgatory Dragon Divine Ability?”

After ancient Sky Wolf saw the war, blood pupils stared closely at Qin Yu, covering the whole body with lacquered Black Dragon scales.

“9 You purgatory dragon?”

Mo Lihuang started, and looked towards the dragon scales on Qin Yu.

The town of Heavenly Ghost Emperor Lineage, has always been the powerhouse is respected, status and strength are in contrast.

Therefore, the ancient Sky Wolf can recognize the Divine Ability of the 9 Serpent Inferno, but Mo Lihuang has no idea.

“Is this child the heir of Great Saint?”

Ancient Sky Wolf’s bloody eyes flashed a thoughtful expression.

He was fortunate enough to see the Purgatory Space in the Great Saints show.

Now that this Dragon Race Divine Ability appears on Qin Yu, he has to make him guess.

“No, his skeleton Ghost Soldier is indeed inheritance of our lineage’s ghost cultivation technique, but he, cultivation is not the way of ghost cultivation.”

For this, Mo Lihuang is extremely certain.

Although there are many secret technique Divine Ability methods in Qin Yu, it is definitely not the way of ghost cultivation.

“So, should he just get the bones of the Great Saint and 7 Holy Son.”

Ancient Sky Wolf looked away, looked towards Jin Lingxiao and the others: “Monster Race? 100 Beast Palace?”

“Yes, I checked it out. This child has a high-level Saint Array Master level, which is 100 Elder Beast Palace!”

Mo Lihuang is slightly nodded.

Ancient Sky Wolf hearing this, faint smile looked at Mo Lihuang.

Qin Yu has the power to slash the Martial Ancestor realm twice, and there is another 2 Beast Palace behind it.

No wonder Mo Lihuang will come to him.

If Mo Lihuang’s strength is sufficient, I am afraid that it will monopolize the credit.

After all, the Ancient Immortal Commander can be recovered, but it can be accepted as Direct Disciple by the town of Heavenly Ghost.

“Issue 10000 ghost orders and convene all Martial Ancestor realms!”

Ancient Sky Wolf stepped out in one step, and his right hand waved, that dark great hall, which was included in his sleeve.

“Calling Martial Ancestor? 9 Senior Brother, don’t you need such a big deal to deal with this kid?”

Mo Lihuang is quite puzzled.

“If you just capture this child, then it is naturally with no difficulty, but if it is shot by 100 Beast Palace, it may be escaped by him.”

Ancient Sky Wolf strode away from the ancient building.

“A medium force, borrowing some of their courage, would not dare to confront us.”

Mo Lihuang quickly followed along.

“I once played against the owner of the 100 Beast Palace, and the strength is not weaker than me. In order to guard against the unexpected, I have to have the power to suppress the entire 100 Beast Palace.”

Ancient Sky Wolf said, licking his lips, a flash of strange color flashed in the blood pupil.

“What if Third Senior Brother understood?”

Mo Lihuang hesitated.

“Third Senior Brother has been closed for 60 years. Impossible was so clever to get out of the border. When the matter is over, we will immediately return to Heaven Domain.”

The ancient Sky Wolf stepped a little, then said.

“it is good!”

Mo Lihuang hearing this, expression is quite excited.


2 days later, Tianyuan domain, 100 beast palace.

“What you said is true?”

Jin Lingxiao’s eyes opened abruptly, and the golden flame of his pupil was burning, and the power was amazing.

“1000 is really 10000 indeed, Elder Qin did inquire about the information of Luo Ghost City, and during the destruction of Luo Ghost City, Elder Qin happened to be disappeared from the burial of God Hill!”

In front of Jin Lingxiao, it was a while ago, the King of Nine-tailed Fox who entered the Martial Ancestor realm.

“For this reason, I also deliberately explored the Luo ghost city, and found out that the information of 10000 people who are being explored in various places in the ghost hall is very similar to the Divine Ability secret technique performed by Qin Yu Elder …

Although it was because of Qin Yu’s 9 turn to Blood Spirit Pill, he entered the Martial Ancestor realm,

But this matter is related to the life and death of all Monster Races in 100 Beast Palace.

After the Nine-tailed Fox king got the news, he naturally dared not hide it.

“I’m going to see the palace master.”

Jin Lingxiao suddenly stood up and immediately got up and left.

This matter is no small matter, it is not his Vice Palace Lord who can decide.

Soon, Jin Lingxiao came to the 100 Beast Palace, an ancient cave with 7 rays of light.

In the 7 ancient caves, there is a group of pale blue light clusters that are large in size.

An immense pressure spread from the pale blue light mass.

“The palace owner!”

Jin Lingxiao is one-knee kneels, respectfully saluted.

“Is there something?”

A cold voice appeared from the pale blue light group.

“Is such that……”

Jin Lingxiao said Qin Yu’s story in detail.

“10000 Ghost Hall?”

The sound of murmur appeared, the light blue rays of light gradually converged, and then turned into a silhouette.

That’s a beautiful woman in blue clothes.

On the woman’s fair face, there was a faint blue animal pattern, which was even more fascinating.

In the 100 martial arts world, very few people know that the mysterious palace master of 100 Beast Palace is actually a woman.

“He is not in the palace?”

On the blue clothes woman, a circle of blue light emitted, covering the entire 100 animal palace.

After a while, she frowned slightly and asked.

“Elder Qin should be closed now.”

Jin Lingxiao froze, said.


The blue clothes woman, her eyes flashed slightly, stepped on her feet, and took Jin Lingxiao directly.

At this time, Ancient Divine Dragon Seal.


Qin Yu, who was closed for ten days, opened his eyes slowly, and his pupils turned around.

“Finally enter the martial arts god realm.”

Cultivation base reaches Dragon Soul of Martial Saint Realm Peak.

Perceiving the 5 Great World Profound Truth on Qin Yu, his eyes flashed with joy.

Qin Yu cultivation base, Jin entering martial arts, the increase in strength is not a little bit.

Now I’m in the situation of ordinary Martial Ancestor, even if I don’t sacrifice Immortal Technique, Qin Yu can kill.

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