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“The heart is broken? How is this possible!”

Looking at the Qin Yu flying at a rapid speed, Mo Lihuang’s pupils shrank unbelievably.

Ghost formation from the fire is the Ancient Formation without the legend of the Emperor Heavenly Ghost.

The ghost formation from the fire in his hand was also fortunate for his master, and was realized from the Heavenly Ghost monument in town.

Even if his master is here, it must be impossible in the blink of an eye, seeing the formation of Lihuo evil spirits.

But Qin Yu just came straight without the slightest hesitation.

It was definitely not a fluke that broke the heart, but saw where it was.

That is why Mo Lihuang will be so shocked.

Even if Qin Yu is a high-level Saint Array Master, this method is too amazing.

Could it be that Qin Yu has seen Killing Array before?

“Time and Space Killing Array!”

Long spear shocked, killing intent condensed, Qin Yu lightning strike Mo Lihuang.

Pen Long!

Void tremored violently, and those five shots blocked Qin Yu’s Martial Ancestor realm, and were bombed together.

The spear flashed, Mo Lihuang’s whole body Heaven and Earth Law broke, and a blood hole appeared in the center of his eyebrow.

A spear was killed!


The breakthrough in time and space was blocked, and the Martial Ancestor’s situation that followed the rushing in was heavy, and his face changed suddenly.

Anyway, Mo Lihuang also has Martial Ancestor environment 2 heavy cultivation base, but was actually beheaded by Qin Yu, this is what he did n’t expect anyway.

“Dragon spear dominates the sky!”

Qin Yu’s eyes are cold, and his backhand is to kill a spear.

Space-time ancient Killing Array, 9 Palace Xuantian Array, Beast God ancient formation, the power of 3 Arrays.

Under the traction of 9 Spectral Dragon Spear, centered on the 6th-layer of Martial Ancestor Realm, condensed and ran away.


The 6th-layer of Martial Ancestor was furious, and the Heaven and Earth Law exploded.

The ghost qi black hole spun wildly, with the fluctuations of Devouring All Living Things, directly collided with the fluctuations of the three Killing Arrays, and fiercely killed Qin Yu.

“Beast Soul, now!”

Qin Yu does not avoid it at all.

In the ancient formation of the beast god, a huge Beast Soul with golden horns, dropping from the sky.

The horns of Beast Soul stepped on his feet, and the golden light shone all over the sky.

The ear-bombing sound appeared, and the ghost qi black hole that swept through the roar was stopped by the horn horn Beast Soul.

Golden horn Divine Ox is one of the most powerful Martial Ancestor in Sacred Beast in the long history of the 100 Beast Palaces.

Peak battle strength is enough to easily kill Martial Ancestor 5 6th-layer.

Although it is only a Beast Soul body, there is no big problem in dealing with the 6th-layer of Martial Ancestor in a short time.

This is also the case. The 100 Beast Palace used to trifling 40 Martial Ancestor realms before, fighting against more than 10000 Martial Ancestor realms in 3 100 ghost halls.

If there is no such Martial Ancestor realm Beast Soul, even if there is ancient formation of the beast god and 9 palace Xuantian formation to help, 100 beast palace may have been broken long ago.

“Forbidden technique: sacrifice the fairy!”

At the moment of the golden horn Divine Ox attack, Qin Yu burst into white light, white light condensed, and turned into a dazzling rays of light, flashing in the sky.

“Not good !”

The Martial Ancestor 6th-layer changed its colors in horror, stood upside down with cold hair, and immediately tried its best. The vast Heaven and Earth Law, like the sea, surged like a tide.

pu chi.

But the Martial Ancestor realm 6th-layer still underestimates the formal power of the Immortal Technique.

The whole body of Heaven and Earth Law was smashed, and a grim blood hole appeared in front of his chest, with blood gurgling.

However, he also avoided the fatal moment at the critical moment of life and death.

“Tianchen divine light!”

But Qin Yu’s killing trick followed the outbreak, and the Dragon Dragon Seal at the center of his eyebrows reappeared.

A star divine light, since it extinguishing the Heaven and Earth Law fluctuation, passed through instantly, and bombarded on the 6th-layer of the Martial Ancestor.

The flesh bursts, the Martial Ancestor is in the 6th-layer, the head is pierced, and only the soul comes out in an instant.

“Soul Eater Curse!”

Qin Yu secretly performed the secret technique of the soul, holding the soul of the 6th-layer of the Martial Ancestor, and Soul Source was devoured.

At this point in the war, finally a high-order Martial Ancestor fell.

“Elder Qi … dead?”

“Who is he?”

Seeing Mo Lihuang and the 6th-layer of the Martial Ancestor realm, they fell one after another. The 10000 Martial Ancestor realms of the 5 ghost hall were extremely disappointed, and their eyes were terrified.

Even the 6th-layer of Martial Ancestor was easily beheaded. The strength of Qin Yu’s battle strength completely subverted their imagination.


Qin Yu did not hesitate at all, the silhouette flashed and rushed directly to the 5 Martial Ancestor realms.


The five Martial Ancestor environments, although the expression is extremely dignified.

But I also know that running separately in this case is no different from courting death. Only a joint battle can bring a little life to life.

“Azure Dragon Battlefield”

“Destroy the ghost pupil”

“Dragon Seal”

“天辰 divine light”

Mo Lihuang and the Martial Ancestor realm 6th-layer were beheaded, and now with these five Martial Ancestor realms, Qin Yu is not so anxious.

The forbidden technique sacrificed Immortal Technique was not used. With the Dragon Race and secret technique, the 5 of them were defeated one by one, and then all the beheads were killed.

Immediately after that, Qin Yu, like a ghost-like, continued to shuttle through the 9th Palace Xuantian formation.

There are more and more Martial Ancestor situations in 3 cases.

From the first Martial Ancestor level one, to Martial Ancestor level two, Martial Ancestor level three layers, to Martial Ancestor level four, Martial Ancestor level 2th layer.

Any situation encountered by Qin Yu in Martial Ancestor is inevitable.

“In the end what happened?”

That’s the ancient Sky Wolf fighting fiercely with Xu Xiaoyue.

Feeling more than 10000 people in the upper 100 Martial Ancestor realm of 30 ghost halls, the ominous feeling in my heart grows stronger.

But Xu Xiaoyue, but the attack is increasingly ruthless tough, so that he can not escape.

“Miss Xiaoyue, are you sure you want to completely overthrow the 10000 ghost hall with me for that kid?”

Ancient Sky Wolf was covered with silver wolf hair, and rays of light appeared in bloom, condense a huge round of silver moon behind him.

In that silver moon, there is a huge Divine Wolf emerging.

The imposing manner of ancient Sky Wolf suddenly soared at this moment, and even reached the point where Martial Ancestor had 8 peaks.

“Bring so many people over and seal my 10000 ghost halls. Now you ask me, do you want to fall down with your 10000 ghost halls?”

Xu Xiaoyue was surrounded by stars, and his eyes grew colder.

Although she doesn’t know, why did Qin Yu destroy Luo Ghost Town.

But one thing is clear.

Ancient Sky Wolf not only wanted to seize Qin Yu, but also wanted to take advantage of Qin Yu’s excuse to capture her.

Therefore, since the ancient Sky Wolf has torn her face, she will not sit still.

“You don’t really think that the kid just destroyed a city, which not only allowed me to personally dispatch, but also brought so many Martial Ancestor environments?”

“You are also from Heaven Domain, and you know some of the past events of my 10000 ghost palace, so it’s okay to tell you something.”

“There was the secret of the Holy Island that the kid had always wanted to know about the kid. The secrets of the former Great Saint son and the rebellious 7 Holy Son. Now, you should know, how big is the kid on the matter?

Ancient Sky Wolf didn’t want to talk about these things.

But now in the Martial Ancestor realm of the 10000 ghost palace, the death and injury were so great, and now he was dragged down by Xu Xiaoyue, he had to tell the news.

Xu Xiaoyue comes from Heaven Domain, and has a lot to do with their town Heavenly Ghost Emperor Lineage. It should be clear about the pros and cons of this matter.

“Great Saint and 7 Holy Son?”

Sure enough, Xu Xiaoyue was hearing this, his face obviously condensed, if the situation is really like the ancient Sky Wolf said, then things are really in trouble.

Hong long!

At this moment, an extremely terrifying tail tooth came, 9 palace Xuantian array and beast god ancient formation, both violent tremors, seemed to collapse at any time.

“This coercion …”

Ancient Sky Wolf and Xu Xiaoyue felt instantly, their faces changed.

“Martial Ancestor … 9 to Peak!”

At this moment, Qin Yu’s face suddenly froze and suddenly looked up towards the sky.

There, without knowing where, one silhouette appeared.

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