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“Although there is no definitive information, the three ancient emperors of Antiquity did have a relationship of 3 threads and 1000 strands with the ancient imperial palace.

Lin Changqing looked towards Qin Yu, slightly nodded.

Qin Yu can hear what he meant by First Senior Brother.

I don’t want him to go to the ancient imperial martial world and forcefully snatch that Jin Yan to burn Heavenly Dragon.

The three ancient emperors of ancient times are all famous ancient powerhouses.

Since the ancient imperial palace has something to do with that existence, it cannot naturally be regarded as an ordinary force.

Of course, with Qin Yu’s current strength, even ordinary Peak forces are difficult to deal with.

Not to mention, the ancient imperial palace that unifies all forces in the entire martial world.

“However, this ancient emperor of the ancient imperial palace and I have had several connections, and it is considered to have some friendship, and can recommend you to join the ancient imperial palace.

When the words fell, Lin Changqing spoke again.

It was for this reason that he knew that there was the Heavenly Dragon in the Ancient Realm of the Ancient Royal Palace.

“First Senior Brother, Jin Yan burned the Heavenly Dragon, I will figure it out myself, but you cannot continue to burn Soul Source.”

Qin Yu looked at the lifeless expression of Lin Changqing, expression grave.

I felt a little carefully just now, Qin Yu probably confirmed Lin Changqing’s condition.

Soul Source burns with a secret technique, which causes the fleshy body life force to be exhausted.

Keep going like this, even though Fleshy body can reattach body possession.

But the soul, the soul flew away and scattered, will have no chance of reincarnation.

If Qin Yu is a cultivation base during the Peak period, it can completely resolve Lin Changqing’s situation with his own cultivation base.

but now……

“Now that I have found you, the matter of the Master will naturally be given to you.”

Lin Changqing smiled.

He knows his situation better than anyone else.

Now, even if he no longer uses the secret technique to burn Soul Source, he is probably powerless.

“Oh, First Senior Brother, have you ever seen Fairy Xue Lan?”

After talking for a while and learning the details of the ancient imperial palace, Qin Yu thought of Fairy Xue Lan and asked.

Calculate the time when Fairy Xue Lan left from Heavenly Dragon Continent.

It is similar to Lin Changqing’s advancement to Emperor Venerable and into the ancient road of Wenxian.

“Fairy Xue Lan? Since your accident, Fairy Xue Lan has never appeared in Heaven Domain.”

Lin Changqing thought about it and shook his head slightly.

For Qin Yu’s only confidante, Fairy Xue Lan, Lin Changqing naturally also knows.

After learning that Qin Yu had fallen, he also went to Fairy Xue Lan specifically.

Qin Yu thought slightly.

Could Fairy Xue Lan leave Heaven Domain?

The place where he rescued Fairy Xue Lan was an Ancient Battlefield in Foreign Domain.

Although he didn’t know anything about the origin of Fairy Xue Lan, he couldn’t perceive it.

Fairy Xue Lan, should not be a person in Heaven Domain.

Because the cultivation method of Fairy Xue Lan is completely different from all Dao Lineages in Heaven Domain.

It is a kind of, in a true sense, different levels of cultivation civilization.


When Qin Yu was taken away by his First Senior Brother.

The battle of the siege of 10000 beast palaces by 3 ghost halls, Xuehou mansion, and Tianhegu has spread throughout the 100 martial arts world.

The results of this 4 battles have shocked all forces in the 100 martial world.

100 A moderate force in the Beast Palace.

Actually it can’t be destroyed under the siege of a Peak force and 2 medium forces.

This is already scary enough.

And when there are 10000 cases of 3 ghost halls, more than 100 40 Martial Ancestor realms are joined together.

Only when more than 30 people survived the news spread.

100 All martial artists who heard the news in Wujie wondered if they had heard the wrong words.

100 40 Martial Ancestor powerhouses.

This kind of heritage, even ordinary Peak forces, can be destroyed.

In particular, there is a situation where Martial Ancestor 9 is transferred to Peak powerhouse.

100 Beast Palace, actually swallowed more than 100 Martial Ancestor realm, which naturally makes people unbelievable.

However, as the details of the war spread, the dissolution of Xuehou and Tianhe Valley.

No matter how incredible they are, they can only believe.

Naturally, as this war, Qin Yu, who almost wiped out all Martial Ancestor realms, is also famous for 100 martial arts.

Numerous forces are investigating the origin of Qin Yu.

Even other martial circles have heard the name of Qin Yu.


At this time, 10000 ghost hall, a ghost qi ancient palace.

“Damn it, that old guy, what is it all about?”

Look pale, with a weak breath of 100 miles on his body, flicking his heart at the heart, a light azure gas spit out.

100 Li Xionghuang restored his bloody face slightly, extremely uncomfortable, killing intent overflowing heaven in his eyes.

If it were not for the last moment, Lin Changqing suddenly appeared.

In any case, Qin Yu escaped from his palms impossible.

Now it’s okay, not only did he hurt the foundation, but Qin Yu was also rescued.

Finally, it was possible to get the opportunity of Ancient Immortal’s intelligence, and it was so missed.

100 Xionghuang naturally hates Lin Changqing.


At this time, the hall door was opened and one silhouette came in, it was the ancient Sky Wolf.

“How? Did you find out the origin of the man?”

100 Li Xionghuang’s indifferent cold eyes looked towards the ancient Sky Wolf.

The gloomy killing intent contained in his eyes seems to be ready to bite at any time, making people have one’s hair stand on end.


Ancient Sky Wolf shook the head.

For Lin Changqing who disappeared with Qin Yu mysterious.

He mobilized the power of the entire 10000 ghost hall.

No trace can be found, as if it seems to appear out of thin air.

Hearing this, Xiong Huang’s complexion in 100, suddenly gloomy.

This time they were in such a big situation that they went to 100 Beast Palace.

But didn’t expect, fiercely planted a heel, and embarrassed back, it can be said that his face was lost.

More importantly, until now.

They still don’t know what Lin Changqing dare to deal with them.

“Third Senior Brother, this matter, do you want to return to the Holy Island?”

Ancient Sky Wolf glanced at Xionghuang’s complexion in 100, and asked cautiously.

Although now, I know that Qin Yu got the Great Saint son and 7 Holy Son inheritance, only two of them.

But paper cannot cover the fire.

Sooner or later, this news will be known by the Holy Island of Heaven Domain.

If they waited for the Holy Island to receive the news in person, their troubles would be far greater than they are now.

These words made Xionghuang’s complexion in 100 miles even more gloomy.

Without Lin Changqing, even if Qin Yu ran away, he could get it back.

But the existence of Lin Changqing made him extremely intractable.

As long as Lin Changqing is there, even if Qin Yu is found.

It is basically impossible to catch Qin Yu.

The battle of the 100 Beast Palace made Xiong Huang within 100 miles clearly realize the gap between him and Lin Changqing.

“Tell this news to Master first.”

After thinking for a while, Xionghuang spoke slowly for 100 miles.

Town Heavenly Ghost Emperor lineage, powerhouse countless.

Although they are all headed by the town of Heavenly Ghost, they naturally formed countless branches.

Ancient Sky Wolf thought about it a little, and understood the meaning of the 100-mile Xionghuang.

Ancient Immortal matters are important.

If so, pass the news back to the Holy Island.

Maybe even the ghost emperor will be alarmed, which will lead to countless Peak powerhouse.

But if you only tell them the master, then when you get the Ancient Immortal order, the credit is also their lineage.

No matter how strong Lin Changqing is,

They are absolutely impossible, and they can fight against the real Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse.

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