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The half-step Martial Ancestor realm, the Peak force placed in 100 Wujie, can be regarded as the existence of a powerful Elder.

After all, in the half-step Martial Ancestor environment, there is no accident. In the future, it is not difficult to truly enter the ancestral environment of entering martial arts.

But in the ancient imperial martial arts world, such characters were actually just the guards responsible for the re-election.

This shows the strength of the ancient imperial palace.

Qin Yu will participate in the check-up token, confirm the 2 half-step Martial Ancestor, and come to the check-up place.

The square was extremely spacious, enough to accommodate 10000 people, and there was already a surge of people at the moment.

The ancient imperial palace recruited doormen, once every ten years.

Even after a very harsh primary election, there are still 10000 Heaven’s Chosen, successfully entered the check.

Today’s check is divided into 2 links, one is the aptitude test, and the second is the battle strength test.

The primary election 3 days ago, although extremely strict, can be said to have a lot of luck.

Therefore, today’s assessment of these two links.

When the muddy water will be eliminated, only the real genius will be left!

In the far away of the square zhang, there are gatherings of the crowd of the vast crowd.

They are from the Martial Ancestor realm of the Great Influence of the ancient imperial martial world, a region’s Overlord.

But at the moment, he can only squeeze with the common martial artist and watch from afar.

No matter how turbulent the ancient imperial palace is, no one dares to dare to rebel against the ancient imperial palace at this time.

Qin Yu stood on the edge of the square, ignoring all around, those bright and beautiful, excited and nervous Heaven’s Chosen.

He was thinking about how to enter Secret Realm in the ancient palace.

According to his First Senior Brother, Secret Realm has a major relationship with the succession of the ancient emperor.

It is even possible that in the Secret Realm, there are secrets related to the three ancient emperors.

Therefore, Secret Realm, not who can enter.

Even the Martial Ancestor Elder of the ancient emperor palace, there are very few, who can enter the ancient emperor Secret Realm.

Even if Qin Yu passed the check, he entered the ancient imperial palace.

But if you want to enter the Secret Realm, it is not easy.

咚dong dong!

At noon, the blazing sun turned out.

3 long bells, grandiose, resounding through ancient city.

The original clamor for the continuous selection of geniuses and martial artists, immediately absolute silence, the needle fell audible.

Chi chi!

Above the Miyagi, the core of the ancient imperial city, a dazzling rays of light appeared in the sky.

The rays of light fall from above and then evolve into an ancient light door.

An immense potential came out of the light door.

Everyone’s heart burst into awe, expression awe.

In front of that vast mighty power, they felt as weak as ants.

“The ancient imperial palace finally appeared!”

Through that ancient light door, you can see a huge ancient palace like an island, quietly suspended in the sky.

The count of 10000 geniuses in the square, and the numerous martial artists who are watching, are curiously looking at the ancient imperial palace.

The ancient imperial palace, although located in the ancient imperial city Earth World.

But it is in the world of Xuya, and it is extremely rare to see it normally.

“It’s actually the realm of the realm!”

In Qin Yu’s eyes, there was a flash of surprise.

He also perceives a wave of the Sumi Realm from the Sumi Realm in the ancient imperial palace.

There can be means to recreate the existence of one side of the Sumi Realm in the Sumi Realm.

The comprehension of Dao of Space is absolutely amazing.

In this ancient imperial palace, there was once a Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse from Peak.

Heaven and Earth Law and Martial Emperor Realm Heaven and Earth Great Dao in Martial Ancestor are two different levels of power.

No matter how strong the cultivation base Martial Ancestor is, it is impossible to comprehend Heaven and Earth Great Dao.

“There are indeed fluctuations in Jin Yan’s Heavenly Dragon!”

The Dragon Soul, which is perceived by the secret technique, flashes with joy in the huge longan.

Xiu xiu xiu!

At this time, three stunning silhouettes in an imposing manner, from the ancient light gate, flew out and Ling stood above the square.

Those are the 3 Martial Ancestor environments wearing blue robe. The cultivation base is in the 5th layer of Martial Ancestor environment.

After the three Martial Ancestor realms, there were more than ten Martial Ancestor realms in white robe.

But these dozens of cultivation bases are all under the three layers of Martial Ancestor.

In the ancient imperial palace with a strict hierarchy.

Even if it is to reach the Martial Ancestor, it has a very clear status division.

This is even more true of the disciples of Wushen Realm.

“Today, it is the day of the re-election. Those who can pass the 2 rounds of re-election will formally become the disciples of my ancient imperial palace.

“The rules of the check I think you are all understood, then I will not be nonsense, now, the first round of the check, aptitude test …”

In the context of three blue robe Martial Ancestor, a fat man, stepped forward and flicked the fingers.

Ten rays of light, dropping from the sky, scattered neatly in front of the square.

The ten rays of light are ten stone tablets about one zhang high.

On the stone tablet, the ancient grain surrounds and is magnificent.

The ten spirit mark monuments can deeply test Martial Dao aptitude.

And if you want to pass the aptitude test, at least you must have the aptitude of Peak innate spirit vein.

Of course, even if aptitude reaches Peak innate spirit vein, it does not mean that you can enter the ancient imperial palace.

Of these 10000 people, 1000 can be the disciples of the ancient imperial palace.

Soon, under the arrangement of the dozen or so white robe Martial Ancestor.

Count 10000 geniuses who participated in the check, one after another step forward, test their aptitude.

These ten spirit mark tablets can deeply test Bloodline, Spirit vein, Spirit Body and other detailed aptitude.

“Innate spirit vein, Grade 7 low grade, failed!”

“Innate spirit vein, Grade 6 advanced, failed!”

“Innate Holy Vein, Grade 1 Intermediate, Pass!”

“Innate Holy Vein, Grade 4 Advanced, Pass!”

With the spirit mark continually distributing rays of light, each and everyone’s check Heaven’s Chosen’s aptitude was tested.

Those muddy-water generations whose good luck passed the primary election were brushed out, and their hearts were broken.


Suddenly, a beam of 100 zhang high blue water suddenly rose into the sky.

A terrifying chill filled all 1000 square meters, and all creatures felt their skin tingle with freezing.

“Innate Saint Physique, Grade 8 Peak …”

Everyone stared at it.

I saw that in front of the 7th spirit mark.

A young man dressed in an ice-blue gown, with a handsome face and a smile on the corner of his mouth, slightly recovered the right hand surrounded by coldness.

Although, Bloodline and Spirit vein, there is no clear strength.

But the potential of Spirit Body is higher than that of Bloodline Strength and spirit vein aptitude.

Unless it is those extremely ancestral and extremely strong Bloodline Strength, and the spirit vein of the reverse Heavenly Grade quality, can it be comparable to Spirit Body.

The ice blue gown youth not only owns the Spirit Body, but is also the innate Saint Physique who has reached Grade 8 Peak.

In this aptitude, even if you look at the 7 martial arts worlds, I am afraid that they are standing in Peak’s peerless Heaven’s Chosen.

“That’s the sign of Xuan Bingwu King’s Mansion!”

“I know him, he is the Little Prince of Xuan Bingwu King’s Mansion!”

“No wonder aptitude is so terrifying, it turned out to be one of the five Peak King’s Mansion!”

Above the square, one after another hot discussion and exclamation continued to appear.

But among those martial artists, Martial Ancestor’s great character from each Great Influence has different expressions.

5 Peak King’s Mansion is the most powerful huge monster in the ancient imperial martial arts world, except the ancient imperial palace.

At present, the undercurrents and storms of the ancient imperial martial world are basically derived from the 5 Peak King’s Mansion.

At this time, Xuan Bingwu King’s Mansion, let the aptitude so amazing Little Prince, come to participate in the assessment of the ancient imperial palace.

This had to make them think deeply, and could not guess the intention of Xuan Bingwu King’s Mansion.

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