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“It really is the Emperor’s Body!”

In the void, Qin Yu, who had been re-dressed, looked at the silver skeleton, and his eyes flashed with different colors.

Judging from the force and coercion, the silver skeleton was well preserved.

Even better.

“Because Qi of Dragon Vein has been raised all year round, is it psychic.”

In Ancient Divine Dragon Seal, Dragon Soul also saw anomalies.

The silver skeleton is not as simple as the Martial Emperor skeleton.

From the silver skeleton, they clearly felt a wave of spiritual wisdom.

In other words, this Martial Emperor skeleton is no longer a dead object, but a spiritual thing.

If you guessed right, the attack that made Fangyuan ten thousand li just collapsed.

Yes, it was the silver skeleton.

“This emperor’s body actually gave birth to spiritual wisdom? This is trouble!”

The Martial Ancestor of the ancient imperial palace meets Elder, all gathered together.

They stared at the silver skeleton, their expression somewhat dignified.

Just now that silver skeleton, a sudden attack broke out.

However, directly killing more than ten low-level Martial Ancestor realms, as well as 7 high-level Martial Ancestor realms were hit hard.

Such terrifying power is enough to crush the Martial Ancestor environment present.

“Doesn’t the barbarian have fallen yet?”

Barbarian Desolate Land, those transformed Martial Ancestor, are terrified, whispering and talking.

The Barbarian God has always been their Barbarian Desolate Land, the highest glorious existence.

Now, spiritual wisdom appears in the skeleton of the barbarian god, which makes them a little wonder what to do.

Ka-cha !

In the silence, everyone’s eyes fell on the silver skeleton.

A clear skeleton ka-cha sound appeared.

I saw the silver skeleton that was suspended in mid-air quietly, and actually stepped into the air.

In the eyes of the skull, there was also a dazzling silver light, which swept through all Martial Ancestor realms present.

Let everyone feel cold all over the body, as if being stared at by something ominous.

“Dragon Vein, have you been refined?”

The silver skeleton, after sweeping through all Martial Ancestor realms, the two silver awns in the eyes of the skeleton fell on Qin Yu.

It sensed the remaining Dragon Vein breath on Qin Yu.

Qin Yu felt a tightness around his body, and a great pressure came, giving him a feeling of being imprisoned.

The words of the silver skeleton are also in the presence of Martial Ancestor, looking towards Qin Yu.

But after a glance, they were all surprised.

They actually couldn’t see through Qin Yu cultivation base.

Could it be that Qin Yu cultivation base has surpassed the high-level Martial Ancestor realm and reached the level of the Peak Martial Ancestor realm?

“Since you wake me up and ruin my Dragon Vein, then you can make up for it with your life.”

Mysterious silver light erupted from the silver skeleton.

Those silver rays of light penetrate through the void and merge into the beam of light.

At the next moment, the beam of light rising to the sky disappears.

Above that 9 days, a round of silver scorching sun emerged.

But if you look closely, you can find it.

The so-called silver blazing sun was actually the bronze ancient mirror, which was shining silver light.

The silver light scattered in in the sky, evolved into one after another silver talisman, connected to each other and spread quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the entire space of the ruins of the wild gods is all over.

“Not good, this relic space is sealed!”

Those Martial Ancestor situations existed and immediately reacted, their faces changed greatly.

The space is sealed, and this piece of ruins has completely become a cage, and no one can escape.

“That bronze ancient mirror is indeed Divine Item!”

Dragon Soul looked up and looked towards the bronze ancient mirror.

It can ban the entire relic space, Holy Artifact, but it is not so large formidable power.

“Want to thoroughly refine everyone here.”

Qin Yu carefully sensed the power contained in a silver talisman and understood the intention of the silver skeleton.

Ka-cha !

At the time of Qin Yu’s observation, that silver skeleton had already begun.

Its ten fingers of the skeleton dexterously formed the mark of Dao Xuanao.

In the sky, those silver ancient signs immediately radiate hot rays of light.

That kind of hotness is like an ordinary person standing next to a volcano, and can’t stop the heat wave from entering the body.

“Blood qi is burning continuously ?!”

Soon, those Martial Ancestor situations that were still vigilant immediately reacted, and each and everyone was dismayed.

Whether it is an ordinary person, or they reach Martial Ancestor.

Blood qi is all fleshy body at all.

Although the stronger the cultivation base, the stronger the blood qi, but it can’t stand the burning and absorption.

“No, it’s not burning, it’s absorbed by these talisman.”

This time, those terrified Martial Ancestor realm, directly shot, want to smash the silver talisman in the sky.

But those silver talisman seem to be moon reflected in the water.

Let Heaven and Earth Law how to strikes, just shake slightly.

Qin Yu glanced, after the azure ancient mirror, his eyes fell on the silver bone.

At this moment, the silver skeleton has countless mysterious silver rays of light flashing.

Like the stars flashing in the night sky, it is dazzling and beautiful.

Qin Yu could see that the blood qi burned on them was actually absorbed by the golden bones.

The breath of the golden skeleton is constantly becoming stronger.

Not only they, but the blood qi of the entire relic space is constantly burning.

“Go ahead and destroy it!”

It’s not only Qin Yu who discovered this.

The Martial Ancestor of the ancient imperial palace changed its attack target.

The majestic Heaven and Earth Law turned into an attack of hiding the sky and covering the earth, and bombarded the silver skeleton.


The silver skeleton, without any evasion, punched out.

The ancient silver pattern on the fist turns into a mountain-like silver giant fist.

The Heaven and Earth Law in the Martial Ancestor realm of the ancient imperial palace was crushed strongly.

More than a dozen white robe Martial Ancestor realm, it is spit blood flying upside down.

Only one move, the strength of both parties, a high judgement.

In this scene, the Martial Ancestor of the ancient imperial martial world, complexion is gloomy.

“Its strength is getting stronger and stronger ?!”

“Are you absorbing the power of our blood qi to restore strength?”

“Go together!”

Barbarian Desolate Land’s Martial Ancestor is also extremely shocked.

At this moment, they put down their grudges against Human Race and joined forces to kill the silver skeleton town.

If the silver skeleton is just absorbing the power of blood qi from Human Race, then they will naturally not interfere.

But now, the silver bones have absorbed their blood qi, so they can’t do the wall view.

With the battle strength of this silver skeleton, if they don’t join forces, they might really stay here today.

Hong long long !

Immediately, the momentum was several times stronger than before, and the terrifying battle started in this ancient ruin.

Countless Heaven and Earth Laws exploded, sky domes roared, and the earth burst.

The ten thousand li giant pit became a deep pit of several tens of thousands of li in the interest.

This world has completely turned into a battlefield of destruction.

Under Martial Ancestor, he is involved in death.

The silver skeleton was worthy of Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse during his lifetime.

Although there is only Martial Ancestor realm strength, but in the face of the siege of 100 Martial Ancestor realm, it has not fallen into a disadvantage.

The silver skeleton, with the terrifying strength of the Martial Emperor’s body, was completely unscrupulous to fight.

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