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“It can finally be transformed!”

Dragon Soul’s whole dragon scales glow, countless mysterious Dragon Mark flashes, the vast dragon spirit surrounds.

After a while, Dragon Soul’s huge dragon body condensed into one silhouette.

It seems that he is a teenager in his tens, black clothed, with a cold eyes, imposing manner out of the ordinary.

The transformation of Dragon Soul is not in the strength of the cultivation base, but in the quality of the dragon body.

This time Jin Yan burned Heavenly Dragon’s original Dragon’s blood, Dragon Soul’s grade, and successfully reached Heavenly Grade.

“Heavenly Grade Peak ?!”

Qin Yu’s eyes lit up.

Dragon Soul not only made amazing progress in cultivation base, but also reached the point where it reached Heavenly Grade Peak even with dragon body.

In this way, Dragon Soul only needs to be transformed once again to reach the level of sacred goods.

By then, Dragon Soul will be able to impact Martial Emperor Realm.

previous life, because Qin Yu cultivation base is too powerful.

Dragon Soul only comes in handy when it senses Rain Dragon’s blood.

Therefore, every time Dragon Soul devours dragon’s blood, it is integrated into the dragon body, so as to keep the dragon body transforming.

I hope that in the future, we can reach the point of the body of Immortal Ancient Divine Dragon.

But for this life, Dragon Soul has to take the battle route.

The dragon body and cultivation base should naturally go hand in hand.

“With my current battle strength, it is enough to fight the Nirvana Martial Ancestor.”

Dragon Soul squeezed his fist and showed a tender smile on his immature face.

“It seems that you are going to enter martial arts emperor realm before me.”

Qin Yu smiled, and immediately asked, “Yes, Jin Yan burns Heavenly Dragon, should he wake up?”

Although the source of dragon’s blood was extracted to let Jin Yan burn the Heavenly Dragon strength great injury, it has passed for several days.

Dragon Soul’s original Dragon Realm is 5 times longer, no, now it has 1 times the Time Flow Speed.

Jin Yan burned Heavenly Dragon, and it was almost time to wake up.

“I woke up long ago.”

Behind Dragon Soul, chaotic dragon spirit permeated, and the original Dragon Realm appeared.

2 People stepped into the dragon world.

Primal Chaos Qi In the diffuse dragon world, there is a ten thousand zhang giant flame giant dragon entrenched.

Like a molten flame, burning wildly, the void becomes twisted and volatile.

As the Dragon Soul ranks change, the cultivation base becomes stronger, and the original Dragon Realm also becomes more than ten times larger.

Above the earth, mountains, rivers and plains evolved, surrounded by Spirit Qi, such as hidden land of peace and prosperity.


Seeing the appearance of Qin Yu and Dragon Soul, Jin Yan, who was originally regained his vitality, burned Heavenly Dragon and suddenly ran away.

Molten flames burst out of the longan, and the huge dragon head seemed to swallow Qin Yu in one bite.

Jin Yanfen Heavenly Dragon sensed it, Qin Yu and Dragon Soul, devoured its original dragon’s blood.

This naturally made Jin Yan burning Heavenly Dragon furious.

Losing the dragon’s blood, its cultivation base, will stop there and will always be promoted impossible.

Qin Yu laughed.

Before he entered the ancestral realm of entering martial arts, Jin Yanfen Heavenly Dragon was not his opponent, let alone now.


Qin Yu right hand opened, and in the palm of his hand, Jin Yan burned up from the sky.

In that flame, there is a drop of crystal clear and near-transparent dragon’s blood.

Inside dragon’s blood, there is a tiny flaming dragon swimming.

That drop of dragon’s blood is Jin Yan’s core core dragon’s blood of Heavenly Dragon.

It is also used by Qin Yu to condense the original Dragon Seal.

The originally furious Jin Yan burned the Heavenly Dragon, and the longan suddenly kept staring at the drop of dragon’s blood.

“I will give you another chance, now submit to me, to be my contract creature.”

“I will give you Dragon’s blood and your Divine Ability, if you don’t agree, then you can die.”

Qin Yu spoke flatly.

Jin Yanfen Heavenly Dragon’s flaming dragon breathed, Longan stared at Qin Yu very unwillingly.

After a while, when sensing the killing intent on Qin Yu, Jin Yan burned the Heavenly Dragon, still lowering his high head.

“Relax, you will definitely be glad for your decision today.”

Qin Yu shot with a palm, Jin Yan burned Heavenly Dragon’s eyebrows, and a profound mysterious seal array appeared like a brand.

Qin Yu and Jin Yan burned the Heavenly Dragon, and immediately produced a feeling of spiritual communication with King-like skeleton ghost.

After the seal of the contract was signed, Qin Yu returned the original Dragon Seal and the original dragon’s blood to Jin Yanfang Heavenly Dragon.

“Flame formidable power increased?”

After fusing dragon’s blood, Jin Yan burned Heavenly Dragon’s weak breath and immediately recovered a lot.

At this time, Jin Yan burned the Heavenly Dragon, and also discovered its original dragon fire. The formidable power has improved a lot.

“It seems that you don’t know that your Source Fire can devour other spirit fires to evolve.”

Naturally, Jin Yan ’s burning of the sky fire became stronger because he devoured the Cang Ling Mo Yan last time.

Jin Yan burned Heavenly Dragon startled.

It never left Secret Realm, the ancient emperor, and really did not know that the original dragon fire could devour other fires.

They do not seem to have this Divine Ability, is it mutation?

“Eternal Dragon Kingdom, 1st Step, is a success!”

Qin Yu flew a circle in Dragon Soul’s Benyuan Dragon Realm and left Benyuan Dragon Realm.

Dragon Soul also appeared in Ancient Divine Dragon Seal.

“Dragon Soul, you have to change your appearance and breath.”

Qin Yu looked at Dragon Soul’s appearance and said.

In his previous life, many old people and enemies have seen the appearance of Dragon Soul.

If he again meets the old man like Xing Luo, his identity is likely to be perceived.


Dragon Soul nodded, the breath of out of the ordinary on his body, immediately converged, and became an ordinary person completely.

Originally cold and Qin Yu’s previous life, has several points of similar face, but also turned into a baby face.

“Huh, Power of Heaven and Earth?”

Dragon Soul was quite surprised to see Qin Yu meditating cross-legged, all around the coming of Power of Heaven and Earth.

Qin Yu, can actually spur Power of Heaven and Earth?

Qin Yu thoughts move, the memory of Dragon Soul after retreat, directly to Dragon Soul.

Dragon Soul is not a contract creature of Qin Yu.

The relationship between the two of them is far more than the spiritual communication between contracted creatures.

Dragon Soul, although cultivated from the body of Immortal Ancient Divine Dragon.

But it used Qin Yu’s Soul Power.

So the two of them, to a certain extent, can be regarded as one body.

Sometimes, Qin Yu only needs a thought, and Dragon Soul understands what Qin Yu means.

“Ling State Heaven Imperial Palace, is actually a descendant of the ancient 3 emperor? Skeleton Ghost King, promoted to Martial Emperor Realm! 10000 Martial Emperor Realm sent to the ghost hall, succeeded the position of ancient emperor …”

Dragon Soul digests Qin Yu’s memory information.

Although the reality of his retreat is not long, but the change of the world outside world is a star shift, and the change is huge.

After Qin Yu settled the half-month of the chaos of the ancient imperial palace, Qin Yu cultivation base and breakthrough reached Martial Ancestor.

During this period, other martial circles and no other forces attempted to intervene in the ancient imperial martial art circles.

The ancient imperial martial arts circle recovered from a long period of unrest.

But at this time, among the 100 martial worlds far away from the ancient imperial martial arts world.

“7 Martial Uncle!”

10000 Ghost Hall, Martial Ancestor’s 100-mile Xionghuang of Nirvana Peak, respectfully toward a white haired old man saluted.

“How did you find the whereabouts of Ancient Immortal order.”

The white haired old man, his eyes open, the terrifying coercion of substantive pressure appeared, and the void was sinking.

“not yet.”

It’s 100 miles away, and his face is slightly pale.

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