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Dragon Soul cultivation base, thus reaching the point where Martial Ancestor turns nirvana.

Qin Yu also made rapid progress, reaching Martial Ancestor’s 7th level and breaking 4 times in a row.

After all, this is a half-step Emperor Venerable. The innate Lingtan left behind, Spiritual Qi contained in it, is naturally extremely amazing.

“time to go!”

Dragon Soul dispersed to Time and Space Strength, 2 people stood up and left the ancient tomb.

Arriving at the Tomb of Emperor Shenyue this time can be said to be a huge gain.

Not only got the soul of the emperor, but also cultivation base, also advanced by leaps and bounds.

After leaving the tomb, Qin Yu found Wei Yuanjiu and the others trapped somewhere in the emperor’s tomb.

Seeing Qin Yu intending to leave, Wei Yuanjiu and the others did not dare to stay alone.

The danger of this emperor’s mausoleum is far beyond their expectations.

Qin Yu is not here, they really dare not rush inside.


Almost in Qin Yu and the others, appeared in the moment of Nabi Sea.

A vast and unmatched coercion, no signs of repression, like a ten thousand zhang giant Yue pressure.

“Heaven and Earth Great Dao? Martial Emperor !?”

At this moment, Qin Yu right hand pinched the seal and immediately displayed the immortal Shihuang seal.

In the left-hand spiritual array plate, one after another Defensive Great Array appears, which turns into dozens of protective shields, guarding the whole body firmly.

Dragon Soul also immediately performed Divine Ability, affecting the void.

Bang Long!

The actions of Qin Yu and Dragon Soul are unpleasant.

But the power of Heaven and Earth Great Dao from the bombing is faster, almost instantly, strikes Qin Yu and the others.

A violent echo appeared, the indestructible Shi Huangyin tremored violently, and faintly became unstable.

Qin Yu and Dragon Soul, even from in midair, were driven directly into the bottom of the deep sea.

Pu chi!

Wei Yuanjiu and the others suffered direct devastating damage, weak breath, and heaved blood.

One silhouette shot, it is 10000 ghost hall, that white haired old man.

The white haired old man simply stood there, and the vast expanse of dignity exuded it, making it feel unmatched as if it could dominate the entire Heaven and Earth.

The white haired old man raised his hand.

An unmatched sword glow turned into countless tiny glows that penetrated Wei Yuanjiu and the others’ body, but those sword glows did not cause damage to Wei Yuanjiu and the others.

This is a means of soul search!

The white haired old man is exploring the soul memory of the ancient imperial palace and the others.

Not only the ancient imperial palace, but all the forces that came out of the emperor’s mausoleum were searched by his soul.

He is looking for someone who can use Great Dao Spirit Sword for 100 miles.

But all the while, no clues were found.


Brow slightly raised, white haired old man’s gaze, looked towards Qin Yu blasting into the bottom of the deep sea.

In the memory of Wei Yuanjiu and the others, he did not see the 100 miles of the magnificent as well.

But the same, he did not see Qin Yu’s memory.

According to Xionghuang’s plan of 100 miles, the most suspected is naturally Qin Yu who became the ancient emperor.


The sea surface exploded, one silhouette, breaking out of the sea, Ling Li void, indifferent looked towards that white haired old man.

It was Qin Yu who was bombarded into the seabed.

Qin Yu did not take the opportunity to escape. Although he understood the law of speed, he certainly could not match Martial Emperor.

Another point is that this white haired old man is just Grade 3 Martial Emperor Realm cultivation base.

With Qin Yu’s methods today, he wasn’t really afraid.

call out!

With a step, the white haired old man, crossing the void, approached Qin Yu, a finger pointed.

At this time, the sky dome within a radius of 1000 is flooded with the destruction of Jianwei.

This white haired old man, use sword to enter dao, so the power of Heaven and Earth Great Dao is directly transformed into sword power, which is terrifying.

“Indestructible Stone Emperor Seal!”

“The wars of the heavens have changed!”

Qin Yu’s eyes were cold, and his hands pinched at the speed.

The immortal stone emperor seal is becoming more solid, and even the ancient mysterious patterns on it are clearly visible.

At the same time, Qin Yu was surrounded by rich and intense divine light.

10000 1000 ancient sword evolved around the body, sinking and floating in Between Heaven and Earth, and turned into a sword mound.

It can be clearly seen that in that sword mound, there are countless handles Divine Sword and Emperor Sword shuttling through the void.

Every ancient sword, even Broken Sword, residual sword, etc., exudes Supreme sword power, just like an invincible swordsman, invincible in the world.

Chi chi chi!

The ruined Jianwei, which swept the ten thousand li sky, collided behind that invincible sword mound.

Just like a long and long Monster Beast, encountering 10000 Monster Emperor, the power is immediately suppressed to the extreme.

Immortal Shihuangyin trembles, blocking the prestige of Jianwei.

Qin Yu This time, he didn’t shake his body even a little bit.

“This is … 10000 ancient sword mound ?!”

The white haired old man’s gaze froze sharply, directly on the spot, extremely incredible.

10000 ancient sword mound is Heaven Domain Divine State, a restricted area.

It was 10000 years ago, left by a generation of invincible Sword Immortal, and is the few strongest Divine Weapon known to Heaven Domain.

In Heaven Domain, all sword repairs regard 10000 ghost sword mound as Kendo Holy Land.

Anyone who has sword repairs wants to see the 10000 ancient sword mound in person and wants to see the invincible style left by the 10000 ancient sword repair.

In the long history of Heaven Domain, almost all the famous kendo powers in 9 states have been enlightened in 10000 ghost sword tombs.

The white haired old man, who was a ghost emperor’s holy island, naturally visited 10000 ancient sword mounds.

That’s why he felt so shocked.

The 10000 ancient sword mound from Qin Yu’s evolution is actually the same as the 10000 ancient sword mound in the restricted area of ​​Heaven Domain Divine State …

“This kid, is it the disciple of the Imperial Palace?”

After that white haired old man, came back to his senses, Sen Han’s eyes flickered with different colors.

Although the influence of Ghost Emperor Holy Island did not spread to Ling State Earth World.

But he still knows a lot about the Imperial Palace in Heaven Domain, which is enough to be ranked in Peak.

It is rumored that there is a Supreme secret technique in the Imperial Palace, which is enough to evolve all Divine Weapon in the world.

But there are not many people who have really met. Only the Imperial Palace is the core of the Imperial Palace.

Now, Qin Yu actually evolved into a 10000 ancient sword mound.

This natural white haired old man guesses that Qin Yu is the inheritance discipline of the Imperial Palace.

“That’s … the new emperor of the ancient imperial palace?”

“He actually blocked Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse’s attack?”

“It really deserves to be the fierce person who killed 1000 Martial Ancestor, really fierce!”

“After all, what purpose does the Martial Emperor Realm have? It seems that all the Martial Ancestor realms that came out of the emperor’s mausoleum have been searched by his soul.”

“The thought of Martial Emperor Realm’s existence, could I have guessed it, or go back a little further, lest it be affected by the fish pond!”

In the area far away from the Sea Territory, several thousands li.

There are countless forces who are watching Qin Yu and white haired old man confronting Sea Territory by their own means.

Since the news of Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse came to the Sea Territory, the forces of the 7 martial arts circles have all gathered together.

They dare not get too close, they can only watch from afar.

“Boy, have I killed 10000 people in the ghost hall?”

After gazing at the 10000 ancient sword mound, the white haired old man’s eyes flashed with intense greed.

Regardless of whether Qin Yu is the daughter of the Imperial Palace’s daughter, since he was encountered here.

That secret technique, he naturally has no reason to let it go.

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