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After walking to the place, Luoshan disabled to bear some gasping for breath, but his face was full of excitement.

“The front is the Sea God Temple, the place where things are normally stacked. I have seen them put some precious things in them.”

A dark golden rays of light flashed through, and the heavy door blew open.

This is indeed the Sea God Temple, which is used to store some good things. If it is not led by someone, it is really difficult to find.

I put all these things in my pocket, but Qin Yu didn’t use them all. Somewhat wasn’t worth it. This should be just one of the treasure houses of Sea God Temple.

“Let’s look for Dragon Vein’s clue first, it’s not too late to come back later.”

Luoshan immediately walked ahead to lead the way.

After crossing the mountain range, and passing the seabed, I encountered a turbulent flow.

The entire Sea Territory is mostly sea, and Dragon Vein is located in one of the deepest abysses in the seabed.

At that time, he was chased into the water and accidentally fell into the seabed cave.

Only then did he get such a great opportunity, but perhaps this opportunity should not belong to him, he can only use a very small part.

You can’t see anything outside, only a deep black at the hole.

It seems to suck all the people’s Divine Soul into the unknown land.

If you take a few steps inward, you will feel a little out of the ordinary. There seems to be a mysterious power in the depth of the cave. It is extremely gentle, but it excludes people beyond doubt.

Luoshan did not know what to do, but he had never encountered this situation before.

I didn’t encounter this kind of situation after falling into the water before. When I woke up, I found myself already in the cave.

“It should be just an accident.” Luoshan tried to walk in, hard against the pressure.

Exquisite cold sweat erupted on the forehead and quickly melted into the sea water.

“Ah!” Luo Shan flew out suddenly.

Although the force of repulsion is slightly soft, not at all is too lethal.

But it is extremely impressive, if you want to break through, you will rebound ten times and 100 times.

Hitting a reef, Luoshan contorts one’s face in agony stood up.

Qin Yu waved his hand: “You don’t have to try it, maybe you hit it by mistake before, maybe you encounter any organization.”

“Or maybe some conditions are met.”

“Recall carefully how you were different after you woke up.”

Luoshan fell into thought, thinking inch by inch.

At that time, nothing special happened.

The clothing on his body is intact.

The same is true of the wounds on the body, bleeding all the time.

Oh blood!

“There was very little blood shed at that time, I thought it was bubbly, and I was already dying at that time, I thought I was dead, and then I found out that I was still alive.”

At that time, it was the most critical place for him to escape.

The whole family survived only one of them, naturally impressed.

Even after a long time, every detail can be remembered completely and clearly.

“Are you injured frequently?”

“Or is to open with blood as a medium?”

Qin Yu is not ready to try, whether it is blood or serious injuries.

“Since I don’t want to let me in, I will ruin this place!”

A powerful imposing manner broke out, a force enough to destroy the mountains, and the stirring seawater boiled!

All of a sudden, Heaven and Earth changed color!

A huge wave of 100 meters high set off on the sea.

The houses that rushed to the shore collapsed.

And in the deepest depth of the seabed.

Reef 4 splash!

The originally deep hole is like a giant beast from the abyss with its mouth wide open.

It seems to be swallowing everything in front of me!

Qin Yu battle strength How powerful, under a blow of power, was rebounded ten times and 100 times by this mysterious force.

The entire Sea Territory trembles!

Although not as good as Emperor Realm, it is enough to make Heavenly Palace tremble!

Luoshan had been blown aside by this turbulence for a long time. If Dragon Soul took him a hand, it should have been affected and killed.

To be able to see in person, and even to participate in such a large chaos in person, the shock in Luoshan ’s heart was not enough to be expressed in words.

“Oh my God, what the hell is going on? Is there another powerhouse in the late Heavenly Palace?”

“The source of this power seems to be deep in the seabed, go check it out!”

After all influence all gathered together, I saw countless acquaintances.

Almost all of the Great Influence in Sea Territory came because of this huge force.

It was too late to talk to each other, just nodded, and then plunged into the water.

Go to the place where all the vibrations come from.

Such a powerful force, that inexplicable force simply cannot afford it.

After raising the heaven overflowing giant wave at the same time, it attracted the attention of everyone in Sea Territory.

He collapsed to dissipate.

The golden rays of light gleamed slightly under the stone, and they were extremely conspicuous in the deep sea.

Pick up a huge boulder.

Exposed the huge Dragon Vein below.

Suddenly, the golden rays of light rose into the sky!

Light up the entire Sea Territory.

It is a huge wave of 100 meters that has risen.

It was also calmed down by the rays of light, and the sea was calm.

It’s the sea and the rays of light.

The dark clouds that had already gathered in the sky gradually dispersed, revealing a clear sky.

“what is this?”

“this aura ……”

“It’s Dragon Vein!”

“It turned out to be the legendary Dragon Vein!”

“Dragon Vein recorded in the original legend really exists!”

The people of Great Influence were all excited.

Sea God Temple Old Ancestor was also attracted by this strong breath.

After it landed, the people of Great Influence all closed their mouths.

Quietly gave him a way, after all, this is a Heavenly Palace!

Great Emperor is not out, Heavenly Palace is invincible!

Emperor Shaoyu was also brought by Old Ancestor. After feeling the breath of Dragon Vein, he strongly requested to follow him.

Because he was afraid of Rongtian Great Emperor, Old Ancestor finally brought him.

“Absolutely not wrong, the person mentioned Dragon Vein before, he must be related to this matter!”

“Poseidon Old Ancestor, you shouldn’t want to swallow such an important Dragon Vein.”

Although his face was rather ugly, Old Ancestor had never been angry with this person.

If it is possible, who does not want to hold Dragon Vein in his own hands.

The legendary Dragon Vein is so amazing that it might allow him to break through Heavenly Palace in one fell swoop.

Thinking of this, he was fiery.

Qin Yu never noticed that people had gathered together, but knew that he would not take seriously.

No one can tell how long a whole Dragon Vein is.

This is something that is only legendary.

True Dragon Vein, even if only a hint of breath, is enough to shock.

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