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2 drops of crystal clear and near-transparent blood like ruby ​​suddenly appear out of thin air and transform into various shapes in the air.

Suddenly it turned into thin lines and connected into a strange pattern, with a change of 10000 1000, it seemed that there was a dragon circling in it.

Xuan Yu Great Emperor already had a bad hunch in his heart, and immediately bit through his fingertips to change some details of the big formation again.

“Do you think my well-designed fame Array has only this formidable power?”

“You are as strong as you are, and you can be bigger than this day, and bigger than the Martial Dao you have studied!”

When he researched this Array, it was wild ambition who wanted to connect with this day, and Martial Dao, who everyone studied, suppressed all.

Suddenly after exposure to blood.

With the Array of Chaos Aura in the ancient world turned into a blood red, it seems to be exuding a slight bloody smell.

“In order to improve, I added 10000 1000 souls of souls, taking flesh and blood as the thread, and soul as the spirit!”

“I paid such a big fake, why shouldn’t you be able to subdue you god!”

“No matter how powerful you used to be, but you finally fell, and now you who are reincarnate and recultivate are just gods! A god …”

He seems to be mumbling to himself, and it seems that he is just adding self-confidence to himself. In short, he believes this remark.

The Great Emperor became famous, and it was originally full of righteousness, as if mixed with a trace of Heaven and Earth rationality when the chaos first opened.

But now it turned into a red blood, filled with ominous breath.

Qin Yu looked solemnly at the Array above his head.

Suddenly shook his head and sighed, full of emotion.

“It’s crazy, in order to pursue strength, I even set foot on such a Road of No Return.”

“But you seem to have forgotten, Qiong Evil is naturally restrained by this Qi of Evil!”

“His nemesis is too much, and just right, I will restrain this rich evil spirit!”

The picture in front of him was drawn with pure blood essence.

It is attached to the entire Canglong family, the righteousness accumulated since the tens of thousands of years, and the details!

In that most difficult period, they saved more than 10000 1000 lives, but also absolutely life!

Countless totals accumulate together, and they accumulate a vast sea of ​​righteousness!

In the end, all Dragon Race voluntarily sacrificed their lives to preserve future generations, which is the most pious belief.

2 Superimposed, using the blood essence of the young blue dragon as the medium.

If it was the previous Array, Qin Yu had a little headache, but now everything is with no difficulty.

The formidable power of the entire Array has not yet exploded, and Qin Yu has printed the dao chart in front of him.

However, the palm-size pattern is unremarkable compared to the monstrous Array that can envelope Heaven and Earth.

However, under the contact of two, an extremely brilliant golden rays of light suddenly erupted.

There is a strong dragon with a strong breath, roaring and angry!

Its strength is even slightly stronger than that of Rongtian Great Emperor later!

Obviously, I have completely touched the threshold of God World, and even stepped in.

This is of course. The powerful strength accumulated on the 10000 powerhouse is the same as the true God World Mention on equal terms, which is enough!

Xuan Yu Great Emperor didn’t last long under this vast breath.

Such a powerful strength, it seems that he has returned to the battle before 10000 years, corpses everywhere across the field!

When all of them joined forces, they still sacrificed 1000 1000 absolutely people as pioneers.

In addition, in the end, all of them were replaced by injuries, so that people were permanently left there.

After that, all the people who participated were more or less left with some hidden diseases.

This is one of the fundamental reasons why he has kept a low profile.

Now, the retribution is finally here.

In a trance, he seemed to have seen his corpse lying on the cold stone slab bloody.

He stared at the sky incredulously as if to ask why the sky was so unfair.

After giving someone such a powerful battle strength, even after letting him reincarnate and recultivate, he even has more powerful strength and innate talent, and even opportunities!

Dragon Soul approached and was preparing to turn this person directly to the result.

Suddenly, Xuan Yu Great Emperor made an extremely sharp scream.

“Do n’t kill me, I said everything, do n’t you want to know where your Master is?”

“He is in Xuanyu, and has been guarded by me all the time. I also follow orders!”

“As long as you choose not to kill, I can release people now and let you master and disciple reunite!”

“All this was done by Xing Luo, and it has nothing to do with me!”

Qin Yu asked Dragon Soul to take back his final blow.

“You better pray that everything you say is true.”

In such a life-and-death period, where is he still guts to deceive people.

trembling with fear walked slowly in one direction with Qin Yu.

Although their speed can’t be called how slow, but if combined with strength, today’s speed is indeed like a snail crawling.

During the period of uneasy eye movements, I do not know what kind of thoughts, maybe it is to take the opportunity to escape.

Dragon Soul kicked a Rongtian Great Emperor directly to the ground.

Of course, with his current strength, it is difficult to do this.

If it is under normal circumstances, not to mention this kind of action, it is close, maybe it will be suppressed by the powerful imposing manner.

But now the Great Emperor is clearly at a disadvantage, and he dare not resist.

Qin Yu not at all obstructed, and indeed should give him a little lesson, whether it is because of the past, or what he has done in recent years.

take the side of the evil-doer.

And it is hard to get 10000 souls of flesh and soul to improve their strength and embark on the evil way.

After walking to the place, Qin Yu felt a little bit close to homesickness.

But after all, it ’s a major event. It ’s important. Anyone who gives Xuan Yu Great Emperor a little chance can escape without the slightest hesitation. No one knows if he will tell Xing Luo all of their news.

I don’t know how long it is.

master and disciple 2 people finally meet again.

There was a moment of speechlessness, all looking at each other.

Xuan Celestial Immortal was completely spotless in his white robe, with thick black hair, standing tall.

His eyes are deep, and his breath is deep and unmeasurable.

But there is another extremely comfortable atmosphere around the body, which does not belong to any domain in this ten-party World.

The entire prison is made of dark materials, just like the night will never have the day.

When Qin Yu came in, he passed dozens of levels, each of which was very strict.

But all of this is not enough to hold Xuan Celestial Immortal firmly.

Unless there are any special factors in between, Qin Yu only found out what was really capable of locking Xuan Celestial Immortal.

“He dare to drop you a magic nail!”

This is an extremely evil thing, even God World, and extremely difficult to find.

Not to mention the fact that within the realm of this decade, even if you want to build such a magic fairy nail, you can’t even find the materials.

And in this realm of the tenth century, such a nail penetrates into the body for a long time, and can even wipe out the existence of a Great Emperor.

The Xuan Celestial Immortal has a dozen or so.

Drenched with blood above.

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