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Qin Yu summoned Dragon Soul back.

This time used 70% of the power of Array.

It is only now that the real formidable power of this Array is utilized.


Even if they forcibly promoted Realm now, in front of this Array, there are only a few ants that can be crushed.

Like the might of the Great Dao, suddenly dropping from the sky, shooting everyone on the ground with an absolute stance, smashing 8 humanoid pits!

Even the dead man has not escaped this repressive force.

It doesn’t even need to be buried, and it has already been fuse with the earth.


The screams were endless, and under this powerful crackdown, they could not even move their fingers.

Not to mention evasion?

Under the acceleration of nearly 60-70 times.

All of them quickly and silently died in the big pit that they were smashed with fleshy body.

After this, the force of repression still hasn’t been retained.

Until the surrounding land is compacted fiercely.

The bodies of several people were also completely buried.

Only a solid piece of land is left in place.

Soon after, this piece of ginger grew very lush and grew a weed.

Cover up all the exposed ground.


Qin Yu and Dragon Soul disappeared in this land, and not long after, several Great Emperor knew that the person they sent had died.

But they were able to live unharmed until now by their own means.

Although the annihilation of the whole army sounds a little unlikely, they have also anticipated that this might happen.

As early as when those people set off, they carried extremely special photo stones.

To a certain extent, they can retain the scene before they died.

Of course, from the perspective of several of them.

So 9 Great Emperor saw a very shocking scene, across a thin illusory shadow, they seemed to feel the power of Suppressing the Heavens and Earth!

“This is too terrifying, how much assurance do you have over this Array?”

“It doesn’t seem to be completely impossible to break the formation, but it is too fast.”

“If you let me come, I’m afraid there are several points of odds.”

Then everyone was silent.

Even if someone of them personally will not do better, it also represents this Array, at least has the power to crush a Great Emperor.

Is n’t this what happened to each of them?

No one wants to die, unless someone else will die, they dare to take risks.

All of a sudden people were quietly looking at the people around them.

It is the most cost-effective to plan who is going to die first, and it is most beneficial to them.

Qin Yu and Dragon Soul at this time have already entered the strange martial arts side.

This world is called Beast Domain.

You can hardly see anyone’s silhouette, you can only see various types of grotesquely shaped orcs.

“These people have a little Bloodline of other races, but they also have Human Race Bloodline.”

“That is to say, monsters born from different races are here.” Qin Yu nodded, continue to move forward.

Grotesquely shaped people are everywhere in the whole street.

Or a birdman with a bird’s head and wings.

Or maybe a person with a long tail crawling on the ground, looks like a crocodile like Bloodline.

There are also several blurry shadows above the sky, which seem to be flying people.

If you walk to the water, you can also see some people with fish heads swimming in the water.

Of course, there are similarities on the streets.

The woman with a cat face looked at Qin Yu with some novelty.

“Are you going to buy something from me? I have everything here.”

Behind Catwoman is a rather gorgeous shop that looks decorated, but although it looks splendorous and majestic on the surface, in fact, there are some useless small things, but it is also quite novel.

Glowing God Moonstone.

Or it can be a water mirror that can retain a piece of video.

But these things simply have no value, but they are placed on the counter, and each and everyone is marked with a very high price.

There are also some guests inside, who all look quite complete.

But some of the characteristics of the beasts are occasionally revealed.

For example, it is long, with fangs with tiny holes.

Or someone’s long tail flashed by.

The vampire bat and the golden stone monkey were able to stand together unharmed.

Only here can we see such a magical scene.

“I don’t want anything.” Qin Yu didn’t look back and went on.

It does look amazing here, but it does not mean that this is a pure land.

Even the previous store that looked more ordinary had a very special existence.

There are many things on it that are stained with blood, obviously the way forward is not very correct.

But what does this have to do with him? He also just passed by.

Soon after, those who came after the chase arrived as scheduled.

But at this time, those people didn’t even have time to approach Qin Yu.

It was solved by those seemingly harmless orcs.

Qin Yu paid more attention.

These guys who don’t seem to be ghosts actually have their own unique innate talent.

Compared with ordinary people, they all have some advantages of beasts.

For example, the balance and flexibility of monkeys.

Another example is a guy with a fish head, who can with no difficulty in the potential water.

They even have very good teeth and can easily tear their prey.

In short, they have more or less inherited the characteristics of some beasts.

Some are advantages and some are disadvantages.

But as long as there are shortcomings, there must be certain advantages.

At this point everyone is doing well.

A big man with a dog’s head came over and first put away all the weapons in his hand to show that he was friendly before speaking.

“You have a lot of strange smells, and those people should leave the final thing on you.”

“If you find it troublesome, I can help you get rid of these smells.”

“But I heard that there are a lot of good things in you. Can you pay me a part of it?”

“After all, you know, we do all these things to get paid, otherwise how to feed the family, there are some puppies in my family that need to be raised.

This is a very magical World, and of course speaking is straightforward.

There are not so many twists and turns, and Qin Yu is happy to pay this reward.

Of course he didn’t notice any strange smell on his body.

But he still believed in the sensitivity of the dog’s nose.

If this kobold dared to lie to him, then this kobold would naturally not live long.

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