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At that time, when he came in, he had entered many Old Ancestors of Great Influence, also at least Heavenly Palace.

Forces like them happen to be close to each other, so that the juniors can come and explore, and they are also life and death. No one knows what dangers will be inside, so there are still a few people willing to come in.

He also made up his mind to come.

At the same time, there are also people who know Qin Yu in various places.

Entering the illusion for various reasons.

At the same time stepped in several strength Peak.

These people, if they saw Qin Yu, would definitely recognize them. These are the ones who shot him back then.

Now it is precisely the few people who received the battle post are provoked by the public, and naturally the anger in their hearts needless to say.

People who know this matter regard them as a joke. Although no one dares to laugh at them on the surface, there are not many jokes in private.

“Someone has broken through my illusion, and now I’m introducing it into a new illusion. Wait a moment!”

“Oh my god, how come so many powerhouses suddenly?”

“One 2 3 … ten 50 67 …, my God, there are ten or eight!”

One-eyed quickly told Qin Yu about this matter. At present, they are grasshoppers on a boat.

Now that Qin Yu is the main player, he must not betray. If he betrayed, he would not get a good end.

Qin Yu knows that this is estimated to be the arrival of all Peak experts within the realm.

It is also something that is expected. With such a big movement, those most powerful houses can certainly be reached in the shortest time.

Even if some people stay in a remote place.

They naturally also have various means to arrive.

As for coming in at the same time, it is also a tacit understanding.

But for the time being, these people don’t need him to manage more, even if they see through it as an illusion? Knowing that this is the environment may not really be able to break through the illusion.

“The settings are more perfect. Now that they have doubts, they don’t need to make any realities.”

“Let them meet occasionally, set up some huge rooms, let them slowly find someone to go one by one!”

These people only need to be temporarily trapped.

There is no need to kill them all, and there is no need to release these people.

One-eyed is a very clever listening order, this method really saves a lot of trouble.

And those powerful people, after entering the monotonous room of each and everyone, did not use mandatory means to break through.

To prevent them from knowing where to find someone.

One-eyed specifically set some clues for them, but almost did not throw the clue directly to their faces.

As long as a house, a house search, they will be able to find others sooner or later.

As for whether it can be found, it depends on luck, because the house is densely packed one after another, layer after layer.

It is of course impossible to find so many people in a short period of time, and this house can to a certain extent isolate the exploration of their strength.

In other words, there is no other way to find a house than a house.

Unless all this is destroyed.

But in that case, there will be other dangers.

The perfection of the end of the matter, no matter what, these people will definitely be delayed for another period of time.

The one-eyed heart was full of admiration, and this matter was resolved so easily, and originally he had no way or clue.

Sure enough, the master is the Master, and he did not misunderstand him, and was able to break away from the illusion immediately, really not an ordinary person!

I completely forgot how I called him a monster before, and the speed of Qin Yu breakthrough shocked him.

A group of black-painted creatures with 2 huge angles above their heads.

There was a stench all over his body, and his eyes were completely red.

The skin is grayish and there are many folds, and layers of dirt are accumulated in these folds.

The source of odor is these non-scaling.

This creature crawling up from the abyss has no hair on the top of his head, and he can’t even find a hair on his body.

2 arms are extremely wide, but the palm is normal size, a pair of legs is strong and powerful, and the sole of the foot is like a fan.

When walking, he couldn’t stand up, bent over slightly, and looked at everything with brutal and greedy eyes.

Suddenly the sky was spinning.

There seems to be no change in everything in front of them, but they have entered the illusion.

This creature does not seem to have a high IQ, but the feeling of turning around is already familiar to them.

in small groups get together and whisper, and a while later the body is the strongest and the tallest abyss creature comes up with a book.

Turning over a page of blank paper, suddenly a grim black mist appeared. Among them was a robust silhouette, faintly discernible, and the scales were slightly reflective.

The breath of Dragon Race!

Qin Yu immediately stood up, his back straight.

If it is Dragon Race Bloodline, then he has the opportunity to break through the Great Emperor.

The abyss creature has something to do with Dragon Race. Originally, he thought it should be related to the so-called dark god. Now it seems that the dark god might be this evil dragon.

A string of esoteric words was spoken from the mouth of the abyss creature.

Every pronunciation is very obscure.

It seems to imply a certain rule.

It makes the listener feel trance and easily fall into a mysterious situation of extremely mysterious and abstruse.

“This is Dragon Language.”

“It seems that there is Dragon Race Bloodline to blame, and I don’t know what a dragon is!”

“Just looking at these two events, it should be powerful, and even have a group of believers.”

“This time the opponent is definitely not easy to deal with.”

Qin Yu said more and more excited.

The more difficult it is to deal with, the more powerful it is.

When the time comes, he can bring him more.

Along with the Dragon Language, a very dense black mist rose from the pages of the book.

Cover all abyss creatures.

Then the huge black room moved slowly.

Even out of the influence of fantasy.

The most correct path has always been taken.

And the place where this group of black mist passes is full of life!

A thick layer of grass on the ground turned into a sky of yellow sand.

It did n’t take long for that piece of debris to be completely dead.

“There are many places like this.”

“So I’m in a hurry, and I can’t continue to let it go.”

“Otherwise, these guys will definitely destroy the land I live in!”

Qin Yu has also witnessed how cruel these guys from the abyss are.

Wherever he passed, his life was cut off.

It is conceivable that if you give them enough time, the ancient territory will be completely dead!

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