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Chapter 800 Chapter 45

I have to say that these people tried their best to defeat him.

It’s a pity that in the end it still failed, and all the plans were ruined.

9 people still do not want to give up struggling.

And each and everyone’s strength is extremely powerful, and it really makes them resist the success, but it can only be a move.

Apart from this action can not be done.

“Ah!” The Great Emperor of Fuguang tried his best to raise one of his arms.

However, ka-cha said.

His arm fell softly to the ground.

In any case, it can’t make a little effort, and it is obviously broken.

“It’s really an overnight one’s capabilities.”

“Now I remind you for the last time, don’t make trouble, otherwise take responsibility for the consequences.”

“Dragon Soul.”

Dragon Soul be eager to have a try.

Step by step.

Fiercely slapped on the slick face.

The naked eye shows that the face that looks right has bulged.

The side face on one side was completely red and swollen.

There was even bloodshot eyes.

It looks terrible.

Suddenly, Li Mang flashed.

The time around Dragon Soul suddenly changed.

The little hidden weapon slowly approached with the slowest speed.

Dragon Soul with no difficulty took this little hidden weapon with his finger, and suddenly flicked back.

This time he changed the speed of the hidden weapon.

Time Flow Speed ​​has been strengthened by nearly 60-70 times, and the speed is not as fast as usual.

Even when he threw away, he didn’t exert much energy.

But under this bonus of nearly 60-70 times, it is still the speed that naked eye can’t catch anymore.

Lin Feng’s face was pale.

Originally, he really wanted to take advantage of the sneak attack, and what he came up with was already under the box.

Don’t look at it just a small piece.

The material is extremely precious.

Such a small hidden weapon took him 100 years of effort to build, until now no one has seen anyone, only he knows that there is such a treasure in the world that he presses the bottom of the box.

But now, he now now the treasure at the bottom of the tank has not played any role.

Even such a powerful treasure that no one knows could not keep him.

“Don’t even dare to calculate me, master, how can I handle this person?”

Qin Yu glanced at him: “You can do whatever you want, if you die.”

Suddenly, with a wave of his hand, no one except Lin Feng felt the enormous pressure.

Linfeng stared wide-eyed.

It’s quite incredible.

Originally he really thought that Qin Yu could not control such a huge Array.

But now he is shocked that his strength control for such a powerful large array is logically impossible, because the strength is not enough.

But Qin Yu couldn’t do it with common sense.

He does have the ability to control the entire team, and can be nuanced.

It’s just controlling the strength of Heaven in this town, only for one person.

It’s not too much trouble to do, and it’s never too much trouble.

Dragon Soul approached slowly.

Lin Feng exhausted all his strength and wanted to move back.

But no matter how much effort is used, even a simple move cannot be done.

“Don’t come, even if it depends on the past sentiment!”

“It wasn’t that I targeted you first, but they insisted on pulling me together.”

“I obsessed, don’t kill me first anyway, they are the ones you should kill!”

Linfeng has been collapsing frequently, whether it is being suppressed or facing the danger of death.

Coupled with the repressive emotions since this month, the moment erupted completely.

There is simply no way to control your words.

I just want to procrastinate in various ways and let myself temporarily struggle on whilst at death’s door.

Let Qin Yu kill the others first, as long as he stays until the end.

But the pleading he made before he finally died was still useless.

stared wide-eyed, before death is full of incredible, even panic.

He never thought he would die so easily.

He died too neatly.

Others saw the expression before he was dying.

At this time, several people had lost their thoughts to continue fighting.

The only idea in my heart is to escape, the farther I escape, the better, and far away.

Qin Yu alone is impossible to seize all of them in a short time.

As long as you can escape from here, there is still a silver lining!


“It’s not that easy to escape.”


All those who wanted to escape were again fiercely suppressed.

Another big hole was smashed on the ground.

Each and everyone are smashed.

But the most desperate thing is not the wounds on the body, but this helpless feeling.

They have been to rebuke Heaven and Earth for many years, and now they are full of despair in the weak people who can play with others at will.

A few have not left the Great Emperor within a large array.

Once again, it was affected.

It was also strongly suppressed!

There was a blur of flesh and blood all over.

Even if I feel that I have been hit by innocence.

No one dares to speak, even if only a few words.

After Qin Yu withdrew a force to suppress them.

In a hurry, he hurried out of range.

All the people retreated beyond 10 li.

Because just one step closer.

All of them will be affected by the formidable power, even impressed by the crackdown!


Headed by the floating light, several people joined hands.

Swing up dust filling the sky.

There is one after another attack behind this sky of dust, which comes from the hands of different people.

Face the threat of life and death.

All of them worked out their best with great tacit understanding.

And he didn’t keep his hands at all, and the time to move was very similar.

As if there was something, a chain was formed between them, binding all of them tightly.

Qin Yu evaded for a while.

Avoiding the dust filling the sky, there are countless dangers behind.

After that, he stood beside the crowd very easily.

Suddenly thoughts move and felt the small movements not far away, so I was not in a hurry.

Temporarily watch these people run out.

Fuguang only thought that he would run out after all, but in everyone’s eyes.

But a few of them smirked and ran back.

Each and everyone ran to Qin Yu with a smile, turning around him.

Then there was a burst of cheers.

“We finally ran out!”

“Qin Yu will definitely be unable to treat us this time, and leave here soon!”

“It is said that now it is time for us to leave quickly.”

“In fact, in terms of strength, he is the first in the entire Ten-Fang World.”

“Don’t care so much, he and I know how to kill innocent people and captive countless boys and girls.”

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