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Chapter 859: Drinking the Dragon Sword!

Dragon Race has always been a very powerful existence. Even in Immortal World, wherever there is a Dragon Race trace, it will immediately become a news that everyone values.

Of course, there is something like a dragon, but nobody cares too much.

Because Bloodline is really complicated, there is no value.

The strength is just average, not like the powerful Dragon Race.

Some can even claim to be God!

Dominate your own side!

“At present, I know that there are a few places where Dragon Race is infested, but these places are extremely dangerous.

“And the exchange will start after 3 months, and the time you spend on the road may be a month.”

The point is that it is too dangerous.

Every place where Dragon Race may be infested, all are extremely dangerous and extremely resourceful.

But for such existence, there are countless forces entrenched.

He is just a small city owner, not so powerful.

In Unzen City, he can be called one hand shrouding the heavens.

But when it reaches the next place, it can’t play any role at all.

At most, I know a few people.

Or smash it with money.

That may still be able to smash a road, but there is no guarantee that people can return safely.

But wherever you go to a dangerous place, most likely you are in danger.

“There is danger in order to be able to obtain opportunities.”

“I want to break through Mysterious Immortal in a short time. Although it is not impossible, you know how difficult it is.”

No matter how excellent his innate talent is.

Impossible is locked in the same place, and it can be broken through motionless time.

So he has to go out and move around.

If he forcibly accumulated strength with various resources, it was just a trouble for him.

Maybe it will cause unstable foundations, and he never bother to use resources to enhance his strength.

Often it is where water flows, a canal is formed. Even if a lot of resources are sometimes used, it is because he only has enough resources to build up his strength.

The city owner knew that he could not trap people.

Qin Yu has already made up his mind. Since he has made up his mind, it is not up to him.

“Well, you can go.”

“But I still hope you can hold this.”

“This is already the most powerful Martial Skill I have.”

“It is also equipped with a broken soul sword, I heard that it cut the dragon.”

“But for a long, long time, no one has been able to pull out this sword.”

This is already the treasure at the bottom of the city’s pressure box, which is handed down from generation to generation.

But when it comes to this generation, there are only some legends left.

No one can pull out that sword, and no one can learn Martial Skill.

So this becomes waste, and can only be placed on the shelf as a collection.

Nothing more has any effect.

Martial Skill is called Dragon Roar!

The sword was also taken out by the city owner.

Qin Yu put a hand on it and felt a slight tremor.

It seemed that the sword also felt the breath on him, so he was restless.

This sword has spirit and extraordinary strength.

Although trapped by the scabbard and dust-covered for 1000 years, the spirituality remains undiminished.

“Good sword!”

The eyes are bright.

He could vaguely feel that the sword seemed to tell him something.

Perhaps this is fate.

When he held the sword, he knew that he must be able to open it.

And the fact is exactly the same, he almost won’t open the sword as easy as pie.

The sword was unsheathed.

There was a crisp buzzing sound, and it seemed to be ecstatic.

The lord of the city looked at this scene unbelievably.

Suddenly sighed.

If it is really a sword, so far away, he can feel the sharpness of the sword.

But now that they have spoken out.

He will not regret with no difficulty.

What’s more, he has tried countless times.

It is not that other people have not tried it.

But only such a person can pull out the sword.

Perhaps this is fate, even if he is envious, it is irreplaceable, it is better to be generous.

In that case, he might choose his broad-mindedness.

And informal.

Make a good impression on Qin Yu.

“This kind of sword is indeed good, but the name of the broken soul sword is a bit inappropriate.”

Qin Yu felt the clearest for himself. The reason why this sword was pulled out by him so easily was because he felt the dragon’s blood on him.

It is indeed a good sword, but it is very murderous.

And I am quite interested in dragon’s blood.

Only interested in dragon’s blood.

“Martial Skill is called Dragon Slash, then it is called Dragon Sword!”

Only this name is the most suitable in his opinion.

If you want to change to another name, it will not be as suitable as it is now.

What a broken soul, this name is too incompatible with the characteristics of this sword.

The city owner’s eyes lit up and thought it was a good name.

Since he had already sent the things out, he didn’t care about changing his name.

What’s more, since this sword has spirit, and he has recognized his master.

Qin Yu’s safety can be guaranteed, he no longer has to worry about that much.

At most, it is to worry about whether someone will stare at this sword, and it has the heart of killing more people.

However, thinking about his own strength, this worry in his heart soon disappeared.

In the end, Qin Yu refused to send him to send him.

He can go by himself, and what he lacks is nothing but news.

The most needed is a map.

And someone gave him a brief talk about the situation outside.

“I know you want to find a dragon. These are the places where there are dragons.”

The place referred to by the city master is the Dragon Temple, the giant dragon valley, and the most mysterious cave forest of 10000.

There are definitely dragons in these places, but they are extremely dangerous. Every place has a lot of dangers.

There are many people guarding in the Dragon Temple, and there are many institutions and dangers in the giant dragon valley.

Although the last place is not in danger of being placed on the surface, it is also the most mysterious.

Few people come in and come back alive.

And these people who came back alive, in the end, they were all crazy, and they were basically the same as being half dead.

So this is an absolutely dangerous place, and the city master specially marked it with a special mark.

“10000000 Don’t go here!”

Because there is a lesson from the dragon.

This time the city owner is more worried that Qin Yu will go there.

He didn’t worry much elsewhere.

Only here is the most dangerous, and there is basically no possibility of coming back alive after entering.

Qin Yu just looked at the place without talking.

In his opinion, the most mysterious place is the easiest place to go in and out.

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