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Chapter 900 Zero 2 Go to Tianzhou

“How come you never come back? How could such a powerful person die silently!”

The death of Duo Shu hit them all.

Such a powerful powerhouse is just like the death of unfathomable mystery. If there is nothing wrong with it, they will absolutely not believe it.

It may be so powerful to be able to crush such a powerhouse so quietly.

Even they didn’t feel any movement.

Profound Heavenly Sect nearby is among the few who are guarding the White Sand City.

But no one knows how things happened.

All of them only found out that the person was missing afterwards, thus speculating that the person might not be already not in.

“It seems that we still need to be vigilant now, and we can’t ignore the secret powerhouse!”

“You just have to be vigilant, let’s go back to Profound Heavenly Sect to report this matter together.”

“Otherwise when the time comes, I am afraid all of us will die here, and no one can go back.”

All of a sudden facial expression grave, even showing fear.

Their strength is not as good as Doshu.

Don’t be so strong, you need them to look up at the powerhouse and die silently.

After that, they met that powerhouse, can they resist it?

Not to mention rebellion, it is not always possible to say a last word before dying.

Mu Bai is having a headache on how to send all these people back to Xuan Tiemen.

But turning around and discovering that all the people have retreated from his city, each and everyone is quite afraid.

When he asked about the entire process of development, he went directly to Qin Yu in shock.

“I did kill someone.”

“But they suddenly quit and have nothing to do with me.”

Qin Yu doesn’t remember the name of that person.

Anyway, people are dead now, and they are completely dead.

Not even the corpse can be found.

He didn’t know who the dead person was, and he didn’t want to know, but Mu Bai asked people to know, of course, who the dead person was.

Can’t help but feel a little nervous.

It seems that he should increase Qin Yu’s danger level by a few points.

Originally, his focus on Qin Yu was more about his innate talent and speed of improvement.

There is also a good relationship with Fire Qilin Race.

But now it seems that he himself is a very powerful powerhouse and does not need anyone’s protection at all.

“That man is an extremely famous powerhouse.”

“And acting strangely, a lot of people died under her.”

Qin Yu still does not have any interest. Since everyone is dead, is there any point in paying attention again?

After seeing his expression, Mu Bai knew that it didn’t make sense to say anything.

Although he was extremely shocked, none of the parties took this matter seriously, even if he was shocked it was useless.

Can only be more careful.

If Qin Yu is really dissatisfied with him, I am afraid that dealing with him will be the same as dealing with Doshu, and you can solve it easily.

At this point, he had no idea that he wanted to stay.

This person’s stay is a disaster for him, a trouble that can never be solved.

He might suddenly give him a blow.

“Now Baixia City has been stared at, why not go somewhere else?”

“You don’t have any identity right now, and you can be found everywhere, but there is a place for you that you can think about.

It was a mixed city called Tianzhou.

Close to Tianzhou is Yizhou, that is the area where Baixia City is located.

If you really want to go to Tianzhou, it is not too much trouble.

As long as he arranges to be able to send people over soon.

“No need.”

“I am more interested in Profound Heavenly Sect.”

Mu Bai now looks at Qin Yu’s eyes, full of fear and vigilance.

Finally, I had to take out the news I had just received soon.

There are very few people who know this news. He was also accidentally connected to what Qin Yu said before.

There seems to be a powerful powerhouse over there, and no one knows where this powerhouse came from. This powerhouse also seems to be quite valued.

Especially the people of Profound Heavenly Sect are terrified. In fact, Tong Xuan Ling Jun came from there.

So they can arrive in a short time.

It’s just a coincidence that he left his life here forever.

“And I heard that you are looking for the intermediate level of Dragon Race, there are just a variety of races, and Dragon Race is also there, but the traces have been hidden deep, I am afraid that you will have to find it slowly.”

He would rather pay in large sums of resources, rather than let trouble stay here, he could not afford such a great god.

If he did it, he did not have that confidence and could get rid of people directly.

Thinking of the miserable death of each and everyone, he could not bear to tremble.

Whatever you think is better to send people out, then the risk he wants to take is much smaller.

Even now, he has prepared all the things, only to send people out.

Of course, at present he is not without any benefits.

Knowing this time has calmed down a bit.

He can safely close the breakthrough.

Qin Yu is a little pity.

In fact, he still wanted to stay and deal more with Profound Heavenly Sect to see what kind of school it was.

If there is a powerhouse coming, just let him hone his strength.

Now it seems a little impossible, but after all, it is more important to find the trace of Xuan Celestial Immortal.

Now he doesn’t say small reputation in this realm within the realm, but he has already been in contact with Profound Heavenly Sect several times.

But I didn’t get any news about the god Celestial Immortal, it seems that the fairy is a taboo topic here.

The Profound Heavenly Sect in Nakato, although there is a fairy, exists, but it is also a very weak person, already close to life essence.

Strength and Xuan Celestial Immortal respect can not mention on equal terms, obviously not the same person, and may not even be together.

“Then I will take a look.”

“Do I still need help for these things?”

Mu Bai suddenly hit shivered for nothing.

2 Sending people out without saying anything, and accompany them with a smiling face.

After sending the people away, this wiped the cold sweat that did not exist on the head.

Just kidding, where did he have the courage to let people stay and help him.

I’m afraid that it won’t take long for him to be demolished in Baixia City, right?

So, it’s safer to send people away as soon as possible.

Qin Yu this time did not let Along come out and take him away.

Because the way to there is really far away.

And someone needs to show the way.

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