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Chapter 900 Chapter 23 He had no choice!

Lightning, which seems to be able to completely dissolve the void, followed the Dragon God as soon as possible and quickly penetrated it in one fell swoop.

The blood couldn’t stop flowing down.

The dark dragon closed his eyes unwillingly.

The huge and heavy body fell directly on the ground, splashing dust filling the sky, and smashed a deep hole.

Dragon Soul carried one in each hand.

In the end it was really hard to carry, so I kicked the remaining ones.

Behind is the huge dust swaying from the dark dragon body.

In the deep giant pit lies the dark dragon god with only a weak breath.

Or it might be better to call it Black Dragon at this time.

At this time, Black Dragon, where there is noble and proud as a dragon god.

In the end, because of this loud noise, those who followed were the subordinates of Xiaoxiaozhong to the Dragon God.

When he came out and saw such a dark state, he was also unable to bear in consternation, and even questioned.

Is this really the Dragon God Lord whom they now treat as True God?

If it was True God, how could it be so embarrassed by someone who has not yet broken through to the fairy soul!

Under such a large gap in strength, none of them can grasp the overall situation, and finally dying.

Can’t help making them re-doubt, what did they do, does it really make sense?

But after all, there are still a group of diehards, and they moved directly towards Qin Yu without saying anything.

Some of them reacted.

Qin Yu is never distracted.

The rest of them quickly followed the dark dragon god.

Take out all the life-saving things that can be taken out of the body to continue to give life to the dark dragon god.

Under the support of such huge resources.

The dark dragon quickly woke up.

But just after his eyes opened, he saw that he was the most central and best to use, and died in the hands of Qin Yu.


“Who made you so rash!”

Can he be wounded into such a person, can they resist it when they swarm!

Qin Yu ignored the dark dragon, and now he has been seriously injured.

Even with the support of so many good life-saving things, they are separated from the state of serious injury and dying.

But the injuries on his body still prevented him from escaping Qin Yu’s palm

The few people that Dragon Soul just got off in a moment were Du Hai and A Yi Yi who had had a relationship with him before.

There are a few people he doesn’t know, but he wants to be an organization.

Since coming here, its purpose is only for the dark dragon god.

“Dark Dragon God is my own prey.”

“Everything here is my own spoils of war, nothing to do with you.”

“You want to watch here, and I can’t stop trying to leave, but please don’t do anything that doesn’t matter.”

Du Hai did not expect.

The guy who acted boldly and generously in his eyes and could be called a fortune boy has such a strong strength.

But it quickly reacted, originally they stared at the Dark Dragon God, but not for the purpose of killing the people.

After all, they are also people in the dark realm, even if Lanxia is a little special.

But this time it took so long to organize and spent so much energy, it was totally to get a lot of benefits from it.

But now the benefits are not obtained, but still unfathomable mystery, can only be a bystander.

He almost died, and he had to be surprised.

Why did things suddenly become like this!

But he didn’t have so much time to think about some of them.

Several people who were kicked by Dragon Soul just now were more or less injured.

At this moment, curled up beside him and kept rolling and wailing.

Not only did they not have any gains, but they also had to pay a considerable amount of healing expenses for nothing.

Something I just wanted to call was therefore used.

But what they can do is just look around.

Du Hai was not willing to leave, and none of the people around him were willing to leave.

“Now that you have lost to my hands, I will ask you again whether it is acknowledgement allegiance or death.”

Dark Dragon God also wants to get up and fight back.

He made some gestures of compromise and lifted the head slightly.

But in the next moment, Qin Yu stepped on the wound at his reverse scale and kicked him back into the pit.

“Don’t play any tricks in front of me, there are only two ways before you.”

“Give me the blood essence, or I will extract it directly from you!”

Who said that only by letting these Dragon Race acknowledge allegiance, can he get the blood essence he wants?

Relatively gentle means are not followed, so he can only start heavier.

Is it death or a certain price?

He didn’t have to choose!

He didn’t want to die yet.

I also want to have endless creations.

Want to reach the peak and achieve True God!

Want to glance at 10000 ancient.

I want everything in this world to shake and worship because of its breath.

How can he say 4 words of “acknowledge allegiance” in this way!

“Let me cut off all relations with the past at the end.”

“From then on you are the owner of my unique and unmatched.”

“I beg you to give me this opportunity.”

He suddenly became a lot better talking.

Just begged him to say goodbye to the people in the dark dragon temple before the final result came out.

This is not a very troublesome thing.

Even when the dark dragon finished this sentence, his former men all leaned over after one after another.

When most of the people reached his side, the dark dragon was impatient.

An undetectable thin translucent line appeared from him.

Tie all the people around you tightly together.

All the people are under his control.

Immediately after being drained all life force.

All the strength, and everything he had given these people.

His injuries were quickly repaired at a rate visible to naked eyes.

But in the blink of an eye, the body’s injury is almost half better.


“I don’t want to die and I don’t want to die better than life. Do you really think that the dark dragon god I’ve done for so many years has no life-saving means?”

“This time is your care!”

Is Qin Yu really careless?

absolutely not.

All this was within his expectations.

And this kind of thing is not worth his surprise.

Before his journey, a large net composed of lightning appeared under his feet.

Directly photographed the dark dragon god again underground.

And this time tightly bound him, so that he did not have any chance to play strength.

“You just helped me remove most of the hidden troubles this time.”

“If they ran to other places, they might run out a few times to make me confused.”

“Now that you help me clean them all up, I feel very satisfied.”

The air suddenly died like silence.

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