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Chapter 933 is powerful!

Chan Golden’s vertical pupil.

It seems to have brought up two golden beams of light.

Everyone who touches their eyes will bow down to their titles!

Qin Yu looked at Heaven and Earth from another perspective, and felt differently in his heart.

The breath of his body strengthened again.

In this insight, one small realm was broken.

Wherever the powerhouse has passed, all the weak are just the ants he can play around with.

Powerhouse has the powerful strength of incomparable, this world seems to have become a plaything in his hands.

But this extremely strong feeling can only support a very short time.

Soon, because the energy on the body is on the verge of depletion.

The huge body movement controlled by Qin Yu is visible with naked eyes, and has become less flexible. Every move is much more rigid than before.

But even the True God Realm avatar has dropped a lot.

Also enough to fight against the Immortal Venerable below.

If you can get enough energy to support your strength.

It can even really burst out, with the invincible strength below True God.

But if you want to have such a power against the sky, the energy required is also extremely huge.

General resources have almost no effect on this true dragon god shell.

That is, Xuebo’s energy is strong enough to wake up this body, so that Qin Yu can control it.

However, although the power in Xuebo is powerful, a lot of it has been used when awakening this body.

It’s extremely powerful, as if all 10000 people in the world are ants in his eyes.

It only lasted for a moment.

The huge vertical pupil closed.

Qin Yu’s eyes opened at the same time.

“Powerful is powerful, and the price to be paid is also powerful.”

“It can also be used as a killing move when the key time is up. Perhaps during enlightenment, using such a body can bring good help.”

Fang Cai’s extremely mysterious feeling brought him a breakthrough.

If he comes again a few times afterwards, especially when his strength has reached a critical point and he cannot break through.

As long as you feel a little bit, you can cross that barrier in one fell swoop.

Perhaps there are other uses, you need to come to find one after another.

The body of the rain gear is just an empty shell.

There is no memory at all, nor any inheritance specific to Dragon Race.

Under such a blank situation, he could only look at it step by step.

But in the end he gained a lot.

Now even facing the most powerhouse in the entire Immortal World.

He is also confident of his ability to face each other directly.

After the sight of heaven falls and earth rends slowly disappeared, it still left with devastation.

It takes a long time to come here before it can be repaired slowly.

And there is always a breath of powerhouse here.

Countless small animals are afraid to settle down here.

Qin Yu waved his sleeve and stood with his hand down, slowly walking out of the land.

As he moved each step, the remaining powerhouse aura weakened by one point.

Wait until he finally left the land.

The breath remaining here is very weak.

Soon after, there will be countless lives and settle down here.

No one will die here.

Even because of this blessing of the powerhouse aura, it will become a paradise for the weak.

For a long time, this place will become a forbidden place for everyone to avoid.

“Ah! It seems that someone is nagging me.”

Xuan Celestial Immortal rubbed his slightly itchy nose and stood on the barren Danger Land.

“I don’t believe you are not here yet!”

“Countless years have passed, do you really think I will forget that thing because of the passage of time?”

“Don’t be funny! Think about it all impossible! Did you come out yourself, or should I go in and grab you out directly!”

In a little while, a transparent silhouette emerged.

Looking at Xuan Celestial Immortal’s eyes are all complex and hard to describe the anger.

He didn’t want to come out at all, but he was forced to do nothing.

“Things of that year have passed so long, and there is not much damage to you.”

“I said that I didn’t do it on purpose, what would you do to me!”

See him out.

Xuan Celestial Immortal shot directly with a palm, and a translucent light band appeared in his hand, and he bound the translucent shadow directly.

Really thought he couldn’t catch him only with a wisp of Divine Sense?

As everyone knows, there are many ways to trap divine sense in this world, and he happens to hold the strongest one in his hand.

Soon after.

In this hairless land, a cry screamed through the sky.

It took a long time to calm down.

Fiercely taught this guy a meal, and Xuan Celestial Immortal quickly rushed to the next location.

Even if this guy didn’t directly participate in that matter, but who made the mastermind at that time now every and everyone was retaliated.

There was no time to wait for his own shot, each and everyone died soon before long.

Then he wanted to get back those things that he had in those years, so he could only come door to door.

Blame it on them for hiding their things in their own hands. Isn’t his stuff so easy to get?

His name of the strongest fairy in 9th layer God World is not in vain.

It is all after a lot of battles, accumulated with countless flesh and blood and the painful lessons of countless people!

Now in his hand is an extremely small brass bell.

But the strange thing is that no matter how much it shakes, it will never make a slight sound.

Here is the entire 9th layer god with the realm famous baby.

Shocking bell!

And the function is extremely powerful, not only can be used as a tool for self-protection, but also can always remind the surrounding, which can threaten the existence of the body.

It can also be used as a treasure to deter the enemy at a critical time, which can move your soul!

Such a powerful treasure, almost integrated with attack and defense, is naturally of great value.

In the entire 9th layer god within the realm there is only that one.

“This baby is not very useful to me, but it also has a lot of effects for Qin Yu.”

“At least in a short time, he can still be worthy of his strength!”

“It seems that I’m going to speed up quickly, otherwise he won’t be able to find anywhere else, wouldn’t I be in a hurry.”

Qin Yu knows how powerful his master is.

If it is a little more arrogant, the entire 9th layer god within the realm can become a mysterious opponent of the Xuan Celestial Immortal. No more than slaps.

Say there is nothing wrong with the Old Monster, then it is not in this calculation.

But even for the extremely powerful Old Monster, Venerable Celestial Immortal can roll up his sleeves and compete with them twice.

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