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Chapter 900 36 Redemption with Money [5 more]

Ice blue’s flowing light flashed past, across ten thousand li in the blink of an eye.

Since Xue Lan was focused on rushing to the road, she did not make any stops on the road and concentrated on controlling the direction along the way. However, in just half a day, she just made her meet the deadline.

A moment of staring at the cold vertical pupil.

Xue Lan’s heart, which has not fluctuated since 10000, suddenly shuddered slightly.

This familiar feeling …

Is he back?

“Since there is no suitable person …”

Qin Yu is preparing to announce the final result.

Suddenly, a stream of light flashed across the horizon.

And as a doppelganger, after 10000 years, I saw Xue Lan again.

Almost no change from 10000 years ago.

Speaking of which, that is, the innocence of being with him.

It looks like the whole person is like a good 1000 year old jade.

The whole body is clear and flawless, and exudes a very cold cold glow.

If someone wants to get close, their hands will be covered with frost.

The person he wanted to wait for was finally here.

In this case, the following so-called powerhouses creeping under his feet, there is no need for any existence.

“… Then you will all die!”

The powerful coercion first affected several people around.

Let them disable to move even a little bit.

Before they reacted, they quickly killed a few people who were as strong as Saint King Realm.

All the remaining people want to leave.

But just after flying away, there was a powerful force that suddenly drained every strength of their within the body.

As a result, each and everyone couldn’t even fly, and finally fell to the ground in embarrassment.

As if there was an invisible big hand in the sky, when they were frightened, they controlled their every move.

So that they cannot resist.

“What about my strength? What the hell did you do!”

“Cough … I can’t feel my power! How could this be.”

“I have long said that there must be a conspiracy in this matter. Where is the powerhouse? I have to show my inheritance for nothing.”

“Help, please let me go, I have no value at all! Look at the masters of Great Sect, they must be more valuable!”

Shocked by this powerful force.

All of them exposed more or less what they normally would never show.

Whether it is anger or weakness, or irony, or even trying everything to beg for mercy, everyone is quite different.

Xue Lan, who arrived later, was not affected in any way.

As if she didn’t exist at all.

Not only that, she felt an unprecedented relief in this place.

It seems that this one suddenly came to powerhouse, which can give her a lot of security.

Her peace of mind is in stark contrast to the embarrassment of the Seniors.

But she can’t pay attention to these unrelated people now.

In her eyes, she was shocked by the pair of vertical pupils.

As if, in that cold pupil, actually hides the person she is most familiar with and trusts.

is it him?

Finally came to me.

“I have waited for someone for 10000 years.”

“Even if everyone told me, he couldn’t come back.”

“But I know that no matter what kind of danger he encounters along the way, he can turn peril into safety, with an absolutely strong attitude, and proud of the world!”

“That’s why Heavenly Dao is not in his eyes, so I don’t believe it, I believe he will come to me one day.”

“I don’t want to ask anything now, I just want you to tell me if he is back.”

Xue Lan’s eyes were full of excitement, shyness, and the deepest confusion.

People like ice and snow seemed to melt.

Turned into a ray of spring breeze.

Quietly blowing away the frost on the body, bringing a budding vitality.

Each step came, and the ice on my body disappeared.

When approaching, the eyes were slightly red.

Huge children slowly fell with terrifying aura’s body.

The shocking pupils are closed.

But behind this huge body.

But he walked out of a star-shaped, handsome young man.

Every strand of hair is Xue Lan most familiar with, even in the heart of these 10000 years!

She had too many words to say, but in the end, 1000 words and 10000 words were all translated into one sentence: “Welcome back.”

Even if 10000 years have passed.

But for her, as long as he can still see this person, what can he count?

The obsessions of countless years have broken.

Xue Lan even ignored the surrounding environment and achieved breakthrough in one fell swoop.

Reached the late stage of immortal spirit.

The breath on his body seemed more ethereal.

But there was no trace of coldness and heartlessness.

“Yes, I’m back. I’m here for you.”

“It’s not easy to find you.”

“I have gathered almost all the powerhouses in the martial arts and let them use most of the power of the inside within the realm, which only barely finds you back at the last minute.

“But now they are useless, and it’s time for them to show some residual value.”

The faintly discernable sense of being manipulated becomes more intense.

Qin Yu’s reinvented array has put many precious materials into it.

At this time, the difference between Heaven and Earth is different from the original Array.

Even if it is a fairy within the realm one of the very best powerhouse, it must be controlled by her under this Array.

Because his avatar is stronger than them.

The most significant feature of this Array.

Even if his strength is stronger than the other party, the other party can never break free.

“If I want to live, I will pay for the redemption. Every time after that, I will randomly shoot a person, and now the game starts.”

For those in the Great Sect.

Want to get some resources in one hour.

It is definitely not a very difficult thing.

It couldn’t be easier.

They started to vote for an hour, and they all had some luck.

A large amount of resources was not delivered immediately.

Qin Yu shot a person directly.

One is the most eye-catching in his eyes.

Seems to be the one who wants to seize every opportunity to get to the end.

And he even took the opportunity to inform the outside world and bring people to attack here.

I want to tear the Array from the outside forcibly.

It is precisely killing the chicken to warn the monkey that kills such a person.

Those remaining afterwards were quite honest.

After the second hour has passed, the resources that have been placed have piled up like a mountain.

These resources quickly disappeared out of thin air and were taken away by Qin Yu.

With the emergence of more and more huge resources.

Continuously was sent to his hands.

One by one began to be released.

Seeing someone take out a large sum of money and redeem themselves.

The others immediately laid down their blood, and cruelty paid a huge price to redeem themselves.

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