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Chapter 900 40 4 Divine Dragon Covenant

It seems that 10000 things in this world, even a drop of snowflake, are no different from every life in his eyes.

Is it true that the so-called Supreme Great Dao path to Godhood?

Although Qin Yu admires such a powerhouse, he also admires his consistent attitude towards 10000 things in the world, but he does not agree with such total ruthlessness.

There are more interesting things in the world.

If you pursue strength, you can only maintain such a cold state.

Not interested in 10000 things in this world.

Think of all life in the world as your children and grandchildren.

It is too boring.

It’s just this attitude if you reach the highest Realm.

So why do you want to pursue such a powerful strength?

“It’s my summon, you come.”

“I want you a drop of blood essence, and I think you will creep under my feet one day.”

Kanshui Divine Dragon’s gaze remains unchanged.

It was just a little surprised that I heard such an excessive condition today.

There used to be some conditions for him to help the holder of the token to do one thing.

These things may be extremely cruel.

Or maybe it is just the holder of the token, in order to satisfy his own selfish desires, and in order to cause the loss of life in the world.

Originally he thought he had heard that he wanted to destroy a side of World.

It was already the most absurd remark he could hear.

But now, he has heard even more absurd remarks.

“I want you to acknowledge allegiance to you, you know how I exist!”

Give your own blood essence.

Is this the same as proactively saying that you want to acknowledge allegiance?

Every drop of blood essence is extremely important.

Especially for Dragon Race.

That is their strength, so that their lives are all theirs.

This sentence of Qin Yu is undoubtedly directly and arrogantly told him to let him kneel down and call his master.

“You don’t understand how powerful a Divine Dragon is.”

“With no difficulty can destroy everyone here.”

“Even the glacier melts in just a moment.”

Qin Yu shook the head.

He has already speculated about this, and he already knows a little.

Not the ignorance that Kanshui Divine Dragon thinks.

“You don’t understand.”

Kanshui Divine Dragon stared at the arrogant and conceited in front of him, making him want to laugh.

But gradually he couldn’t laugh.

Now that he has this realm, he has long been able to rely on intuition and many things.

Now he really feels it.

An extremely mysterious and abstruse feeling.

It was as if this one was looking at his youngster confidently in front of him.

It is true that one day he can fulfill his promise.

One day he was really able to trample the dragon god under his feet.

It may even make them the dragon gods bow down to him.

So he didn’t laugh.

“Is it as long as I give you a drop of blood essence, this matter will end here.”

Cang Qing’s eyes were back and back, and he looked back at Qin Yu, who was still calm, like a little surprised.

The shock in his heart was like a tide, and he almost drowned.

Dignified Kanshui Divine Dragon, compromised.

Just now he was shocked by Qin Yu’s request.

Now it is impossible to say a word.

Does such a powerful existence have a day of compromise?

“you are wrong.”

“This time, I did come for your blood essence.”

“I have a token in my hand, and you need to meet my condition.”

Qin Yu is standing in the world of Ice and Snow.

There are people like ice and snow standing beside them.

The remaining 10000 things in the world seem to be gone.

Kanshui Divine Dragon has never seen such an arrogant person.

But inexplicably, he really believed.

Because of his extremely bright eyes, because of his calm breath.

He had seen countless people lie in front of him, using various reasons and excuses, but without exception, he would never have such bright eyes.

He will not look directly at his eyes.

Because every Divine Dragon is definitely a whole set, it can even be said that Divine Dragon itself is not under its own control.

Each of their actions is enough to affect the 9th layer God World.

Bringing changes that are called Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

So Divine Dragon has been dormant in the terminal of World.


Kanshui Divine Dragon still left.

Before leaving, I specially left a few words for Qin Yu.

“My blood essence liquid contains extremely powerful power.”

“If it is too much for you now, it might be better to wait for your strength to be stronger, come to me again.”

“When the time comes If you have the strength, you can go to the water world to find the top of Nanshan.”

“I have lived there for a long time.”

“If you have the strength and ability to find me.”

“Then I will come to honor today’s promise.”

After finishing these words, Kanshui Divine Dragon left.

The top of Nanshan in the water world.

Is this the powerhouse?

This is truly in the realm of True God Realm, and may even be more powerful powerhouse.

All the people in the Great Sect were pitted again, and even after the heavy loss, a major event occurred even in the middle.

Somehow, the sky suddenly shattered.

There are countless chaotic demons in the void.

They are not people in the dark, nor abyssal creatures.

It has never even been admitted.

At this time the guy can only hide in the void.

If it were not for some reason why the sky suddenly broke, it was absolutely impossible for them to come forward.

But after the appearance of these chaotic mothers, they burned and looted everywhere, consuming human flesh.

It even captured many women for reproduction.

Some of the lower-level Chaos Demon suddenly poured out in a single breath.

At the beginning of the sky, everyone wanted to fill this hole.

But later I realized how difficult this was, and wanted to make up the sky.

You can only use the legendary 10000 mud.

Purple Heavenly Rock.

Qingxiao axe.


All of these things must be used as supplementary materials.

But now who can come up with so many things.

No one in this world can take out so many divine objects.

No one even knows why this happened.

Why the sky suddenly collapsed a corner.

Everyone was in a hurry.

Qin Yu was in the Land of Extreme North, but only got the news at the end.

Now Purple Heavenly Rock, Qingxiao Axe.

It’s all together.

These all are the collection of Old Ancestor in each Great Sect.

It has always been enshrined as a divine object.

But as the chaos is going on today.

If they do not take out these things again, I am afraid that the entire Immortal World will be destroyed.

Even when the time comes they can still breathe, but who can guarantee it.

These chaotic demons can really leave as they thought.

Now they are developing at such a rapid rate that it may be too late when everyone really wants to fight back.

Everyone can only speed up, but today there is still one of the most important 10000 mud.

This is the top priority.

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