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Chapter 900 40 Chapter 6 Martial Awards [5 more]

Xue Lan never disputed with them.

It’s just that he occasionally looks a little fascinated in the distance.

When you come back, you will be able to see the rear that has been properly placed.

She wants to walk side by side with Qin Yu.

You have to put in your own efforts!

Another extremely powerful chaotic demon died under his hands.

This is already another one.

Qin Yu couldn’t remember how many Chaos Demons he killed.

It was only after the one by one chaotic demon fell.

From time to time, take a few breaths and calm down a little.

Lest I become a monster immersed in the slaughter.

After getting Asura’s inheritance for countless years, his killing is a bit heavy.

Anything that annoys him is dissatisfied, but whenever he is an enemy, he wants to kill to the last one.

Now this killing on the battlefield can greatly increase his strength.

But he will never be swayed by anything other than what he thinks.

Since Asura’s inheritance is clearly understood by him, it should be used by him, not turned around to affect him!

The terrifying killing intent in Qin Yu’s eyes gradually receded, returning to the indifference and calm of the past.

This mood has no way to affect him.

He can’t even be allowed to make any decision against common sense.

Not far away the Lakers had a strong breath fluctuation.

It seems to be about the same strength as the chaotic demon he just beheaded.

If it is converted into a power level of within the realm, it should have reached Saint King Realm.

“Another one?”

“I don’t know who tied him.”

It was not until he passed that he discovered that he was also an acquaintance.

Huo Rong was anxious to fight the extremely vicious opponent in front of him, not paying attention to some details around him.

But this information is something she will never forget.

Because Qin Yu has Qi Yan’s breath.

And it is also very rich.

For her, it is also an extremely special existence.

“How did you get here? It’s dangerous here!”

“The danger here is very high. If you want to make a contribution, just step back. All the powers of the chaotic demons here have reached an extremely strong point!”

Of course there are not many.

But one opponent is very tricky.

No one knows how many chaotic demons in the void.

In short, after breaking a big hole in the sky, it is endless.

Suddenly, the chaotic demon in front of Huo Rong opened his salivated teeth.

He would bite down at Huo Rong’s throat.

Huo Rong wanted to hide now that it was too late, and he could only replace his injuries with wounds. In this cruel way, he could save his life.

But after she made all preparations.

The chaotic demon, who was only a short distance away from her, suddenly stopped all movements.

He collapsed stiffly, twitched slightly, and cut off his breath completely after a while.

Qin Yu lightly withdrew his hand.

A dark red rays of light flashed in my eyes.

The blood-stained hands seemed to have some dark lines.

But soon disappear without a trace.

“Your strength…”

Huo Rong only noticed how fast his strength improved.

The strength I have seen before is only ordinary.

She just appreciates Qin Yu’s ability and attitude.

But now it seems that in a short period of time, the ordinary young man in her eyes.

It has also become an extremely powerful powerhouse on one side, not even weaker than her.

“You can actually fight so many great realm.”

“It’s just the pinnacle of the realm.”

“But he can fight St. King Level.”

It spanned 2 great realms.

For ordinary people, one small realm is already extremely difficult to cross.

But now it has crossed 2 great realm.

These are 2!

Huo Rong doesn’t know what to say, is it possible that in such a dangerous time, it’s really good to express his son’s vision.

In one breath, I caught one of the most outstanding innate talents in a Human Race.

Even the fairy within the realm innate talent is the most outstanding.

If at any time such a dangerous time, a powerful powerhouse suddenly appeared.

It is of great help to the war situation.

After that, Huo Rong saw what was called Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

She was a little surprised from the beginning, then a little surprised, and then completely indifferent.

After all, this person is Qin Yu, which is not ordinary, has extremely strong strength, is it not sparse?

It ’s no surprise to see more.

“Slash and kill the demon of Chaos here, you can get the rewards from the Great Sect and the Great Influence, and get the shot together.

“You have killed countless chaotic demons, and even the most powerful ones are not rare.”

“It stands to reason that a large amount of resources can be obtained.”

“If you have time, you can also get your reward.”

Qin Yu’s complexion is slightly strange. It seems that not long ago he had obtained an extremely rich resource from each Great Sect and each Great Influence.

They didn’t expect it has been repaired in a short time, and they have also brought out a huge amount of resources.

So he asked curiously, what are the so-called rewards?

Huo Rong thought for a while, gave an example, and said part of what he got.

In fact, this is a commendation.

Especially for the following people as an incentive.

For people like their realm, these rewards are not valued.

But some extremely precious materials can still make powerhouse shot.

Let those who watch the fires burning across the river jump out quickly and take the initiative to help them solve this trouble.

“Sure enough, I still didn’t come up with my family property.”

They can only make them feel a little painful.

As a result, he felt less guilty.

Everything he did was frank, even if he faced those in the Great Influence again, he was not afraid.

However, few people knew him.

Very few people can recognize him.

Another slave who signed a contract with him.

I wish I could never see this master, so that they would not have to listen to the dispatch.

“Long time no see.”

“How about most recently.”

Qin Yu saw many familiar people here.

Seeing someone wanting to leave the crowd secretly.

He took the initiative to say hello.

Huo Rong happened to know that person too, so he took the initiative to say hello.

“Yang Immortal Monarch, didn’t expect you even knew him.”

Yang Immortal Monarch kept clamoring to escape.

But because of the contract between master and servant, Qin Yu asked him to stop. He must stop. There must be no hesitation.

So I was forced to stay.

Made a look that has been known for a long time.

No one who signed the contract can resist Qin Yu’s order.

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