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Chapter 900 48 When Should It Appear

It has already arrived at such a time, and the disputes are still endless.

“Some people say that the mysterious powerhouse that suddenly appeared before may be an opportunity.”

Now because of this huge hole that suddenly appeared, and the change of one after another.

The Great Influence is already scorched.

Mainly there are not many people who can control all this.

The mother of Chaos is spreading too fast. If there is no absolute powerhouse, I am afraid there is no way to control the situation.

In fact, at the beginning, they still had the upper hand, so not many people cared about it.

Who knows there are huge holes in the back, supplementing continuously.

After that, these chaotic demons appeared faster and faster, and their numbers increased.

Immediately afterwards, countless powerhouses began to fall and cause tremendous damage.

At present, more than 10 cities have been trapped.

Some have even become the world of Chaos Demon.

The situation is already terrible.

“In the end, you can’t find your master.”

“It seems that some martial arts will be able to wake up the powerhouse recently.”

“Among them is Profound Heavenly Sect.”

“It is said that he has been separated from the Holy King Realm, and there is only one foot left from the Immortal Venerable.”

“That’s why the name of the Lord.”

From the Immortal Venerable, only one door left.

That means that there is still only Saint King Realm.

Such people can only play a limited role here.

It can only be used to delay time.

It can be seen how immortal world is now barren.

“But I heard that among Profound Heavenly Sect, there is still a person, the Lord is about to break through, and it is most recently.”

“If he shot, maybe a miracle might really happen.”

Now the Holy King in the world is enough to dominate one side, and Xianzun is extremely arrogant.

Otherwise, Divine Dragon appeared suddenly at that time, and no one knew it, so it didn’t lie to so many people with no difficulty.

The main reason is that they are too eager for the emergence of powerhouse.

To the extent that such a powerhouse really appeared, there was no doubt about it.

Even after being summoned by fiercely.

Some people still propose to find the mysterious powerhouse to help them solve this time crisis.

Yang Immortal Monarch is also a bit grudge about the matter.

So I asked a little carefully, Qin Yu has a solution.

He certainly knows who has 10000 spirits in his hands and who can gather enough materials to make up for the sky, but now he can’t find anyone.

“Wait when it should appear.”

“Immortal World, a big one, can’t find any solution yet.”

The sky collapsed this time is really strange.

Even if it is a 10000 step back, Immortal World is really in danger of being destroyed, and Divine Dragon will certainly not sit by.

However, in the void, two Divine Dragons stared at each other.

A pure and flawless white Divine Dragon.

Face the Divine Dragon, Kanshui, who had just left.

Has been guarding the Light God dragon of Immortal World.

I was awakened when the sky collapsed.

He did not at all ignore the meaning of nothing, but only traced the source of everything.

The source of all this is Kanshui Divine Dragon.

Because he came suddenly and left suddenly.

Plus a series of coincidences.

This led to such a big movement.

If it had been that’s all before, but today’s restrictions are not as prosperous as before, and it has become a lot barren.

“You are ruining the entire Immortal World.”

“When nothing happens, why did you come to my fairy within the realm, instead of staying in your water world.”

Light God asked in a calm tone.

The danger faced by the entire Immortal World is can’t be considered to be extremely important in his eyes.

But in today’s situation, if he does not intervene, it is difficult to achieve the result of self-recovery.

For this matter alone, Immortal World will remain silent for a long time.

All people in the entire Immortal World suffered heavy losses, and even his strength was affected.

Kanshui Divine Dragon looked at this Old Friend who had not seen it for some years.

He did not expect such a big trouble after he left.

But now he just uses a very plain tone, let Light God dragon dormant, don’t intervene too much.

“If you intervene too much, it will be like wind and thunder.”

“In the end it ended like that, and even the 2 realms could not be hidden.”

“Everything in the world has its own fixed number, even if you and I can’t do more than interfere, we have extremely powerful strength, and we have to control ourselves.”

“You said it all happened because of me, I’m not convinced.”

“You’d better think about whether you want to intervene, regardless of the fact that you were born at the same time, you better not intervene in this matter, the world has its own circulation.”

Finally, the entire 9th layer God World was destroyed.

Under the ebbing of time, this world of nothingness will surely give birth to a new world, and finally evolve 10000 things.

When the time comes, maybe 9 new Divine Dragons will be born.

Although it should be a long, long time later, they are unstoppable.

The Light God dragon seemed to be a little angry, but because he didn’t have much extra emotions, even the angry person just left immediately.

Originally Kanshui Divine Dragon wanted to talk to him, there was a variable thing in the realm.

At this time, looking at the back of the Light God dragon, he just left indifferently.

Under countless choices, the Light God dragon chooses to leave immediately, and no longer listens to him to say more, then this is also a fixed number of freedom.

Why did he take the initiative to catch up and say everything clearly?

After turning around for a long time, I finally got my things back.

Xuan Celestial Immortal suddenly felt that someone was calling him.

It feels extremely mysterious, and only people he trusts can call him in this almost inductive way.

Nowadays, the only person he can trust in this world is the discipline he has cultivated since childhood.

He is also the most confident and proud discipline.

“It seems that it has to end early.”

“Just let these guys stretch on on while at death’s door for a while.”

Xuan Celestial Immortal opened a Void Portal.

His strength certainly can’t support him in one step across the 2 realms.

But he also has the ability to move accurately in the void.

Countless monsters hidden in the void, and after seeing Venerable Celestial Immortal, they all coveted.

In the end, they all died under his men.

Until Xuan Celestial Immortal saw a huge hole.

Through this hole, I saw the chaotic Immortal World below.

Qin Yu’s call is complete.

Had a feeling in the heart looked up at the hole of either too big nor too small above his head.

I saw a very small white silhouette.

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