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Chapter 955 The Provoker Dies!

A small mass of 10000 mud is just enough to repair the sky, not even a little.

No one can refute this sentence.

Unless any of them wants to offend the person in public.

But although no one refuted in person, there is a person who is extremely good at manipulating poisonous snakes, and a little finger-sized snake is released.

With a violent toxin, he approached Qin Yu silently.


The little snake broke into two segments, twisting his body on the ground, almost dead.

Bright body.

And the dark red blood flowing out.

One can see at a glance that this little snake must be carrying violent toxins.

Not to mention dying, if this bit really fell into place, I’m afraid that few people can escape.

When the time comes, people don’t know if they will be seriously injured.

And this little snake is so hidden, almost everyone is completely unprepared.

“In this way, I will give you back.”

“If you let this snake take a bite, this thing between you and me will be considered as one cut and two breaks. If you don’t want it, that’s all.”

“I will make you pay for it and will be irreconcilable from now on.”

Everyone wanted to laugh, but everything proved to them that this is really not a joke.

And Qin Yu really has this strength.

Enough to say irreconcilable to anyone present.

The person who released the poisonous snake face instantly changed, and the poisonous snake he released was extremely toxic.

Even if he is himself bitten by such a poisonous snake, he can only be mortal without using very special methods to control the wound.

So he would not agree to the previous condition.

Since he can only cast aside all considerations for face, he is no longer willing to pretend.

Originally, he was just as well as evil, doing do as one pleases, even if he is really killing now, as long as he is the ultimate winner, then he has words.

No one would choose to strike him, because the rules of the fairy within the realm are like this.

Powerhouse is respected, whoever is the winner will be able to convince everyone to him.

Countless poisonous snakes crawled out of his large robe.

He had many bottles and cans on his body, and although no one knew it, he could know it, and it must be highly toxic.

And no one doubts that as long as all the poisons fall, this person is destined to be dead or injured.

Few experts like to use poison like this to offend.

Because it is too difficult, they always have some special ways to save themselves from fire and water.

Not only can all kinds of poisons kill people, but some can even cause mountain road twists around each new peak in a desperate situation.

Everyone’s minds have nothing common with each other. If Qin Yu is dead, it would be good news for them.

They will lose a strong enemy, and when the time comes the situation will turn back to the beginning.

Now that the mud of 10000 things has appeared, the holes in the sky are no longer a threat to the world.

When the time comes, as long as the holes are filled, the disaster caused by the Demon of Chaos will soon be cleared by them all.

So, if someone can stand up and raise this banner to save the world from dawn and fire, it seems less important.

“I know this guy, who is called Poison Venerable.”

“Are you talking about the legendary number one expert who used poison in the world?”

“Hiss … It is said that the people who died in his hands do not know how many people, once destroyed the entire martial art!

“It seems that the situation is a bit dangerous …”

Countless poisonous snakes crawl on the ground at the same time, making a fine rustling sound.

It made the scalp numb, and I couldn’t stop going back 2 steps.

Qin Yu is in the middle of countless poisonous snakes, surrounded by countless poisonous things, and still doesn’t change.

Or a poisonous snake bounces up and wants to bite on him, then he is ruthlessly split in half and completely split from the middle.

Not even struggling.

If it is cut from the middle, the snake head may continue to bite down.

But if it splits from the middle, it becomes completely a mess of rotten meat.

After a while, Poison Venerable lost many of his most beloved babies.

Unable to bear thumped his chest and kicked his feet, he spent countless efforts to feed the baby!

So many people were killed, and even the body was covered with ground.

“I really hate you!”

“So, you should die under my favorite baby!”

It always looks like a transparent snake without any color, and slowly moves through the snake group.

Because the whole body is transparent, people can not see its trace.

Even if Poison Venerable had already said it himself, no one could see where his most cultivated baby was.

Suddenly a sense of crisis flashed through, and it seemed that something was threatening him.

Qin Yu suddenly closed his eyes, only intuitively.

Accurately and steadily lift the little snake straight from the abdomen.

The little snake twisted and struggled, but in the end it only became a corpse.

This little snake is connected to Poison Venerable’s heart. The little snake is dead, and Poison Venerable also highlights the blood of his heart.

“I admit that these methods are really good.”

“You can be the pinnacle of poison.”

“It’s a pity that I have never used these innate talents on the right path. Today’s end is just that you have only one self to blame.”

Cutting the grass will eliminate the roots.

Qin Yu has raised his weapon.

Before dying, Poison Venerable suddenly laughed wildly.

“You will eventually get poisoned by me!”

“I was born with a strange poison. When I was young, I was caught by a so-called expert. I injected 10000 kinds of toxins based on my body, and finally trained him to become a monster covered with poison!

“But I didn’t die. Not only did I die, I still have the status I have today. I used to swear that if anyone killed me, I would definitely let him suffer from the pain of the cone!”

Looked at his wild smile.

Qin Yu directly stabbed the blade fiercely.

Let this crazy laugh come to an abrupt end.

“Let you die clearly before dying.”

“The so-called 10000 toxins on you have no effect on me.”

“I happen to have a medicine that can detoxify 10000 poisons, and now it is safe and sound.”

The smile on Poison Venerable’s side froze, which had become his last expression in the world.

The rest of the people saw such a miserable end to the provocateur.

Even at his own expense, he failed to treat Qin Yu.

With such a vicious means, all of them thought they could never escape.

And one ring after another, even if one can avoid one, it is impossible to avoid all of it.

But Qin Yu is almost so strong that all of them will be stunned.

This power is not derived from strength, but is demonstrated through other aspects.

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