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Chapter 958 The First Arrival in the Water Realm

I just do n’t know why he walked everywhere, but he did n’t see the Light God dragon.

Originally, he believed that the nine dragons of the origin in this world have been staying in their respective places, sleeping for a long time.

So as long as you travel all over the world, you will be able to see their trails and silhouettes.

Just like the previous Land of Extreme North, wasn’t he caught, Kanshui Divine Dragon’s trail?

That is the origin of the other God World.

As the origin of the entire fairy within the realm, how could the Light God dragon not exist.

If he is absent, this World will slowly degenerate soon.

Therefore, Divine Dragon cannot often leave God World under his protection.

“Master, do you think there will be any other hidden feelings in this?”

“For example … The Light God dragon suddenly disappeared because of the broken sky before.”

Although things have passed.

But the huge pupil that suddenly appeared in the end made people feel uncomfortable.

It seems that there is something terrifying enough to destroy Heavenly Dao’s absolute powerhouse, which is aimed at Immortal World.

Xuan Celestial Immortal respects the unable to bear and strokes a small mustache on his chin.

Slightly caught in thought.

If the Light God dragon leaves for a long time, it will cause the entire Immortal World to fall back or even be destroyed.

But that is a long process after all, if he can’t come back in a short time.

It will only take a long and long time to come back before this happens.

That is to say, if something really happened enough for him to take such a risk, the reason must also go.

Light God will leave its habitat.

“Perhaps Immortal World and the terrorist threats that we don’t know are hiding in the dark.”

“After all, the Light God dragon is the true Guardian God of this world.”

“His departure could only be related to Immortal World.”

Although I can’t find it for now, just leave it.

Celestial Immortal has a great interest in Qin Yu’s Divine Dragon.

He dared to put forward such conditions against his discipline. I don’t know how strong it is, so he was so confident.

Actually let Qin Yu improve his strength and go to him again.

But what about that? Since I ran again, I caught up!

Since all come here.

If you don’t pay a price, you’ve wasted the token that has been guarded by the blues for generations.

As for the dangers that immortals may face after having the realm, it has little to do with them.

Since Light God dragons have to deal with it, they do not need to intervene at this time.

If there is a huge disaster on one side of God World, there will be more or less influence in the other a few layers God World.

At least every god within the realm has its own power.

Being able to perceive the things of other gods within the realm.

If they are willing, they can even make all the changes of several gods within the realm common.

But this also means if one prospers, all prospers, if one suffers, all suffers.

At the beginning, I heard that it was originally common.

However, something happened later. The breakup of the 9 Great Origin Dragon’s breakups, scattered and scattered, did not affect each other.

There is even a contrast between light and dark.

There has also appeared Feng Lei’s shelter.

Five Elements foundation Immortal World appeared.

The dark world is a phenomenon that everyone disdains.

In the end, the changes are becoming more and more obvious, and changes similar to this are getting bigger and bigger.

So that it caused the final result.

That is, the 9th layer God World does not interfere with each other and does not interfere with each other.

They are doing their own things, and finally there are obvious differences and changes.

Come to the water world of Five Elements God within the realm.

Here is a vast piece of water, but the water droplets float in the air.

If you walk through these drops of water, it is clean.

Not only will it not get wet, but you can also summon these drops of water to some extent to do things for yourself

Even ordinary people who do n’t have any cultivation base can do this.

This is the final change after countless years of evolution, and it is also the characteristic of water within the realm.

“It’s really magical.”

Xue Lan tried to touch these water balls with his hand.

She was able to feel the fluctuation of water accurately.

But if you take your hand aside, you can easily get rid of it without getting a little bit of water.

“It’s just that the whole sky is full of drops of water, how to identify the direction, and where should we go.

Xuan Celestial Immortal respectfully squeezed his eyebrows and smiled.

A small slap flag suddenly appeared in the middle of the week.

Suspended above his palm.

As he exerted a little force, the small flag began to tremble.

Soon afterwards, a burst of light suddenly burst out and scattered everywhere.

It didn’t take long for a fish ancestor with a huge tail.

Or a monk in common.

There are even a few fish scales on the face, apart from this and people category no 2 to the powerhouse.

3 people have just arrived.

Afterwards, I also came to some many lackey.

It looks almost the same as them.

But the breath on the body should be weaker.

The face also tends to be ordinary.

“Meet His Holiness!”

“Yu Zuqin welcomes the Venerable Coming!”

“See Supreme Sovereign.”

Three extremely powerful breaths suddenly appeared.

All large and small forces in the surrounding area are shaken.

Feeling the vibration around, Xuan Tian Xuan Zun’s slightly better face immediately sank.

“I summon you guys, just want you to help me to guide the disciples, who caused you so much movement!”

“It was originally a low-key trip, you have to make such a big battle!”

3 people were originally a region’s Overlord, this time it was like a child who made a mistake.

However, in the heart there are some gnashing teeth.

It was only a few days ago that Fiercely had learned a lesson. At this moment, he was suddenly summoned, and it was naturally do not dare not obey.

In order to show that they have been taken orally by heart to avoid the pain of some skin and flesh, they have come according to the biggest symptoms and specifications.

Who knows, it was because they were too disturbed by the movements they made.

each and everyone is both angry and upset in their hearts.

This time, I wouldn’t use the previous method to block them in Cave Mansion.

And there are many days when you can’t see anyone.

Even when this time came out, I didn’t know how much heavenly material earthly treasure was used, so I could barely restore my respect.

Finally Xuan Celestial Immortal was a little surprised to see that the wounds on their faces were almost all healed.

“Didn’t expect You guys are hiding so many good things.”

“The wound was almost restored within a short period of time.”

“Is it possible that do I have to do it again?”

3 people are restless.

The bad hunch suddenly rose to the highest at that moment.

Xuan Celestial Immortal didn’t strike them.

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