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Chapter 900 79 plentiful harvest

Because after that, he will get countless praises and real recognition.

But there is no way to become an excellent forge.

Qin Yu received a complete forge inheritance.

Complete to the point where some details are clearly explained.

Although at first glance there are some nagging, but those nagging no doubt have their own role.

Among them, there is a lot of experience, as well as his own experience.

Although it seems that a long time has passed.

It’s been a long time since he seemed to replace the forging god and watched his life with his own eyes.

When the eyes were opened, the time lapse around them remained the same as before.

Even the ray of breeze had just arrived at his side and had not left.

That is to say, the time that had been in his eyes for so long before was just a blink of an eye outside.

“How about it, are there any side effects?”

“How did you connect them directly, and it’s up to you to try it yourself.”

“Isn’t there another one over there that can be tested? If it’s really dangerous, let him try it out.”

“How do you do it yourself? If you are in any danger, how can you live alone?”

Xuan Celestial Immortal was full of complaints, but could not conceal that concern.

Here not at all who needs to avoid taboos, Qin Yu will simply say the things that he has just gone through.

Because there are too many details, some are not convenient to say all.

In addition, here is not an absolutely safe place, just explain briefly

This is not only without danger, but a romance.

Of course, if you really try to reconnect that line.

Adding anything in the middle will cause a huge explosion.

This little valley will all be destroyed.

When the time comes not to mention inheritance, whether or not you can live alive and leave unharmed has become a fatal problem.

Those who listened were terrified.

If someone is really greedy, or didn’t expect to be able to connect directly.

I tried in that way, when the time comes, I’m afraid I can’t go out.

“Fortunately, fortunately.”

Qin Yu cannot be denied.

There is no need to discuss anything that has not happened.

Now that the dust has settled, I am afraid it will have no effect.

At this point, the inheritance has been completely accepted by him.

That kind of probability becomes nothing.

It ’s just that I ’m just scaring myself.

Apart from the heavenly blade and the inheritance, this valley is the most valuable.

There is nothing left for the rest.

But there are still small gains. For example, the group of wind elves hiding the sky and covering the earth are small pets once forged by the forging god.

Now inheritance has been absorbed by him, and naturally got the method to control these wind elves.

It is also good to be used as a small pet.

No matter where it is placed, it acts as a natural defense.

It’s still time to fight and threw away to deal with the large numbers of troublesome ants.

Both are excellent choices.

The rest are some fine ore collections, but these are all Top Grade Materials used for forging.

Later, the god of forging has lost his identity and qualification as a blacksmith.

For him, these materials are just collections, so only a few of the most precious are left.

The rest just waited for a while and threw it away.

As for what was lucky to be picked up, it is not understood at all.

At this time, outside the valley, suddenly a hong long long sounded.

The inheritance inside has been taken away, and the new owner is inside.

The layers of defense and concealment outside have no effect at all.

After the inheritance was completely taken away.

The gate of the whole valley was open.

The originally concealed hole also lost all its disguise.

In front of everyone there was a door of Xuan golden, above which countless flowers, birds and beasts were fierce and lucky.

A pair of eyes seems to be alive.

But before reaching the gate of the mountain, it seemed to be stared by countless eyes, and no one could escape their gaze.

It’s like the countless flowers, birds and beasts on this door have their own lives.

Stuart looked at the open door with surprise.

“Finally found, it really is here!”

“Just why did the originally hidden mountain gate suddenly open?”

“Did you feel my arrival and greet me on your own initiative?”

“I knew that this should have been a great opportunity for Situ Sheng!”

Since he accidentally learned the whereabouts of Divine Weapon, he has been thinking about it.

It’s a pity that Elder and that big brother in the family are too impersonal.

He just wanted to try Divine Weapon recognizing Master on his own.

Since absolutely no one has been able to make Divine Weapon recognizing Master.

It is conceivable that Divine Weapon does not only recognize the lineage within the family.

Since it belongs to the entire family, and no one from the lineage lineage can make Divine Weapon recognizing Master, why not let them these side branches with innate talent to try.

But after he raised this matter, his big brother, the short-lived ghost, complexed greatly changed.

Ask him where he got the news from.

Step by step, he could only kill people in secret.

As a result, he got on the Position of Patriarch and everything became logical.

They couldn’t hide him completely even with Elder, after all, he was found to be clueless.

Finally speculated that there is a great possibility that this is the place.

“Finally, still in my hands!”

Situ laughed loudly and made the door open.

I wonder if he heard it wrong.

I heard a few mournful scream when people hit the door.

It’s like being brutally bruised and wailing in pain.

hōng lóng lóng lóng.

Countless dust.

The first to fly out are countless translucent beautiful elves.

Thin wings like the most elegant and pure butterfly.

The translucent silhouette faintly discernable, which looks magnificent, but brings a fatal killing intent.

He is still experienced and knowledgeable.

So after seeing these wind elves, one after another backed away, and I couldn’t stop wanting to run.

But he could run away those who hit the door but could not escape, each and everyone uttered a painful howl.

Among the countless painful wailing sounds, there was a silver bell-like laughter from nowhere.

Densely packed, it seems to be in the ear, the person listening is upset.

“Enough, who has been laughing in the dark!”

“Ben Patriarch is going to kill you!”

Qin Yu looked at all this in the valley.

It is also very clear to see the thin mist, one after another or crafty or bulky silhouette.

The smallest one is the size of a finger.

The largest has a height of 3 4 meters.

It is exactly the height of the door.

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