Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 10059: You should have a cross-era level in your body

The defense of Tian Gui Lao Dao is destined to be completely destroyed. It is just a matter of time. The current Tian Gui Lao Dao is about to explode due to Lin Feng's anger, but he is still unable to do anything to Lin Feng. Over the long years, Tian Gui Lao Tao has never been like this. He felt aggrieved. What happened today really hurt him too seriously.

Of course, this kind of harm is not physical harm, but spiritual harm. Now the old Taoist Heavenly Ghost wants to eat Lin Feng's flesh and drink Lin Feng's blood, but he cannot do this, and the attack of the stone statue army is still there. After the continuous bombardment, the defensive light shield outside Tiangui Old Dao played an increasingly smaller role. A lot of power invaded the defensive light shield. The shock caused Tiangui Old Dao's energy and blood to roll, and he almost spat out a mouthful of blood. Come.

But what Lin Feng didn't expect was that when he saw that the defensive light shield on Tiangui Laodao's side was about to be destroyed, and he himself also suffered a certain amount of damage, this guy actually laughed out loud.

This operation left everyone confused.

"Why are you laughing?" Lin Feng asked.

The old Taoist Heavenly Ghost said, "I was laughed out of anger. I didn't expect that I, the Old Taoist Heavenly Ghost, who had traversed the world for endless years, would eventually suffer such a big loss at the hands of a junior like you. Although I am unwilling to accept it today, I admit defeat, but boy, you can't kill me. I can disappear and hide if I want, but you continue to be trapped here, and I hide in the dark and can attack you anytime, anywhere. "How many of you do you think can survive?"

The words of the old master Tiangui made the faces of the fourth elder, fifth elder, Isabella and others turn pale.

"I don't have one." Tian Gui Lao Dao's eyes became extremely fierce. In his opinion, Lin Feng's words were simply a trampling on his dignity.

But Lin Feng didn't care what Tian Gui Lao Dao's attitude was.

"The Heavenly Ghost Death Stone, a mysterious stone born in the last reincarnation, contains a powerful effect of improving the soul realm." The old man said, he took out a lot of Heavenly Ghost Death Stones and gave them to Lin Feng. This thing is similar to The Blood God Sky Crystal that Lin Feng had exchanged with the aborigines had somewhat similar effects.

The battle between monks is not just about strength.

Lin Feng laughed and said, "Old Master Tiangui, you are scared, aren't you?".

But Lin Feng was not scared by this guy.

Lin Feng said, "Tian Gui Lao Tao, I have no interest in fighting with you." Hearing Lin Feng say this, Tian Gui Lao Tao actually felt a sigh of relief in his heart.

In fact, Tiangui Lao Dao had long guessed that Lin Feng would want to compensate. This has always been the case in the world of cultivators. Of course, you can also choose to refuse, but there may be two situations if you choose to refuse.

Second, Lin Feng continued to stay and fight with him to the end, eventually leading to a life-or-death outcome.

How can you be so shameless?

To be honest, Lin Feng is definitely one of the most evil beings he has ever seen in his endless years. He has not seen many such characters in his life. There is no one who knows how many methods such a character has. You guessed it right, this is a character born from the fate of heaven and earth. If you eat Lin Feng, the benefits you will get are unimaginable. But the key is that you cannot eat Lin Feng at all. And if such a character really fights for his life, he will definitely It was scary enough. At least the old Taoist Heavenly Ghost now regretted provoking Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said, "Do you think a person like me is the kind of person who likes to talk big?".

Since Lin Feng couldn't bear it.

Tian Gui Lao Dao said coldly, "So, you said so much, do you want to continue to fight me to death? If you have such an idea, I can accompany you to the end anytime, anywhere. When the time comes, we can see who wins. 1 .

In the world of cultivators, no matter what you do, you must have strength. If Lin Feng didn't have enough strength, the old man of heaven and ghost would not talk so much nonsense to him.

They are all treasures that can enhance the level of the soul, and are extremely valuable.

But when he met a young ancestor like Lin Feng, what could he say? He could only endure the frustration.

Then he just has to endure it. Anyway, this is not the first time that he has suffered a defeat today. One is the same as the other, so it is not unacceptable.

Lin Feng said, "That's not what you said. You detained us in the ghost road and made us worried and scared. It's unreasonable to not give us some compensation."

Although he wanted to cut Lin Feng into pieces with a thousand knives, he was not stupid, so he naturally knew what choice to make now instead of acting on impulse.

Be a human being.

Hearing what Lin Feng said, Tian Gui Lao Dao almost wanted to curse.

Lin Feng sneered and said, "Do you think I came here because I can't get out of this so-called ghost road? No, I came here deliberately just to meet you, but unfortunately, the result of the meeting made me I'm very disappointed. Your strength is just like that. As for your so-called hiding, in my opinion, it's just a joke. With my ability, it's not difficult for me to find you. When the time comes, I'll treat you Forming a continuous blow, without the protection of flesh and blood, I would like to see how long you can last. 1.

It would be terrible if you were defeated psychologically.

They believe that the old Taoist ghost is not lying. It is completely normal for such a terrifying existence to have such abilities.

I'm afraid that these people have long become snacks for the old Taoist ghosts.

First, Lin Feng no longer insisted on the so-called compensation and retreated with a group of people.

Tian Gui Lao Dao said, "You open the way for you, you can take your people and leave."

"Boy, aren't you afraid of flashing your tongue when you speak big words?". That day, Gui Laodao sneered, obviously he didn't quite believe what Lin Feng said.

Tian Gui Lao Dao suddenly fell silent.

If it doesn't suit your wishes, you happily accept it.

Many times, there is also a psychological level of gaming.

Lin Feng accepted the Heavenly Ghost Death Stone and immediately said, "This thing doesn't quite suit my wishes."

Old Taoist Tian Gui felt that Lin Feng did not seem to choose the first possible choice.

Tiangui Lao Dao said coldly, "Whatever you want, just say 1.

Lin Feng said, "I couldn't hurt your soul with my soul attack technique before. It seems that you have very profound attainments in the soul. As a being that transcends eras, you must have soul supernatural powers that transcend eras, right? ".

"Your ambition is not small. You actually want to ask for this level of soul power from me. This kind of soul power does not belong to people of your era. If you practice it on your own, you will encounter bad luck sooner or later." The old man from Tiangui said with a cold face, In fact, to put it bluntly, I just don’t want to give it to Lin Feng (End of Chapter).

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