Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1019: Ask Daozong

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The mayor's mansion is very lively today because Li Yuan'er and her fellows went to the primitive jungle to experience this. All her fellows lived in Li Yuan's home temporarily.

Li Yuan'er's siblings are not simple. There are several people whose identities are not the same among the sect. They are elders and even descendants of elder elders. Therefore, the Li family seems to attach great importance to banquets.

The three stewards are called Li Neng. This person is quite familiar with the event. The banquets are well arranged. Various programs are also of great interest to the children of Zongmen.

After the banquet was over, the lively mansion gradually became quieter, and the three housekeepers returned to their residence, and several confidantes immediately came to Dao Xi. It will certainly be appreciated by the old man and the young lady. The old housekeeper's old age is about to retreat, and the second housekeeper's limelight will be suppressed by the adult. It seems that you will be the new big housekeeper. "

After hearing this compliment, Li Neng also showed a proud expression. He said, "When the management is developed, we will not forget you naturally."

"Thank you, sir."

Several minions knelt on the ground with excitement.

"I'm afraid, you haven't developed time."

An indifferent voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone in the room was startled.

Everyone looked around and saw a young man sitting on a bench a dozen meters away, looking towards everyone with a smile.

So many of them did not find out how the other party appeared, which made everyone burst into a chill.

The three housekeepers recognized Lin Feng at a glance.

His face became pale, "You, you, you ...".

The three housekeepers have been scared completely incoherently.

Lin Feng stood up and said lightly, "Do you want to ask me if I should have been killed by the bandits? Why is it still here?"

Lin Feng smiled slightly and said, "Your wishful thinking is wrong, the robbers are not my opponents, I was killed, and now, it is your turn."

"Come here, there are assassins." Cried the three housekeepers.

Lin Feng pouted and said, "It's useless. No matter how you shout or call, your voice won't be heard."


Lin Feng raised his right hand and flew out with a sword.


The bodies of several minions were torn apart in an instant.

The three housekeepers were pale as paper and knelt down on the ground begging, "Son, forgiveness, the young has no knowledge of Mount Tai, offended the young, and the young is willing to be ten times, no, one hundred times to compensate the son for the money he was greedy."

Lin Feng snorted and said, "I'll take a fancy to you?".


At this moment, the three housekeepers suddenly raised their sleeves.

Hidden arrows in sleeves.

An arrow shot towards Lin Feng and killed him.

"Dead!" The three housekeepers laughed again and again. He had been waiting for this opportunity, waiting for Lin Feng's chance, but now he was finally waited for by the three housekeepers.

The arrow in the hands of the three housekeepers was about to shoot Lin Feng, Lin Lin flicked it.


Arrows broke.

Seeing this scene, the three housekeeper showed a terrified expression.

The next moment he felt a pain in his neck.

Then the three stewards separated.


Lin Feng opened the door and walked outside.

"Who are you? Dare to come to my mansion for murder?".

Lin Feng was about to leave and a cold hum came.


Then a flame whip was drawn towards Lin Feng.

The person who shot was Li Yuan'er, the Miss Li family.

This Li Yuan'er's cultivation behavior is still quite good, Wu Wang realm triple.

Of course, there is no way to compare with the top Tianjiao, but there may be a chance to enter the realm of Yin and Yang in the future.

Lin Feng guessed that Li Yuan'er's sect was not a big sect, it should be just a small force.

He gently sideways to avoid Li Yuan'er's blow.

"It's you"! Li Yuan'er was surprised after seeing Lin Feng.

She remembered Lin Feng's identity. Isn't this one of those mountain villagers today?

This surprised Li Yuan'er very much. This person just evaded his blow. The villagers in the mountains have this strength?

"The three housekeepers sent people to rob me and wait for the death. There are more than one death. Have you been satisfied with this explanation?" Lin Feng said lightly.

He had no intention of starting hands with Li Yuan'er, although his current strength has been reduced a lot in a short period of time due to his original injury.

But dealing with Li Yuan'er is not too difficult.

Of course, the monk of Li Yuan'er's level really made Lin Feng not interested.

Li Yuan'er's face was uncertain, she put away her long whip, looked coldly at Lin Feng, and said, "Who the **** are you?".

Lin Feng did not answer the question, "Which state is this?".

Li Yuan'er was a little surprised that such a powerful monk like Lin Feng didn't even know which state it was, but she replied, "This is Nanzhou!"

"Nanzhou? The Nanzhou near the South China Sea?". Lin Feng frowned slightly.

The wasteland is in the north, and the southern state is in the south.

Jumping in the space-time wormhole takes at least a year to reach the desert.

If there is a delay on the road for another period of time, I am afraid that it will be several years before I can return to the wasteland.

Li Yuan'er nodded and said, "It's that Nanzhou."

"Where is the wormhole sometimes?" Lin Feng asked.

"I don't know this", Li Yuan'er shook his head.

"So, where is the nearest city? Or where is the nearest teleportation array?" Lin Feng asked.

"There was a city on a six-year flight west with a Griffon beast, but there was no teleportation in that city. When we flew east for two months, we asked the mountain gate of Daozong. We asked that there was a teleportation array. We can borrow the teleportation array we asked the Daoist Sect, but we need to pay enough for the elders to start the teleportation array. "

Li Yuan'er said.


Lin Feng nodded, "Thank you for telling me that a gadget was given to you as a thank-you."

Lin Feng flicked, and a piece of jade flew out.

This is the Jade Talisman he created, which can be used ten times.

Li Yuan'er took over Yufu, and her pretty face suddenly turned red. She usually sent Yu Pei between her lovers.

She bit her red lips, hummed Qiong nose, said, "I don't want this thing."

"The things I sent out have never been recovered. If you don't want them, just throw them away."

Lin Feng left and left the house after a lift.

"Who does this guy think he is, I will throw it to you today." Li Yuan'er wanted to throw away the Jade Rune.

But after thinking about it, I still collected the jade rune. If I saw Lin Feng again, Li Yuan'er planned to return this jade rune to Lin Feng, and then told Lin Feng not to think about playing Miss Ben's idea.

Thinking of Lin Feng, Li Yuan'er could not help but frown Dai Mei, she always felt that Lin Feng was somewhat mysterious.

"Really a weird guy."

Li Yuan'er grunted, and then left. As for the bodies of the three housekeepers and others, she was too lazy to ignore it. Tomorrow, she was found to have someone to deal with.

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