Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1021: Death Jedi Xianxie Mountain (7

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The red flame demon tiger made an angry roar and jumped from the ground, his cold eyes looked at the humans walking in the distance.

And the gloomy eyes of the other unicorn rhinoceros looked at the coming human, because it felt that the human was very dangerous.

"Lin ... Lin, Brother Lin?"

Er Gouzi and others were shocked expressions.

It was Lin Feng who had just thrown a boulder and smashed the flying red flame monster tiger.

When was Brother Lin so powerful?

"Uncle Dashan, are you okay?". Lin Feng asked.

Uncle Dashan didn't recover until this time, he shook his head.

"The next thing is for me."

Lin Feng walked towards the two beasts.

"Traveling with your way, you shouldn't be able to move around the jungle." Lin Feng raised his eyelids and said.

"Boy, it's dying, but where are we going?". Chiyan Demon Tiger looked at Lin Feng viciously.

"act recklessly".

Lin Feng raised his right hand, a sword slashed toward the Red Flame Demon Tiger.

The Red Flame Demon Tiger suddenly felt the threat of death. Until this time, the Red Flame Demon Tiger didn't know how powerful the human in front of him was.

It quickly sacrificed its own inner pill, in order to resist Lin Feng's attack.


But the inner flame of the Red Flame Demon Tiger was torn in an instant, and then, Jian Qi cut the Red Flame Demon Tiger's body in half.

"Oh my god, a powerful monster was just slain by Brother Lin? Brother Lin is the legendary fairy?".

Er Gouzi immediately exclaimed.

"No wonder Brother Lin said that he had seen Shang Xian. It turned out that Brother Lin was Shang Xian. Shang Xian was naturally easier to see Shang Xian." A young man named Sanheizi said.

Children born in mountain villages have relatively random names, such as Gouzi, Heizi, Erwa, and so on.

One is easy to remember, and the other is the old man in the mountain village, saying that it is better to give such a crude name to feed.

Lin Feng looked at Uncle Dashan and said, "Although it was cut in half, it does not affect the meat quality. The blood of this demon tiger is even more tonic. When the time comes, it will be boiled with Holy Snake Ding and let everyone go in for soaking, The body will be greatly improved. "

Uncle Dashan nodded hurriedly, he ordered Er Gouzi and others to collect the tiger's blood, don't waste the blood of the red flame demon tiger.

Tiger blood, but extremely precious, ordinary tiger blood is worth a lot of gold, not to mention the tiger blood in a powerful fierce beast like the red flame demon tiger?

Lin Feng looked at the unicorn rhinoceros and said lightly, "Beef is also good. I haven't eaten beef for a long time."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the unicorn rhinoceros was almost not scared to death.

Seeing Lin Feng killing the Red Flame Demon Tiger in seconds, the unicorn rhinoceros knew that the human in front of him was simply not capable of countering it.

However, how could such a powerful human being be mixed with a group of mountain villagers?

This makes the unicorn rhinoceros extremely puzzled.

Soon the unicorn rhinoceros thought of a certain possibility.

The beast emperor entrenched in the depths of the jungle ordered several beast kings to launch a group of beasts to find an injured human monk.

Could the injured human monk be the one in front of him?

He was rescued by the people in the mountain village?

So when Lord Beast Emperor was going to kill him, would he disappear?

The unicorn rhinoceros sensed Lin Feng's physical condition, and suddenly, he found that the human in front of him was indeed injured, the breath was a little chaotic, and there seemed to be a serious injury in Dantian.

Dan Tian's injury was either a road injury or a source injury.

Dao injury is estimated to have long since died.

So he was injured by the source?

The unicorn rhino beast suddenly had the urge to scold the mother.

After being injured so badly, how terrible will it be if the injury is restored?

"Son, I am willing to surrender, don't eat small ones."

The unicorn rhinoceros quickly knelt on the ground.

Lin Feng said lightly, "You've got some glances. I heard that many monsters know the technique of change. Do you know the secret technique?".

"Slightly know one or two". The unicorn rhinoceros said quickly.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "You will turn into a green cow, guard the mountain village, are you willing?".

"Small nature is willing".

One hundred rhinoceros beasts did not dare to speak out of their hearts. They could only say what was contrary to their wishes.

Uncle Dashan and others are all surprised to see.

"What is the purpose of you fierce beasts?" Lin Feng asked.

"It is the Jinwu Beast Emperor lurking in the depths. I heard that a powerful human monk was injured, so let us find out." Daqing Niu said cautiously.

Lin Feng sneered and said, "It seems that this golden beast emperor is looking for me, does he want to devour me?".

"Little I don't know". Daqing Niu said tremblingly.

The crowd returned to the mountain village.

Lin Feng put a ban on the soul of Daqingniu, and he was not afraid of running away.

As long as it dares to escape or harm the people in the mountain village, the prohibition will kill the soul of the big green cow. This is known to the big green cow itself. The origin, the rest do not know.

Many naughty children in the mountain village even climbed onto the big green cow and let the big green cow carry them to play.

"The blood of this demon tiger is all taken out, it can be mixed with some herbs, boiled with holy snake tripod, everyone in the village is soaked, can strengthen the body, as for the tiger meat, the tiger bones are all baby, do n’t Take it out and sell it for your own use. These things are enough to create many masters. "

Lin Feng said to the patriarch and others.

The old patriarch and others naturally know the value of the red flame demon tiger. This demon tiger is full of treasure, which can change their village and make the originally weak village stronger.

The big green cow outside was able to protect the safety of the village, and he would never have to worry about life in the future.

"Thank you Shangxian". The old patriarch and others saluted Lin Feng.

Lin Feng quickly supported the old patriarch and said, "Old man, don't be so courteous. Unless your life-saving grace, the juniors may have died tragically in the mountains and forests. In the future, please call me the same as before."

The old patriarch nodded and said kindly, "Go back and rest after a busy day."

Lin Feng nodded and went back after a brief chat.

In the middle of the night Lin Feng was awakened.

Because he felt an amazing wave coming from the depths of the jungle.

He came out of the house and looked into the distance.

I saw the depths of the jungle and there was a fairy sky, I don't know if there are any amazing treasures to be born.

"Where is that?" Lin Feng looked at the big green cow who was also alarmed.

"That was Death Jedi, Xianxie Mountain ...".

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