Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1062: Old demon (7 more)

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Xue Dingqiu and Xie Zichen continued to stay faceless and left quickly, while Xie Wufeng and Xue Toutian were still kneeling outside Lin Feng's courtyard.

But obviously everyone knows that now Lin Feng and the three-headed cobra and the swallowing devil clan's grievances are getting deeper and deeper. These two forces are not fuel-efficient lamps, and they will definitely not give up.

Jin Lao came to Lin Feng's courtyard and saw Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan enjoying tea in a self-satisfied way. They shook their heads helplessly and said, "It's all messed up outside, you friends are so laid back, really admirable." .

Lin Feng smiled slightly and said, "Anyway, whether I show up or not, this grudge will grow deeper and deeper, and I have nothing to worry about."

"The masters of these two families are like clouds, and the little friends should still be careful." Jin Lao said.

Lin Feng nodded, and Mr. Jin left after a while in Lin Feng.

Three days later, the prohibition dissipated, and Xie Wufeng and Xue Tombian's anger stunned and passed away. The two of them were taken away by the monks of the three-headed cobra family and the swallowing devil toad family, respectively.

The three-headed cobra tribe and the swallowing demon toad clan seem to have been quiet. This period of time has been relatively low-key, but everyone knows that these two tribes are definitely not the masters who have taken the loss and did not fight back. They must be waiting for an opportunity.

Soon after, news came that the three-headed cobra clan "evil demon dragon" and the swallowing demon toad clan "Xue Buxian" were rushing to the Dapeng royal land. This event caused an uproar, even Jin Shengyuan and Long Yuxi After arriving at Lin Feng, he advised Lin Feng to leave quickly.

Both the evil demon dragon and Xue Buxian are supreme and arrogant, and their strength is unfathomable, even though the older generation of strong men are not their opponents.

Now that the two have arrived, it is likely that they want to come to slash Lin Feng.

Many people are paying attention to this matter.

Lin Feng did not intend to leave. He was not afraid of anyone. Even in the face of these top arrogances, he was not afraid.

What's more, Lin Feng also wants to find a few top Tianjiao to play against, try what level of his current cultivation practice?

Princess Xueyao also came to Lin Feng and said, "I know you will not leave, but you must be careful of the evil demon dragon and Xue Muxian, the two of them are pure blood monks."

A pure blood monk is a monk who awakens a special bloodline 100%.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "I will be careful of these two".

Princess Xueyao said, "There are some differences between the pure blood monks of the human race and the pure blood monks of the demon race. The pure blood monks of the demon race can return to their ancestors."

"Back to ancestor? What does this mean?". Lin Feng asked.

Princess Xueyao said, "When you return to your ancestors, you will get a part of your ancestor's ability. Generally, it means you get part of your first ancestor's ability."

After hearing this explanation from Princess Xueyao, Lin Feng's face showed a surprised expression, because the three-headed cobra family and the first ancestor of the swallowing devil toad family are both of the level of the emperor.

If you can get a part of the ability of the emperor, it is too terrible.

Lin Feng said, "It seems that the strength of the evil demon dragon and Xue Muxian is much stronger than I thought."

Princess Xueyao nodded and said, "It is true, so be careful."


The next day, Lin Feng held the little moon and went to play in a beautiful garden in the Yaozu tribe.

There are rockeries and rocks, the bridge is gurgling, and the little moon chasing Beibei and Dragon Rabbit happily.

Her age is the most innocent, innocent and provocative.

There is a peach garden here, about 100 acres in size, very beautiful, little moon chasing Beibei and Dragon Rabbit into the peach garden.

Lin Feng also followed in with a smile, he hoped that Little Moon could grow up in such a happy and happy way.

Little Moon is very dependent on Lin Feng, and Lin Feng also likes the little moon, so he wants to protect the safety of the little moon.

There is an old man in Taoyuan in front of him. He is too old, he hangs on his body, there is a life of death, and he seems to have little life.

"Little girl, what is your name?". The old demon was very kind and looked at the little moon with a smile.

"My name is Little Moon"!

The clear voice of Little Moon came out.

The old demon froze for a moment, then reached out and rubbed Little Moon's head and said, "Go play."

"Grandpa, goodbye"!

Little Moon waved politely to the old demon, and then bounced towards Bebe and Dragon Rabbit not far away.

"Human beings live for a lifetime, and the plants and trees fall, but now they are blooming, but after all, they are only short-lived. After a while, they will wither away, and in the end, they will just be empty." Looking at the peach blossoms in front of him, the old demon sighed with emotion.

Lin Feng came and said, "Once it bloomed, what if it fades? I don't care about it forever, I only care about what I have."

The old demon looked at Lin Feng, frowning slightly, and said, "I've worked hard all my life, but in the end it's just empty, do you have no complaints?".

Lin Feng said, "Our youth, our years, as long as we work hard, even if it is empty? Even if there is no regrets."

"Hum, crooked evil, and monks' practice is to fight against the sky. If they die, their efforts in this life will be in vain. In the end, it would be better to enjoy life at a young age." The demon retorted.

"Actually speaking, the older you are, the more you are afraid of dying. You old people are afraid that you have already forgotten your original intention of practicing? Now you are worried about the end of life every day. It ’s the older the more confused. ”

Lin Feng said lightly.

"Boy, do you dare to satire an old man like this?". The old demon blows his beard and glares his eyes.

Seeing that the old demon was about to go viral, Lin Feng dared to stay and ran towards the distance. He ran and yelled, "I haven't satirized you old, just tell the truth."

Disappeared in a blink of an eye.

After Lin Feng left, the old man smiled and muttered to himself, "I haven't seen such an interesting young man for a long time. He was right, once bloomed, even if withered? Don't care about the long time, only care about once owned" .

In the next few days, it has been rumored that there will be five powerful powers of the demon clan coming.

The five demon clan forces are the peacock clan, the Tianlong clan, the nine-tailed fox clan, the blood demon clan, and the snow girl clan.

These five races are all well-known forces of the demon clan. The peacock sage of the peacock family is the main force of the sky, and it is one of the top powers of the Tianwu Continent.

The Tianlong family is also extremely powerful as a branch of the dragon family.

The Nine-tailed Fox tribe is relatively mysterious, but this tribe has always been strong.

The Xue Nu clan is in the endless snow mountain of Xue Shenzhou. For the rest of the forces, this clan is full of mystery.

The blood demon family is a relatively active group on the Tianwu continent. The blood demon sage is a nearly invincible character in the Tianwu continent.

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