Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1101: Shock

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"Everyone, my lord invites you in." A middle-aged man came out.

Someone recognized the identity of this middle-aged man, called Nangong Fa!

This person is not simple, but he is a famous strong man in the East County of Shenzhou. He is ranked second among the top ten loose repair masters.

"Nangong Fa is said to exist beyond the realm of Yin and Yang"!

"The powerful person in the Yin-Yang realm is already like a god, beyond the Yin-Yang realm. How terrifying is that?".

"But Nangong Fa seems to be just an errand."


Many people are talking about it, and they are getting more and more shocked. The legendary characters are now errands. I really do n’t know where the big man who appeared in Qinglong Academy is sacred.

All the powerful people waiting outside showed their joy, and they followed Nangong Fa and walked towards the Qinglong Academy.

Nangong Fa, Zhang Ning, Xu Chen, and Liu Xinyu are the four masters in the imperial capital.

They were all solicited by the lonely, they learned to Lin Feng and quickly came to protect Lin Feng.

These four people knew that Lin Feng was the real master. Lin Feng also heard about Lin Feng's deeds, and now he came to surrender and wanted to fight for the future.

If Lin Feng rises in the future.

These monks who came to surrender in the early days will inevitably fly to Huang Tengda.

Originally, the four thought Lin Feng was amazingly talented, but after all, he was still young, and his cultivation base should not be so strong, but when they saw Lin Feng, they knew they were wrong.

When the four people faced Lin Feng, they felt a kind of high-altitude, even though they faced some ancient giants, none of them had such a feeling.

What does this mean?

This shows that the master who has turned to himself is only afraid that he can overwhelm the ancient giants.

The thought of Lin Feng was so old when he was only twenty-five years old, all four were ecstatic.

A group of people carefully followed Nangong Fa.

Nangong Fa is in front of these big figures in the Yin-Yang realm, it definitely needs them to look up.

Many students from Qinglong Academy have already gathered here at Longmen, and seeing so many big people who want to see each other in groups come to see Lin Feng in groups, the shock in everyone's heart is difficult to use language Described.

"Brother Lin Feng is not much older than us?" Someone said.

"Yeah, it's been less than ten years since I left Qinglong Academy!" A student said.

"I really hope that we can be so majestic in the future"! Many students are looking forward to it.

With dreams in mind, this is the driving force for many people to practice.

If there is no dream, what is the difference between alive and salted fish?

"Master, everyone has arrived"! Nangong Fa stood outside the living room and told him.

"See Young Master Lin"! Many people stood outside to salute.

"Well, your mind, I already know, you come in too." Lin Feng said.

These people were overjoyed and poured into the living room.

The living room of the Longmen is very large, and it is not a problem to accommodate hundreds of people.

After everyone came in, they found that Lin Feng was talking with Wen Ren Canglan.

Wen Ren Canglan is the vice president of Qinglong Academy, and many people know him.

It's just that no one has deliberately made acquaintance.

After all, Wenren Canglan is not young, and cultivation is only the pinnacle of Wuwang Realm.

Now that Qi and blood are defeated, don't even think about cultivating to the Yin-Yang realm.

Therefore, people like Wenren Canglan, in the eyes of many forces, are not worth the effort and friendship.

But today I saw that Lin Feng's attitude towards Wenren Canglan is obviously different from that of others. These people know that Wenren Canglan is only afraid of having an unusual relationship with Lin Feng.

Many people couldn't help being annoyed secretly. Why didn't they investigate this matter before?

Now I want to get in touch with Wenren Canglan, I'm afraid it's not an easy task.

"Your teacher sent a letter some time ago and asked about your situation. I told him something I knew." Wen Ren Canglan chats with Lin Feng like La Jiachang, and the teacher he refers to refers to the enlightenment teacher Sun Tiantu above Lin Feng's formation.

"I don't know what happened to his old man?". Lin Feng asked with concern.

"Everything is good, now travel around"! Wenren Canglan said with a smile.

"That would be great. If the teacher came back, my predecessors would send someone to inform Nangong Fa and let Nangong Fa inform me that I would come to see the teacher. I haven't seen the teacher for many years, and I miss it very much!" Lin Feng said.

"It's rare that you have this filial piety!" Wenren Canglan smiled.

The two chatted for a while.

Talked about many trivial things.

However, Lin Feng likes this kind of warm dialogue rather than entanglement of interests. In simple words, there is warmth.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Seniors have been immersed in the peak of the Wuwang realm for many years. Have you ever thought of breaking through barriers and achieving the Yin and Yang realm?".

Wen Ren Canglan sighed and said, "I am 152 years old this year, and my blood is defeated, there is no hope of breakthrough."

Wuwang Realm has 200 years of life. At this age of Wenren Canglan, he is actually old.

Lin Feng smiled slightly and said, "This is not a difficult thing. Seniors, you closed your eyes and learned the exercises!"

Wen Ren Canglan suddenly shuddered and looked at Lin Feng in surprise. A thought suddenly appeared in his heart, and he couldn't help becoming excited.

"Can it?"

In the living room, many people looked at each other, they also thought of the possibility, many people could not help but take a breath.

Lin Feng wants to help Wenren Canglan break through the realm of Yin and Yang?

Think about it, it makes people feel unreal.

How easy is it to break through the realm of Yin and Yang?

What's more, with the help of external breakthroughs, it is almost impossible to increase the difficulty level by a factor of a hundred, or even a few hundred times.

For Lin Feng, Wen Ren Canglan has an inexplicable sense of trust.

He doesn't care whether others believe that Lin Feng has the ability to do this, Wen Ren Canglan heart believes Lin Feng.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and started to practice the exercises.

Lin Feng took out the source of a **** and directly into the body of Wenren Canglan.

At the same time, the powerful mana in his body envelops this divine origin and refines the power of the divine origin.

The origin of God is refined into the purest energy, and then flows through the body of Wenren Canglan.

Such as the Taotao River.

Running endlessly.

All the energy comes to mind.

Converged to Zifu.

There are Zifu points in the mind, rushing away from the Zifu to generate mana.


Pentium's original source of energy instantly rushed away from the purple house that smelled of people.

A powerful mana escaped from Wenren Canglan's body.

"Mana! Really mana! Wen Canglan has broken through the realm of Yin and Yang!".

"Break through the realm of yin and yang, Shou Yuan Li Motor to the millennium, that is the ancient giant"!

"Mr. Lin even created a strong man in the Yin and Yang realm, which is simply a miracle!"

In the living room, the powerful of all major forces were deeply shocked.

Many people shouted hysterically.

The shock in my heart is as good as seeing the coming of the true God.

Lin Feng was already like a **** in their hearts and needed them to look up.

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