Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1123: Encountered resistance!

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"This man is really brave!"

The witch Guanlian stared closely at Lin Feng with a pair of wonderful eyes, and the light in her eyes also rose to the moon hall.

Not only the witch Guanlian, but the barbarian long-legged beauty looked at Lin Feng's eyes, too.

"The flesh can become a god, is this person too averse?". The barbarian cute girl with all kinds of trinkets on her body opened her pink lips slightly, her face full of surprise.

Many days of arrogance are really shocking. The phrase that the flesh can become a **** is actually saying that in the future, Lin Feng ’s flesh can fight the gods.

This sounds incredible, but it is not impossible.

Like the most powerful dragon family among dragons, the flesh can fight gods.

Another example is the Taikoo Dragon Elephant family, the flesh can also fight the gods.

However, human race monks, it is more difficult to physically kill gods.

Because the superiority of human race monks is not physical, but "perception."

Human monks are not powerful, but they have strong comprehension and are able to enlighten many deep magical powers. They have developed spirit formation, refining, refining, etc., which is unmatched by other races.

However, Lin Feng not only realized that the ability is strong, the body is still so tyrannical, it would be too terrifying.


"The Taiko Dragon Elephant tactics are really powerful. My physical body surpasses the gods and spirits of the same level. In theory, I can reach the forty-first weight with my physical body.

Lin Feng took a deep breath.

However, after reaching the forty-first weight, Lin Feng had to run mana to resist the strong pressure here.

Stone steps above forty weight are not comparable to those under forty.

The limit of Lin Feng's flesh is to reach the forty-first weight.

When the majestic mana in the body worked, Lin Feng felt the pressure on his body swept away.

He can reach the forty-one weight with his physical body. When the mana is working, the pressure of the forty-one weight is naturally difficult to hurt Lin Feng.

"I don't know how many heavy stone steps this person can reach?".

Many people looked to Lin Feng, wondering where Lin Lin's limits are.

Many people think that Lin Feng may be able to challenge the stone steps above 90.

Ten years ago, Huangfu Qingtian once stepped on a stone stairway of over ninety weights and finally stopped at the ninety-three weights. It caused an uproar at the time, and I don't know how many people were shocked.

After Huangfu Qingtian set foot on the 93rd heavy, some supreme Tianjiao, who originally wanted to climb the 99th heavy stone stairs, finally chose to give up.

Because they were worried that if they could not climb the 93rd heavy stone stairs.

Then it is a major blow to self-confidence.

Huangfu Qingtian was on the 93th heavy stone stair because he climbed the board, and he established his reputation as the most respected one in one fell swoop.


Lin Feng stepped up.



Forty-fourth weight.





Until the fifty-first heavy, Lin Feng stopped.

"Crossed the ten stone steps again! Moreover, now he only uses mana, and many powerful methods are not used."

"Yeah, this is too shocking."

The monks in the mountains were amazed. Until now, many people felt like they were dreaming.

"If you simply operate mana, you should not be able to continue to move up, you must use some other means." Said a magic master.

The witch squinted her eyes and said, "This man's means are enough to shock the world."

The rest nodded. The witch Kunwan wasn't just beautiful. She was one of the most powerful young generations in the magic road. Her vision was extremely unique, and she rarely looked away.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Lin Feng. At this time, Lin Feng stepped up again.

He condensed "Xingtian war intention".

This kind of 'potential' has a will to disobey the heavens and the earth.

It is most suitable for resisting the powerful oppressive forces descended by the 99th heavy stone steps.

Soon Lin Feng came to the 60th heavy stone staircase. When he came here, Lin Feng felt that the pressure had doubled, and he condensed the second potential, which was superimposed on the first potential.

Lin Feng resisted all the pressure and came to the 61st heavy.

Everyone in the forest looked at this scene dumbfounded, because they felt that Lin Feng did not seem to have encountered too many difficulties and obstacles, and had come to the 61st heavy stone steps.

Illusory shadows appeared around.

This is the mark left by the monk who reached the stone steps in the past.

Like a female monk named Gaoqin, Lin Feng had heard of this woman, a figure of 23,000 years ago, who had practiced a Jiazi for a period of time, and had already practiced the reincarnation state, and then left the Tianwu Continent. It should be to mainland Kyushu. .

Another example is a male monk named Wang Gang, who was a figure of 19,000 years. He broke through the realm of reincarnation in 127 years, and then spent another thousand years in Tianwu Continent before leaving Tianwu Continent.

Of the characters who can brand their names on the stone steps weighing more than sixty, which one is not the existence of ghosts and gods?

Lin Feng continued to walk up step by step.

Sixty-second heavy stone steps!

Sixty-third heavy stone steps!


Seventyth heavy stone steps!


Seventy-fifth heavy stone steps!


When Lin Feng came to the 75th heavy stone staircase, he had to bless the third potential to resist the powerful oppressive forces emanating from the stone staircase.

After the third kind of "potential" blessing, Lin Feng's body pressure has been reduced a lot.

Seventy-sixth heavy stone steps!

Seventy-seventh heavy stone steps!


80th heavy stone steps!


"I'm going to step on the 81st heavy stone step. Once I step on it, there is the potential to become a giant god. Will he be stopped?". Many people said with a trembling voice.

The 81st heavy stone step did not limit Lin Feng, he successfully stepped on the 81st heavy stone step.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng continued to walk up.

Eighty-second heavy stone steps!

Eighty-third heavy stone steps!


Eighty-eighth heavy stone steps!


When Lin Feng came to the eighty-eighth heavy stone staircase, the triple potential superimposed, and had reached the limit.

He lifted his legs to step onto the 89th heavy stone steps.


Lin Feng's flesh was torn, and blood suddenly burst out.

"He has reached the limit."

Many people took a deep breath.

"You have to step back, otherwise, you may be killed," You Tianjiao said.

But Lin Feng did not retreat, but continued to move up.

puff! puff!

Lin Feng has more and more wounds on his body. It is very difficult to climb the 89th heavy stone stairs.

"He wants to die?". Seeing Lin Feng did not give up, many people shook their heads.

Many people feel that if Lin Feng goes on with such a will, he will only have a dead end.

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