Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1135: Set up

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It is very difficult to arrange such a large array of space-time, and it is generally necessary to reach the Holy Order Spirit Array Master before it can construct a complete large array of space-time.

The aliens have a long lifespan. They used time to construct the large formations. It may take only a few months for the Holy Order Spirit Array Masters to arrange a successful large formation. Together, trying their best to endure endless pain, it took 30,000 years to build such a large array, but it is precisely because the level has not reached the Holy Order, there are some more clever places, they are wrongly arranged, or cannot be arranged .

This is the reason why the space-time large array cannot really arrange success.

"Little friend, can this time and space formation be perfect?" Adolf asked nervously.

This is about the life and death of their family.

Now Adolf is also very worried.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Relax, no problem, the basic framework has been completed, only need to improve some mistakes, or omissions, I will show you the array of space-time array later, I will study it carefully a bit".

"that's great……". Adolf and dozens of clan elders are very excited.

If they can be arranged into a large array of time and space, then they have the possibility of returning to their hometowns.

This is how many people dream of it.

Nowadays, it seems that it is really possible to realize that whenever people think of the face of their relatives in their hometown, many people are in tears.

Adolf ordered people to give Lin Feng the complete array of time and space. Lin Feng began to study this array. He tried to use the array method recorded on the array to arrange a small teleportation array, which can be transmitted to a hundred miles away. This made Lin Feng quite happy, because the time and space array that the alien race inherited was so extraordinary.

Split up, it can be arranged into a small range of transmission arrays.

If it is arranged into a large-scale formation, it can even transmit across time and space. The value of such a formation is incalculable.

Lin Feng helped the aliens to perfect the large formation, and at the same time they were able to learn such a powerful time and space teleportation large formation, which is definitely the last big harvest.

Lin Feng's current level of spirit array division is the level of high-level spirit array division. It is still very reluctant to arrange this kind of time and space transmission.

However, when Lin Feng was in formation, he used the inheritance of Heavenly Master Taoism and the eyes of the demon snake, so he was able to see where the defects of the Great Array were and how to improve the Great Array.

The only thing that made Lin Feng depressed was that during the formation, he was similarly repulsed by the formation of the soul, and his head was like a split, which was really painful.

This is because Lin Feng's soul power is not enough to fully withstand the majestic information of the complex array of time and space.

However, Lin Feng ’s will is strong, he endures the pain, and constantly improves the large array. Since he has collected the heavenly fruits of the aliens, he naturally has to help others get things done. This is Lin Feng ’s principle of doing things and the benefits of others. I don't help people to do things attentively, this is a problem with character.

When Lin Feng perfected the space-time array, the villagers of several other villages of the Tianwai people successively withdrew, and several villages were attacked by monks during the withdrawal, but fortunately, they were not surrounded by them in time. It also caused a lot of losses, but fortunately, there was no such phenomenon as the destruction of Belinda ’s village.

Outside, Huangfu Qingtian, mask monk, Gongsun Wuxu, Emperor Shengtian, Ning Litao, win the battle day, win the Shaokang, and so on the arrogant days of arrogance came.

The demon dragons of the three-headed cobra clan, Xue Buxian of the swallowing demon toad clan, and Jin Shengfei, the grandson of the Tianpeng king of Nanzhou Overseas World, also arrived.

On the devil's side, the four young masters Yu, Cang, Cloud and Blood came.

There are two masters here on Evil Dao, called "Gongyang Shi" and "Zhang Pingzhi".

They are also great masters.

On the barbarian side, there is a "barb demon little evil king" coming. This is the young patriarch of the barbarian largest force, barbarian evil sect.

With the arrival of the top forces from all sides and the limited nature of the Tao, it is inevitable that extremely fierce fighting will occur.

However, these monks in Tianwu Continent killed each other and robbed Tiandaoguo. That is all for now. The most urgent task now is to break the guardianship of the aliens.


The dense monks began to attack the guardian prohibition of the aliens.

There are about 6,000 people from the old and weak women and children of the Tianwai people.

Many people now look at the dense monks outside in horror.

Once it is broken, it may be like 30,000 years ago, leaving only a small part of the elderly, women and children, let them continue to breathe, continue to cultivate Tiandao fruit trees, and bear the fruits of Tiandao. Most old people, women and children will be brutally killed, and then Tian Jing and Tian Shi will be taken away.

In the distance, many people are watching, including Jiang Yudie, Ji Mingtian and so on.

They did not take action, nor did they stop, because they could not be stopped at all, and their participation was almost double that of them.

It is naturally impossible for the aliens to offend the majority of the Tianwu continent's top forces. Now, it is already extremely conscience to be able to hunt the aliens without a shot.

"Boom ..."

"Click click ...".

Under the siege of the monk's army, the large formation that guarded the alien land and land began to crack.

Many women and children were scared and cried, and many elderly people also secretly wiped tears, because the Shouyuan of the aliens is too long, many elderly people were living 30,000 years ago, remember the desperate scene at that time, they looked at the sky A celebrity of aliens was mercilessly beheaded.

Now, is everything going to happen again?

"Patriarch, what now?" An elder asked.

Adolf said, "Let the old, weak women and children go to the teleport valley, we can only hope that the little friend can successfully arrange the time and space formation, and the rest, with me, fight desperately to resist".

"Yes……". Even if some people organize old and weak women and children to the battlefield of teleportation, and more than two thousand monks of outstanding strength of the aliens are outside the teleport valley, ready to fight for the battle.

Click, click!

After three hours, the large array finally broke.

"Kill ...".

Earthquake-like shouting and killing sounds came out, and monks like tide flooded in.

Adolf's dry and old right hand clenched the long knife in his hand, and his voice was clanging.

"For the loved ones, the **** battle ..."

"For the loved ones, **** battle"! More than two thousand foreign aliens roared together, and instantly killed together with the monk army.


The sound of torn flesh, screaming, mixed together, and came out one after another.

The ground was covered with corpses, including corpses of monks from outside aliens and corpses of monks.

It didn't take long for the blood to flow here.

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