Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1144: Kill

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Lin Feng and Guan Guan were sent out of the desert by the emperor Donghua.

"Life is really a mystery ...". Guan Lan murmured, she experienced a lot of emotions after experiencing things about Emperor Donghua.

Lin Feng said, "The destiny of man is difficult to control in his own hands. He is as powerful as the emperor and cannot control his destiny.

The two left the place with a slightly heavy and sad emotion.

The moon is bright and clear, and the breeze is used to practice.

Lin Feng and Guan Guan experienced many things together.

So the two people's feelings are also much deeper.

This long night, for the beautiful lady alone, there will always be some cranky things in my mind.

I wanted to find a chance to kiss Fang Ze, but the end result was that I was smashed to the ground by a powder fist.

"Tigress ...".

Lin Feng wanted to cry without tears.

Guan Lian said proudly, "Who made you unreliable? I dare not be honest next time? I won't be merciless."

In the middle of the night, Guanlian got up and looked into the distance.

She frowned slightly, glanced at Lin Feng, then skimmed towards the distance.

"We still have tasks and are waiting for you." There was a voice in the darkness.

"Some time is delayed, but it doesn't matter, there is still enough time," said Guan Kun.

"Take care of your business as soon as possible." The existence in the dark said aloud, then disappeared without a trace.

Obviously this is an unusually tyrannical existence, but I don't know what his relationship with Guanlian is.

On the second day, Guanlian said goodbye to Lin Feng, she waved her powder fist with reluctance, and said, "No flowers and grass are allowed, otherwise, be careful I beat you hard."

In fact, the arrival of that person last night could not hide Lin Feng.

What surprised Lin Feng was that Guanlian did n’t leave quietly, but stayed and told herself that she was going to leave and would do one thing. Several top Tianjiao of their magic road teamed up to do it. This is the power of the magic road. Lin Feng should not know a secret in his possession. If he knew it, he would be afraid of killing himself.

"You're leaving, I'm really upset, why don't you leave quietly, say goodbye now, it's really sad," Lin Feng said.

"Of course I want to tell you what I'm going to do and warn you by the way that I can't provoke women everywhere. I don't like sharing my man with other women." Guanlian grunted and said that her character is really bold, and she will never conceal her thoughts or emotions.

Lin Feng found that he really likes the character of Guan Li.

He put Guanlian in his arms and directly embraced the tenderness.

"Ooooo ...". Guanlian struggled, but was hugged by Lin Feng. Slowly, she began to respond.

Perhaps it is because of parting, so it is no longer as resistant as before.

Until Lin Feng's right hand was very unreliable into the clothes.

Guanzhang's eyes widened, and his face was ashamed. He pushed Lin Feng away, glared Lin Feng fiercely, and said, "Shameless."

She sorted out her clothes and then skimmed away.

Fly out of 100 meters and look back. Beautiful big eyes gave Lin Feng a deep look, then turned to leave.

Lin Feng felt a sense of sorrow.

Although Guan Lu is a saint of magic, she has a bold personality, kind and simple.

Such a woman is lovable.

After Guanlian left, Lin Feng did not stay, chose a direction, a person went forward, he went deep into the evil land to fight fierce beasts, looking for elixir, and looking for the ancient Xiudong Mansion.

For such a place, Beibei and Dragon Rabbit are the favorite. The two little guys often leave on an empty stomach, and when they come back, their stomachs will be round and round.

In the depths of the ancient forest mountains, from time to time, powerful beasts roared with rage. Seventy-eight percent of them were robbed of heavenly treasures by the two little guys Beibei and Dragon Rabbit. Got up.

Lin Feng has been precipitating his cultivation practice, and now he is already the ninth heaven cultivation practice of the realm of creation, and then he must prepare for the tenth heaven breakthrough of the realm of creation.

After a period of time, Lin Feng heard a lot of news, and some of the characters of the Supreme Tianjiao level were given the chance to break through to the realm of life and death.

These supreme arrogance can be challenged at a low level.

Now that we have broken through to the realm of life and death, how terrifying it is is unknown.

"It's him ..." Lin Feng passed a monk trading area that day, where he exchanged some things he needed, and when he left, he was recognized.


After passing through a mess of stone hills, Lin Feng was attacked fiercely and violently, and the overwhelming attack moved towards Lin Feng.

No matter how fast Lin Feng responded, he could not avoid these attacks, so he had to fight to resist.

In the end, he was blasted out, his body was drowned with blood, and he was traumatized.

But fortunately, it finally saved a life.

"Boy, life is really big."

A group of monks came, and the leading monk looked indifferent.

"Who are you?" Lin Feng looked gloomy.

He didn't know this person. He had never met each other, but now he was attacked by a sneak attack, which made Lin Feng's unusual anger, and his heart was moved.

"Science Gate! Xue Gui!"

The leading monk sneered.

Lin Feng couldn't help but slightly raised his eyebrows. He had heard of this door of the chemical industry, but it was the top force in the state of chemical engineering. This force is very powerful and can compete with the Temple of Heaven.

"Can we have hatred?" Lin Feng's voice was indifferent.

"You have an inescapable responsibility for the escape of the aliens from the sky. I won't be able to get Tianjing, Tianshi, Tiandaoguo! You Xue should deserve to die", Xue Gui's voice was cold.

"It turned out to be because of this matter." Lin Feng nodded, and he took Taishang Jianzuo silently.

For these people, there is nothing to say, and the ways are different.

Now it is not just a matter of different ways. Both sides are either you dead or I live.

"Kill this kid". Xue Gui's voice was cold.

With his order, nearly one hundred masters besieged Lin Feng together.

"Just take your sword sacrifice."

Lin Feng looked indifferent, he rushed into the crowd and launched a crazy fight with these masters.

Lin Feng was torn from the body with a wound that could clearly see the bone. The injury was very serious. If he was replaced by someone else, he would have died many times, but his undead bloodline was too strong, and he continued to repair the injured body. Lin Feng did not When he died, the monks who besieged Lin Feng were continuously killed by Lin Feng, and their number continued to decrease. In the end, these monks were terrified when they were killed by Lin Feng.

Xue Gui is the strength of the Vanguard giant level, and its combat power is equivalent to the eighth heaven of the Vanguard giant. If it can defeat Lin Feng before, but Lin Feng refines Tian Dao Guo and the blood of the emperor and cultivates into a big advance, Xue Gui is no longer Lin Feng ’s opponent.

Lin Feng carried the three-handed sword to Xue Gui.

Under the operation of Taishang's sword control tactics, three swords, one sword after another, beheaded towards Xue Gui.

Xue Gui was tired of coping with it. Lin Feng seized a rare opportunity to cast a restrained magnetic field to restrain Xue Gui. Then he held the black dragon sword suspended in front of him, shouted, and pierced Xue Gui's chest with a sword.

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