Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1146: First match

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Yan Qiankun is surrounded by divine light, and as one of the five masters of the Taoist Gate, his strength can be described as reaching the realm.

He came with his hands on his back, he was extraordinary, calm and calm. It seemed that no matter what kind of things he faced, Yan Qiankun could control the initiative in his own hands.

Just like Yan Qiankun is facing Lin Feng now, he said aloud, "Your Excellency is so talented that you can admire it very much, but talent is not equal to strength. If the strength is not improved, the best talent is also in vain. Renjie buried in another country? ".

Lin Feng said, "It seems that you want me to be buried here!"

"I do have this plan"! Yan Qiankun came step by step.

"Kill me the man of the chemical gate. No one can save your life in this sky and underground."

Yan Qiankun is very strong, and he has absolute self-confidence in himself. He shot Lin Feng and exhibited a hand of Qiankun.

Dry for the day.

Kun is local.

The meaning of Qiankun is as broad as the sky and as heavy as the earth. This hand of Qiankun condenses a huge palm. This palm captures the world and captures the sun and the moon, which makes Lin Feng feel the vastness of the universe. The endless breath of the earth is like no matter how struggling you are, don't want to struggle out of this palm.

"Great, really ..."

Lin Feng marveled in his heart, that Yan Qiankun's cultivation has definitely broken through the realm of life and death, but Yan Qiankun himself is a character of Tianjiao. His realm should be only the first stage of the realm of life and death. At the level, you can show the combat strength of high-level cultivation.

Yan Qiankun's combat power is probably equivalent to the ordinary life and death realm of the nineth heaven, and even the tenth heavenly monk's combat strength, so it is unusually arrogant.

Of course, Lin Feng's strength has been greatly improved, and he is not afraid of this person. In the face of Yan Qiankun's hand, he is exhibiting the ancient magical power of the Taikoo Star Picker.

In the void, an energy hand was also condensed, colliding with Yan Qiankun's attack.


There was a loud noise.

The attack of the two blasted together, and then both were annihilated.

The confrontation between Lin Feng and Yan Qiankun was completed between electro-optical flints. At this time, Yan Qiankun exhibited a second magical power.

"Qiankun reincarnation"!

The monstrous mana surged out, condensing two **** gates in the void, the first **** gate said heaven.

The ground is written on the second gate.

This is the gate of heaven and earth.

The two **** gates were suppressed towards Lin Feng.

The attacks of these two **** gates are not separate attacks.

It echoes from afar.

A terrible force surged out of the two **** gates. The two **** gates seemed to be transformed into the gates of reincarnation, and Lin Fengzhen should be killed in the void.

"My move to the reincarnation of heaven and earth merged with the power of heaven and earth and the power of reincarnation, and condensed the door of reincarnation of heaven and earth.

Yan Qiankun sneered. Obviously, he was extremely confident in the magical power he exhibited.

Of course, this magical power.

It is indeed very tyrannical.

"Pride is too early, see me breaking your door to the world of reincarnation."

Lin Feng shouted, walking in the void.

Five Emperor Dragon Fist, swept out directly.

Behind him, the phantoms of the White Emperor Golden Dragon, the Wood Emperor Green Dragon, the Water Emperor Black Dragon, the Fire Emperor Red Dragon, and the Yellow Emperor Dragon.

The Five Emperors wore the robe of the Holy Emperor and stepped on the dragon.

Between heaven and earth, the avenue resonates, the smallpox falls and the golden lotus flows.

This is because Lin Feng cultivated the Five Emperor Dragon Boxing to a satisfactory level. The Five Emperor Dragon Boxing is a magical element of five elements, which can resonate with heaven and earth.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Punch and punch out.

Thirty-six consecutive punches came out.

Click, click!

The gate of the reincarnation of Yan Qiankun's world was destroyed by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng pointed to the world and punched Yan Qiankun with one punch.

Yan Qiankun was surprised, he did not expect his magical power to be broken by Lin Feng.

So when Lin Feng's fist came, Yan Qiankun could only rush.


He and Lin Feng banged together, and Yan Qiankun was suddenly flew out hundreds of meters away. His blood rolled and almost coughed out a blood.

This made Yan Qiankun extremely angry because he was confident that his strength could suppress Lin Feng, but he had just underestimated Lin Feng and was injured by Lin Feng instead.

You can't underestimate a great arrogance, Yan Qiankun couldn't help feeling regret for being too confident.


Lin Feng rushed to Yan Qiankun, he showed off the sky and integrated his body into this magical power. This is the trick that Lin Fengguan's Dapeng king came to understand. Now Lin Feng has become a sword that cuts through the sky and runs through the void Destroy all the worlds, go on with a knife, and the ghosts and spirits will not stay.

"The River of Universe"!

But Yan Qiankun was not so easy to deal with, and in front of Lin Feng's attack a long river emerged in front of him.

This long river, sweeping through the world, is like the Tianhe in the undead world, separating the two from hundreds of millions of miles of time and space.

When Lin Feng's attack came, they were all blocked by the river of Qiankun.

"Boy, your death time is up."


At this time, a cold voice came out, and the four masters swept from a distance, surrounding Xiang Feng.

These four people are Jin Baihan, Mu Qingzong, Shui Xuandao, and Huo Muli.

"There are so many masters at the Forge Gate!"

Lin Feng frowned.

For the rest of the Taikoo forces, it is already good to have a great arrogance like Yan Qiankun.

However, there were four tyranny like this in the Fortune Gate.

Sure enough, it is an ancient force that can compete with the Temple of Heaven.

Lin Feng rises to the sky, no longer loves to fight, if surrounded by five masters, it will be very dangerous.

"Can't go away"!

The five masters sneered. At the same time, they exhibited a magical skill called This is a combined attack. In the void, the majestic mana is interwoven into a giant net of energy. Lin Feng is enveloped in it, and it must be directly wrapped Lin Feng.

"If I want to go, how can you keep me?".

Lin Feng's expression was indifferent, and he tore the mana giant net directly, and then displayed a void shuttle, and disappeared instantly.

"chase……". The top five look gloomy.

The news of the battle between Lin Feng and Yan Qiankun spread out, which caused an uproar, and the door of the chemical industry really shot, to wipe out Lin Feng.

Emperor Shengtian was like a god. He held a war gun and flew in this area where Lin Feng was infested.

"Lin Feng, come out and die, my war gun, can't wait to drink your blood."

Many people's hearts were shaken, and Emperor Shengtian was going to cut Lin Feng, which is bound to be a shocking battle.

"Lin Feng, where are you hiding? Come out and see me quickly, I will cut off your head."

Ning Litao lingered in the endless fairy light, he looked around for Lin Feng's whereabouts and wanted to kill Lin Feng.

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