Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1150: No one in the crystal coffin!

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"Eight World"!

Lin Feng's expression was gloomy. He recognized the secret technique that Zidong came to practice. This is the inheritance of Heavenly Master's Tao. Lin Feng has only seen the introduction, but he has not been able to get the cultivation method of the eight worlds.

This is because the top secret technique inherited by the Heavenly Master Dao, Bafang World, was taken away by the Earth Master.

Every time there is a descendant of Heavenly Master Dao, the Earth Master will send people to siege.

Heavenly Master Taoist people are all in a single line, while Earth Masters have a large number of people.

Although the Master of Heavenly Master Dao often achieves most of the victories by means of extraordinary means, the Master Earth loses a lot.

But in the end, there were some masters of Taoism and Taoism who were beheaded in the same battle with the earth master.

Then some Taoism was lost.

This may be the root cause of the incompleteness of Heavenly Master Taoism.

This is how the Octagon World is lost.

Lin Feng has now become a master of Heavenly Master Taoism. Thinking of this line of ancestors being mercilessly beheaded by people of the Earth Master line, he could not help but feel angry and murderous.

Just because of jealousy ..., the earth master has encircled and suppressed the masters of heaven and earth again and again.

It is really abominable.


"What kind of means is this? What a god!"

"Yes, this method is too terrible, incredible!"

"The geographer's veins are so powerful, the means are magical!"

"Have you ever heard of Master Tian?"

"Naturally I have heard that it is said that this vein is the most venerable one. It seems that everywhere can suppress the vein of the geographer."

"The monk named Lin Feng is the heir to Heavenly Master Dao. If he meets these people in the same vein with the Earth Master, it must be the collision of the needle tip against Maimang. Stealing many inheritances of Heavenly Master's Tao, now the secret technique Zi Zi came to exhibit is called Bafang World, which is said to be the inheritance of Heavenly Master's Tao. "


Many monks were talking in a low voice. Obviously, some monks still know a lot about the matter of the heavenly master and the earth master. They said the origin of the inheritance of the eight worlds and the grievances of the heavenly master and the earth master. .

Many people were amazed. They didn't expect such kind of grievance between Tianshi and Geshi. They now even look forward to seeing the collision between Lin Feng and Geshi.

At that time, it must be brilliant.

For these monks who watch lively, the more intense and exciting, the more they like to watch.


The world of eight directions rises and falls.

When Shenwei came over, they were swallowed up and resolved by the world of all directions.

As one of the top inheritances of the heavenly master, Bafang World has many magical features.

For example, Bafang World can devour a variety of attacks and dissolve these attacks, which is somewhat similar to mana immunity, but it is essentially different from mana immunity.

For another example, the eight worlds are cultivated to a high level, the eight illusory worlds will condense into the power of the law of time and space, and the eight worlds around the body will rise and fall, taking one step, just like crossing the eight small worlds, this is one The door can be called the magical speed of the sky.

This magical power is not the same as the golden body wings, and the empty shuttle.

The wings of the golden body are flying, and the shuttle of the void is a long-distance shuttle in the void.

The Octagon World is walking.

Step on the ground, step out, and span the distance of eight small worlds.

It's much smarter than the shuttle to the sky.

Of course, it is extremely difficult to cultivate to that level. If you cultivate to the level of the gods, you might be able to achieve it.

But no matter how you say, this eight-faced world is an extremely anti-Taoist tradition. This is the inheritance of Heavenly Master Taoism. Now it is taken away by the Earth Master. Lin Feng is now very angry. Come from the East and **** back the inheritance that belongs to Tianshi Taoism.

Under the protection of Octagon World, Zi Donglai finally came to the **** corpse and artifact.

Rao is the calm character of Zidong, and now also excited.

He sacrificed mana and wanted to collect all the two **** corpses and two artifacts.

But at this time.

A force destroying the sky escaped from the two **** corpses.

At that moment.

Everyone even thought that the two **** corpses did not die.

They just slept.

Now, it is coming back to life.

This is naturally a shocking and moving scene, and it is unbelievable.

Before the two **** corpses have not been any abnormal, even if there is a divine power.

That is also the divine power possessed by the divine corpse itself. Even if the **** is dead, the divine power will not dissipate completely.

And now the terror that emanated from it was more like the **** after being blasphemed, angered by thunder.


That horrible force bombarded Zidong, and the Eight Kingdoms began to crumble.

Zidong's look changed greatly, and he quickly backed away.

But Zidong came to disaster.

The world of the Eight Sides was broken, and he was blown out by the horror from the two gods.


In the air, Zidong vomited blood.

He fell heavily on the ground, his face pale as paper, apparently just a blow, and he was hit hard.

"Brother ..." The disciple of the geologist quickly ran over to help Zidong come up, poured out the healing medicine and took it for Zidong.

Zi Dong's face just looked better.

"Purple Zidong all failed." Many people were horrified. At first, everyone thought that Zidong could succeed.

But thinking of the breath from the two **** corpses just now is really terrifying. It seems quite normal for Zidong to fail.

If it is replaced by another person, it is estimated that it has already died.

And Zidong came to life, enough to illustrate the terrible place of this person.

"Although God is dead, the corpse is still not something we can peep"!

A monk sighed and had given up to collect God's body and two artifacts.

Even the descendant of the earth master, Zi Donglai, failed, not to mention others?

"These two corpses are weird." Lin Feng frowned slightly.

He carefully observed the two **** corpses, although the two **** corpses have completely lost the breath of life.

However, when Lin Feng looked at the two **** corpses, he always felt that there was something wrong with the two **** corpses, but there was nothing wrong with it, Lin Feng couldn't tell, but his heart was covered with a shadow.

"The **** corpse cannot peep, and there is a crystal coffin, and there seems to be a person lying in it. Could it be Xingluo Tianshen?".

"We can't touch those two corpses, let alone the star gods in the crystal coffin?".

Some monks shook their heads and felt that there was no hope. Even if there was a chance here, no one would get it.

But at this time, someone suddenly shouted in horror, "How is the crystal coffin empty? What about the body lying inside?".

Everyone looked away.

Sure enough, the crystal coffin became empty, and the body lying inside had disappeared.

Everyone felt a cold spine and a scalp numbness, and what appeared in front of him was too strange.

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