Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1152: Resurrection of the Corpse (7 more)

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Lin Feng had seen the Yin God in the battlefield of the ancient gods and demons in the past.

Yinshen confessed to being evil spirits, which was caused by evil thoughts after the death of the strong.

However, the strength of Yin Yin appeared in the battlefield of the ancient gods and demons was almost ten thousand miles worse than the Yin Yin in front of him.

Monks have strengths and weaknesses.

The same reason.

Yinshen also has strengths and weaknesses.

The yin **** who appeared in front of him was definitely an arrogant kind.

Lin Feng guessed that this Yin God should be the Yin God transformed after Xing Luo Tian Shen died.

Lin Feng's guess is not without reason.

Xingluo Tianshen was originally the heavenly official of the undead heaven.

He intercepted part of Shengyuan Liquid and caused the high-level officials of Heavenly Court to anger Thunder, beheading him.

Although he succeeded in escaping with the help of Marshal Tianhe, his family was chained and all chopped off.

The Field Marshal who rescued him was also deposed.

It is said that he was later framed and ended in a deadly situation.

Xingluo Tianshen hid in Tibet, time and time again, nine deaths and one life, avoiding the pursuit of heaven.

It is not an exaggeration to describe his later life with a stolen life.

The attack on Xingluo Tianshen was really too great. The tragic death of his loved ones, the old marshal was implicated, and he could only hide around and steal his life.

Xing Luo Tian Shen must have accumulated endless hatred.

After the star Luo Tianshen died, these hatreds turned into evil thoughts.

The more hatred.

The stronger the evil thoughts.

The formed Yin Shen is also more powerful.

Therefore, the Yin God in front of him is almost incapable of confrontation. At least it is not that those people like Lin Feng can confront. It is too horrible.

Throughout the mountain, now the birds are silent, and everyone's horrified eyes are turned to Yin God.

Lin Feng grabbed the two treasures of the Buddha Relic and the Bodhi and kept retreating.

Even though these two Buddhist treasures can hurt the Yin God.

But the Yin God in front of him was too strong, Lin Feng knew.

If this Yin Shen struggles to pay a certain price, he will surely be able to kill him.

So Lin Feng now has to be alert.

Yin Shen's cold eyes looked at Lin Feng, and then his eyes turned to those monks around him.

Everyone backed away, fearing that the Yin God would come out.

Yin Shen did not intend to let anyone go, and he protruded his pale white right hand.

Immediately afterwards, ghost spirits pervaded, covering the sky and covering the sun, covering the entire huge mountainous abdomen.

"He's going to blow it all?". Many people are horrified.


Suddenly, someone offered a treasure.

"Yin"! Gao Long's dragon chanting came out, and a real dragon emerged, spreading his teeth and claws, and rushed towards the Yin God.

This is a girl looking at sixteen or seventy-seven years old, with a quirky look and a baby in her hand.

That's a scroll.

The real dragon flew out of the scroll.

"This is ... Vientiane picture?" After seeing the scroll, a monk suddenly exclaimed.


But second only to the presence of imperial soldiers.

It is rumored that this is a treasure forged by a giant of the giant level.

On the Tianwu Continent, it has a great name.

This is the treasure that the Vientiane Sect inherited.

The girl at such a young age was able to bring out treasures such as the Vientiane figure. Obviously her identity must be extremely extraordinary.

It must be Zongmen's high-level, let her bring a Vientiane picture to defend herself.

"I heard that the head of the Vientiane Sect has a young daughter, and it seems to be only 16 or 7 years old this year. Wouldn't it be the girl in front of you?".

Someone said.

When the real dragon came to fight, the Yin God did not dare to carelessly, and the endless ghost spirit swept the world, condensed ghost claws, and collided with the real dragon.

After a blow, the Yin God was shocked and retreated.

Many of these people took a breath.

Sure enough, it was a Vientiane picture. The power of this baby was so terrible that even the Yin God was shocked.

The real dragon did not continue to attack the Yin God. It is not an easy task to mobilize a magic weapon like the Vientiane Figure, and the consumption is huge.

The girl obviously had a hard time urging this treasure.

The real dragon flew back, and finally flew into the Vientiane map.

"Jin Jie ...".

Yin Shenguai laughed twice, his voice gloomy and sad.

His cold eyes looked at the girl, with a bit of dread. The original Yin God wanted to shoot against the monk in the hillside, but now he was dreaded by the Vientiane figure controlled by the girl, so he didn't start.

This makes a lot of people breathe.

Because for the time being everyone is safe.

Click, click!

Suddenly, the center of the mountain flank split.

Then a Taoist tower slowly rose up, which shocked everyone. What happened?

There was a platform rising from the cracked mountain belly.

"That is……". Someone soon exclaimed, and a golden energy floated above the platform.

In this golden energy, a drop of magic liquid was sealed.

Seeing this drop of magic liquid, everyone's face showed a shocked expression. Could it be the legendary holy source liquid? At the beginning, it was because of the Holy Source Liquid that Xingluo Tianshen would have such a tragic fate. If this is the Holy Source Liquid, the value is too great.

Even Yin Shen's eyes were fixed on Shengyuan Liquid, and Yinshen also wanted to get Shengyuan Liquid.

But now Shengyuan Liquid is still surrounded by a strong prohibition. This prohibition is very terrifying, and the surrounding voids are distorted.

Even the Yinshen did not dare to forcibly break the ban.

At this time, something happened that shocked everyone. The two corpses even opened their eyes. All of them felt a terrible atmosphere. I do n’t know how many years have passed away. How can I still be able to? Open your eyes?

This is too unbelievable.

The two **** corpses were resurrected, and they did not continue to fight.

A **** corpse is armed with a war rifle, and a **** corpse is armed with a sword. Now they and the Yin God have shown a three-legged standing trend. Obviously these two **** corpses are also eyeing the Holy Source Liquid.

Everyone wants to leave quickly from here, but now that this place has been sealed off, it is impossible to leave at all.

A shadow is shrouded in everyone's heart, because the Yin God and the Corpse don't mean to leave the home. Does that mean these three terrible beings want to use them to do something, and the specific thing is unknown. .

Lin Feng frowned slightly, his eyes glanced back and forth between the two great corpses and Yin God, and finally, Lin Feng's eyes turned to the Taoist.

Although the prohibition of the Taoist steadily weakened, the speed of weakening was very slow. Lin Feng's heart jumped suddenly. The Yin God and the two great corpses would not want to kill everyone, use everyone's life as an sacrifice, and destroy the wrapped saint. Prohibition of source fluids?

If this is the case, then it is troublesome.

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