Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1155: Lin Feng ’s mother ’s ancestors (Part 1)

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Lin Feng, who dominates the emperor's body, is unknown, but Lin Feng knows that he was the ancestor of his mother's family. He penetrated the undead world and slapped the demon king of the dead emperor.

This is enough to illustrate the terrible place that dominates the emperor's body.

Before the demon monarch once said, under normal circumstances, Lin Feng needs to break through the **** realm, in order to have a certain chance to recover the blood of the emperor.

Whether it can recover is still unknown.

The God Realm is too far away.

Today, Lin Feng has an opportunity to recover the blood of the emperor, that is, Shengyuan Liquid.

Lin Feng was extremely excited.

He would like to know what kind of physique dominates the emperor's body, so that the ancestors who dominate the emperor's family are so powerful.


The demon went to refine the part of the source fluid he got.

Lin Feng is adjusting his state.

He wants to refine the Shengyuan Liquid in the best condition, and strive to recover the blood of the Emperor.

Shengyuan Liquid was devoured by Lin Feng.

A tyranny of energy emanated from Lin Feng's body.

Lin Feng had an impulse to look up at the sky.

The majestic energy in the body converged into a big ocean, with rough and rough waves, flowing in the body and limbs and the meridians of the whole body.

Lin Feng operated the Taikoo Dragon Elephant Trick, absorbing the energy decomposed by the Holy Source Liquid. Under the operation of the Taikoo Dragon Elephant Trick, this energy gradually integrated into Lin Feng's blood.

Lin Feng did not let the undead blood absorb this energy.

Because, Lin Feng needs to stimulate the blood veins with the energy of Shengyuan Liquid to restore the blood of the dominating Emperor.

Time passed slowly.

I don't know how long it has passed.

Lin Feng suddenly felt his body became hotter and hotter, and his whole body was hot.

He even felt that his blood was burning.


Among the Dantian, the five swallowed martial spirits were working.

The swallowed Wuhun was inherited from his mother.

Now the five swallowed the martial souls into one.

The mana and blood in Lin Feng's body are gathered in Dantian.

This is the core area of ​​the monk and the power area of ​​the monk.

"Your time, dominate emperor blood, heaven is indestructible, eternal immortality."

Suddenly, Lin Feng heard a melodious voice, seeming to cross the endless time and space, from the beginning of the world, to this time and space.

Lin Feng felt that his mind had entered an ancient world.

This world is hazy, and the world is still cloudy.

The sky is not high.

The ground is not thick.

All creatures have not yet conceived.

There are only some innate holy spirits. They existed in the world earlier than the earth.

"Big guy, take the axe in your hand and split the world. Don't you think the sky is low, the ground is thin, this world is very boring? Let the sky be higher and the ground thicker, so that it is interesting."

A hazy figure said to a behemoth lying on the ground.

"I am called Pan! Not a big guy"!

"Pan" was so angry that he lifted the axe beside him and hacked towards the hazy figure.

Pangu is a world open, in fact, Pangu's name is "pan".

Ancient means great.

The origin of Pangu is because descendants obtained a name in order to sacrifice him, which represents the respect for ‘pan’.

"Nuwa, I think this world is too boring, although the sky is high and the ground is thick, but the creatures in this world are not interesting." The hazy figure appeared in a beautiful ancient forest, and said to a woman with a snake head.

Nu Wa is also an innate holy spirit.

Before the world opened, she was already born.

"You let the disk split the world, but the world is unstable, causing the world to fall apart. I have to use colorful **** stones to fill the sky and chaotic **** stones to fill the land, so now you better be honest and don't trouble us anymore. Nu Wa said angrily.

"After the opening of the world, you see, flowers, trees, etc. have been born, and there is a lot of vitality, but this is a great fortune." The hazy figure said.

Nu Wa is silent.

Because she also likes the world now.

In the past, the world was muddled and white, like if it had become eternal, the innate holy spirits slept most of the time.

day to day.

Year after year.

It's like those old congenital holy spirits until they grow old.

After opening up the world.

The sky is high, the ground is thick, there are flowers and trees, big rivers and mountains, this world is very beautiful.

Many innate holy spirits no longer sleep, but roam between heaven and earth.

"Nuwa, you have the ability to make life, I think you can make some souls." Said the hazy figure.

Nu Wa's eyes shone slightly, and she was moved.

This world, only the words of the innate Holy Spirit, is indeed too lonely.

If some creatures are reproduced, they can add a lot of bright colors to this lonely world.


I don't know how long it has passed.

One era after another.

Humans from Ru Mao drink blood to establish a complete cultivation system.

Of course, in this world, there are not only human beings, but also demons, demons, ghosts, monsters ... etc., There are all kinds of creatures.

I don't know when, there is an immortal realm. This immortal realm is mysterious and powerful. Countless creatures yearn to enter the immortal realm, but suffer from no way.

"Life is really lonely like snow ...".

A handsome young man marched among the stars.

He sneaked out of the family, and after the initial curiosity, he felt very boring.

"Disturb our deep sleep"!

The overlord of the starry sky, an archaic dragon elephant roared.

"Snapped"! The young man slapped the Taikoo Dragon Elephant out with a slap.

"How to say? Not big or small." The young man squinted at the Taikoo Dragon Elephant.

The Archaeological Dragon Elephant is so depressed. He is the overlord who ruled dozens of star fields around him. He was slapped and flew, which made the Archaeological Dragon Elephant extremely depressed.

Taikoo Elephant rushed up, trying desperately with the young man.

"It's too weak, don't bother me."

The young man slapped again.

Taikoo Dragon Elephant is like the first time.

Was slapped by the young man.

"I ..." Taikoo Dragon Elephant was about to cry without tears. He knew how powerful he was when he met his opponent. It was unimaginable.

"Life is so lonely like snow"! The young man sighed again and turned to leave.

Taikoo Elephant shouted, "If this son is bored, he can go to the legendary undead world, and it is rumored that the master is like a cloud!"

"Undead world?" The young man's eyes shone slightly.

Under the leadership of Taikoo Dragon Elephant, the young man came to the undead world.

It's just that the undead world is surrounded by the crystal walls of the world, and no one can enter it.

"The undead world is too mysterious. It is difficult for people outside us to enter it," said Taikoo Dragon Elephant.


The young man lifted his right fist and punched the undead world into a hole.

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